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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:17 pm |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
The changes we are talking about and voting on in the Karaoke section of the forum are merely a wish list. They will be handed over to admin to see if it is at all possible. They may not be possible. It could be that implimenting the changes we are thinking of would cause a coding nightmare for Phill. None of us want that, I'm sure.
After reading the rules repeatedly, which I have to because I forget them often, a theme persists. They want us to have fun. Phill, admin, and owners, they want us to enjoy ourselves and to share ideas and thoughts. That is pretty generous compared to the last forum I was a member of.
I enjoy the supportive atmosphere here and the fact that Phill is not heavy handed like might be necessary on some websites.
Mutual respect is a must for all to enjoy this website. From what I hear it's not as widespread as it was in the past. This is easy for me to say because I have not been on the receiving end of such bitter words.
Many have suggested doing nothing. That may be our only choice. It's important that we want better for EACH OTHER. Maybe we can find a way of calming the restless souls and moving on.
I mean no disrespect to anyone, I really think we can get along. We are adults and have the responsibilities of such. All we need is a little more respect in some areas.
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 12:29 pm |
Extreme Poster |
Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:46 pm Posts: 3377 Been Liked: 0 time
Very good points there Chuck. If we could all agree to just have fun and respect each other, that would be the ideal solution to the problems we have been discussing and voting on. Plus it would be the easiest route from a technical stand point.
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:10 pm |
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Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2003 11:48 am Posts: 1596 Been Liked: 0 time
Quote: I mean no disrespect to anyone, I really think we can get along. We are adults and have the responsibilities of such. All we need is a little more respect in some areas.
If only...
Unfortunately there are a few people out there who are mad at the world and get great satisfaction out of stirring up the nest. There is not much anybody can really do about them. I think (from what I've seen) most people here are more than competent at taking care of themselves.
A wish list is a good start. It lets the admin here know what the people here feel and want. It's a good thing. There are a lot of paying members here and believe me, the admin wants them to be happy.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:18 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Quote: They want us to have fun. PHiLL (aka webguru), admin, and owners, they want us to enjoy ourselves and to share ideas and thoughts. That is pretty generous compared to the last forum I was a member of.
Quote: A wish list is a good start. It lets the admin here know what the people here feel and want. It's a good thing. There are a lot of paying members here and believe me, the admin wants them to be happy.
Yep. It's my understand this site is owned by Karaoke Scene Magazine. I don't know the ownership, however "Singer's Showcase" certainly wouldn't have been designed by them without having put thought into what THEY opt for in a site. My guess is a few spats in Singer's Showcase isn't the worst thing that can happen to a large business, realistically as Chuck Stated ALL members DO have options and CAN choose to make this site Fun, or Miserable ! Nobody is forced to sub in the Critique area. Since when does subbing in a comments allowed area ever assure any person of all sweet comments coming their way ? That's just not realistic. So, there is an "L" category too... I'd really be curious to hear administrations feelings on these three topics within SS... "C", Comments, and "L" (keeping in mind that if they are kind enough to offer us an explanation regarding their methodology, even THAT'S a luxury few sites feel compelled to explain to their members).
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:27 pm |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
Good, I'm done being serious. It hurts my head and causes my stomach to tighten.
I think a round of spankings are in order, WAITRESS!
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:28 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:46 pm Posts: 3377 Been Liked: 0 time
Perhaps the L option isn't being used to it's advantage often enough? Specific singers who are having problems with malicious comments could just use L and ask for any comments to be sent via PM. At least that way they aren't out there in public view. Of course the public wouldn't be able to see the good comments either. Yet another option among all the other options!
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:31 pm |
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Joined: Sat Jul 09, 2005 12:46 pm Posts: 3377 Been Liked: 0 time
Chuck2 @ Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:27 pm wrote: Good, I'm done being serious. It hurts my head and causes my stomach to tighten.
I think a round of spankings are in order, WAITRESS!
