Singer's Forum [/highlight]
Here you can ask a question, make a comment, or just chat about the
Singer's Showcase. Want to offer someone a suggestion or request that they perform a certain song. Do that here. Also, you may want to make Requests - Suggestions - Challenges.
Karaoke Discussion Forum [/highlight]
This is the place to talk about
anything KARAOKE!
Technical Questions[/highlight]
Do you have a technical question regarding
Karaoke Hardware and Software, ask it here. One of the Karaoke Scene Staff or our fabulous "TECHIE" members will get you an answer.
The Lounge (Off Topic) [/highlight]
This section is for all
"Non-Karaoke" Topics... An open platform area to discuss
just about anything but the rules do apply!!! Have fun.
Newbie Intro[/highlight]
New to the site? Please, take a moment to
introduce yourself here. Let everyone know a little about you.
KJs ONLY[/highlight]
This forum has been set asside for
KJs to discuss things of importance to them.
Seems to me it's pretty well explained in the Toggle Descriptions, Steven. Perhaps when a moderator sees a thread started in the wrong Forum, he could simply move it to the correct one. Is that a "do-able" and/or "reasonable" thing to ask of you, Jian and P.hill???? It sure would help folks find what they are looking for sooner .... and I would imagine be easier to "patrol", as