That's why even I was encouraging some serious flirting threads in Charmin's thread the other day. Somedays, I'm just not interested in being serious one bit. :)
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 1:39 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Yes, the "L" option has always existed. But is it the fault of site layout that people don't use it when it's time for them to chill for awhile ? This is my premise. To blame a site offering options for peoples inability to use and sort what's in their individual best interest is a type of "cutting the nose to spite the face". It's a request for options to be limited, not expanded.. Here's an example, If Jian wants a public "C" in SS, and I offer him one that he likes, however MANY seem to dislike it, that's life.... It doesn't mean I'm wrong by going against the grain in giving a person submitting in "C" a Critique.. I also have the option of knowing I am going against a room grain but not caring because I realize (and Jian realizes) in such an example what I did was the correct thing for both himself, and me (despite onlookers and sidewalk foreman throwing eggs saying Kappy is being a bastard and being mean)... There's an element of maturity, and confidence required to retain autonomy in ANY group. Similarly people have the option of NOT rubbernecking whenever an SS fight breaks out. More can mind their own business, and NOT encourage spats by side-taking.. There ARE options. These issues aren't the sites fault.. It's abuse of freedoms... ANYBODY who posts in "C", and isn't willing to accept a true "C", is bringing on problems themselves... Critique HAS a dictionary definition...LOOK IT UP ! Ignorance (of what the term actually means) IS NOT an excuse among adults to be whining when they receive that which they specifically requested. Sort've like going into a voting booth, and pushing the wrong lever because you can't read or see.... I just don't understand how so many people could sub in "C", and scream when they receive a "C", or something like it... knowing very well that few qualify to give a "C" anyway.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Shotgun CC
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 3:56 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:59 am Posts: 1174 Location: Upstate Northeastern NY Been Liked: 0 time
Well.. given that they didn't seem to have a HUGE problem implementing the JFF category .... I think that they WILL listen to the wishes of the membership... and do whatever they can .. within programming capability to make things "better".
Ya see Chuck and Steve... you are RIGHT. When they built the SS .... I am sure they thought that it would be "fun" .... to have a ranking system. Good Healthy Competition .. so to speak. I know a LOT of KJ's who think the same thing when they sponsor Karaoke Contests......
Well........ let me tell ya ....... CONTESTS don't work either. They create EXACTLY what is happening on the SS .... and on the boards. ILL FEELINGS between the singers, hostility between the "fans' of each contestant, and inevitably .. ONE happy person ... and waaaaaaaaay too many very unhappy people. Ask anyone who's ever entered a contest and lost it ...... for a reason other than they goofed. If they did a great job.... and didn't win ..... SOMETHING WAS WRONG WITH THE JUDGING .... or the contest, yada yada yada .....
RANKING is a glorified Karaoke Contest .... on the SS ....... and it brings out the very nasty in even the very nicest of people.
We run a karaoke show...... and we will NEVER run a contest that pits our singers against one another. If we did ..... I gaurantee .... we'd have significantly fewer followers.... because those kinds of ill feelings are transfered to the people running the contest .... the people they competed against ..... and even the establishment that hosted the event.
By having a ranking system ...... and then leaving it basically UNSUPERVISED .... SS has created a breeding ground for a lot of nastiness and hurt feelings ... that don't just "go away". I'm sure they didn't do this intentionally ..... but it is what has happened.
And asking people to follow the rules and to agree to be 'friends' .... sounds wonderful .... but we simply don't live in a wonderful world .... and people will be people ... especially people with hurt feelings.
_________________ [shadow=tomato] If you want your significant other to pay attention to EVERY word you say::
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:03 pm |
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Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:26 am Posts: 7441 Location: New Zealand Been Liked: 8 times
wouldnt it just be nice to click on ignore like you can do in yahoo and whoosh the people that are annoying gits are gone. No type seen, no comments received, nothing...It would be ideal in here for the spammers also, hit the iggy button and ya cant see them
_________________ "Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those that matter... Don't mind...And those that mind... Don't matter."

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Shotgun CC
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:07 pm |
Joined: Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:59 am Posts: 1174 Location: Upstate Northeastern NY Been Liked: 0 time
 Vicki ....... :hug:
Yes.. I LOVE the IGGY button on Yahoo, Vicki...... its wonderful.
Well... its off to Karaoke I go. Talk to all you wonderful people tomorrow!!! Hugz ...... :hug:
_________________ [shadow=tomato] If you want your significant other to pay attention to EVERY word you say::
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 4:28 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Right, There's an ignore and disallow feature in the control panel-->profile settings. Too bad it doesn't "white out" all remarks in SS on the bboards, etc. The person having implemented such features could avoid seeing anything from their favorite loathed individuals. Yet even with power tools, the crafty Pains in the butt find ways to get goats
Also, love or hate the current features, being realistic how many other Karaoke forums have this high a mean average of excellent singers ? This site has a VERY high percentage of 7-8 calibre singer. It also has a huge membership base. Administration knows something we might not.
Yes people get angry and leave. Many also return after a cool-off period. Is any forum online with regs exempt from this ?
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:03 pm |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
To me the very most important thing is to follow Bill and Ted's advice.
Be excellent to each other.
Party on.
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Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 2:17 pm |
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:22 pm Posts: 55 Been Liked: 4 times
Hey guys... Respect is always taken advantage of here. Look at the critique system.. I'd like those placing those scores to be shown in there comments.. That could cure some lack of saying what they really mean, or show deliberate actions on an outstanding submission...  .Other then that, we know theres some who could care less and become quite harsh and over due there comments on subs for fun.. Phils seen it for years.. It takes some "work" to re arrange the sites function. Will things change anywhere? Good question..
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Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2007 3:26 pm |
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Joined: Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:26 am Posts: 7441 Location: New Zealand Been Liked: 8 times
Steven Kaplan @ Fri Jan 19, 2007 12:28 pm wrote: Right, There's an ignore and disallow feature in the control panel-->profile settings. Too bad it doesn't "white out" all remarks in SS on the bboards, etc. The person having implemented such features could avoid seeing anything from their favorite loathed individuals. Yet even with power tools, the crafty Pains in the butt find ways to get goats
Also, love or hate the current features, being realistic how many other Karaoke forums have this high a mean average of excellent singers ? This site has a VERY high percentage of 7-8 calibre singer. It also has a huge membership base. Administration knows something we might not.
Yes people get angry and leave. Many also return after a cool-off period. Is any forum online with regs exempt from this ?
I seriously doubt there is any community, online or real, that is exempt Kappy.
it takes a lot to get me to the point I have been recently. But when someone brings out the loathing and disgust I have felt recently I find it hard not to express it.
Yep I have seen many times people say "thats it I am gone, or I wont be subbing in SS for quite some time", then turn up and sub the very next day. So realistically the cool off period is relatively quick
_________________ "Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those that matter... Don't mind...And those that mind... Don't matter."

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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 8:43 am |
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Joined: Mon Sep 27, 2004 6:22 am Posts: 534 Location: USA Been Liked: 25 times
Edited because it was off - topic ( Sorry Room )
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 9:46 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Quote: We are going to be nice to each other and kiss each others bee hind if we want to and we don't care if you and others like you like it or not!!!!!!! and this disagrees with what I stated about majority defining their own terms, and mood in SS how ? As I stated, it works for some, the others deserve a room too. I also described what I felt such a room option can be. Quote: brutal blunt Honesty In a setting where it is called for, and where those offering it are respected by the receiver of such Critique. Where have I requested "Offer general opinions on my character in open forum" ? If you wish to, that's fine I suppose.. Won't hurt me LOL Quote: even though people do not like me posting my songs under L and are letting me know they don't like it!!! Quote: Right now I am not being very nice because "YOU" want Honesty!!!!!
I can handle honesty Jesse. Honesty precludes emotionally charged unsolicited comments though. That's called impinging ones opinion. Which I can also handle (others tantrums) You are entitled to your opinion, HOWEVER those that wish to comment on your "L" submissions IF THEY DO, are dead wrong. If a persons feelings are hurt because they can't comment that's not my problem. It's their own. I won't take the onus regarding the currently flawed people within a system that CAN work. Similarly I haven't asked for a Critique, but the fact that you wish to give me one whether you truly mean it or not doesn't bother me. You have every right to say as you please... I can take it ! Please give me more  , I've been bashed by the best ! I like it  Just substantiate what you state logically.. because what's transpiring in SS isn't my fault. It's those abusing that system (a system that DOES for some reason work for most). Remember, it's hurt feelings leading to emotionally driven comments (such as the one I just received) that's the problem, tantrums ensuing in SS. As to me knowing it all, well, I'm the one who's bashed myself in this sense.. Unless there's a category that I don't know about titled "Critique Kaplan", I haven't seen "my friends" denigrating me yet.. NOW, assuming I *DID* know it all, I still wouldn't comment when you sub'd in the "L" category, nor do I have anything to do with your paid membership, OR harassment in Singer's Showcase. Those participating in such events are the individuals you have problems with. So please don't include ME in those issues, Singer's Showcase isn't a place where *I* do such things, so your seque from SS related problems to my character isn't clear or justifiable, it appears rather I've become a scapegoat for your dissatisfaction in SS. If someone wishes to start a poll, Critique Kappy... Personally I'd think it'd be quite funny, and could laugh at myself even harder than others laughing.  Quote: The last song I posted was Under L and I'm getting complaints Steven!!!
People are saying they don't like not being able to comment, they feel rejected!!!
I've been thinking about what I want to do and the biggest change I would like to see is my upgrade go into effect that I payed for which for some reason has not went into effect yet!!!!
As far as me posting a song.....even though people do not like me posting my songs under L and are letting me know they don't like it!!!! I will still post under L until some changes are made to stop harassment!!!! I will listen to others but will not comment because I am tired of harassment on that end too!!!!
If someone gives me compliments on my song then they are called a fluffer, and If I give compliments on there song I am called a fluffer......and this is harassment!!!! As I stated the system DOES work for the majority, those judging others as "fluffing" that do not like that aspect should have the option of a REALISTIC room that doesn't encourage "fluff", the current system does but since MANY want to give and receive fluff it's majority call and this isn't my problem ! Those that have problems with the fluff vs real issue should have the option of a more realistic room that has participants that are more mature and don't exploit the features in the current system Quote: If I am Banned from this site and my membership is not accepted because I just gave you what you wanted then it is your fault Steven!!!!
I'm not complaining about you venting. I like the fact that in this site we are allowed to. I've stated that; HOWEVER I also stated Critique, and comments should be offered where requested. Now go clean your room Jesse, and don't come out until you've dusted EVERY inch ! (and stop having products with sugar in them for breakfast) Quote: Thats my Honest Critique!!!!! How fun is it????
Where did I ever say "Critique is fun" ?
apparently you are having fun but the critique is unasked for, and very poorly constructed. There's no continuity, or thruline of thought.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Texas Gigi
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:13 am |
Joined: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:45 am Posts: 544 Location: Dallas/Fort Worth Been Liked: 0 time
...did I miss something here? What just happened? Weren't we talking about getting along?
Oh never mind.
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:13 am |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
Jesse wants to vent.. He's OK.. Just high-strung at times !! As am I.
Thing is, assuming I am being "critiqued", Critiques shouldn't include unclear cynicism but they often do, and online they are often rhetorical ! This is why non face-to-face critiques are VERY difficult. It takes two to continue a battle, but only one to decide they aren't going to fight ! Also a room of at least several in agreement to decide something is inappropriate.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 10:21 am |
Joined: Sat Jun 03, 2006 7:35 am Posts: 4179 Location: Grand Prairie, TX Been Liked: 3 times
Steven Kaplan @ Sat Jan 20, 2007 12:13 pm wrote: LMAO
Jesse wants to vent.. He's OK.. Just highstrung at times !! Like I am.
Me too. I think we can all work something out. I don't have answers to many questions but I can always listen when someone wants to talk.
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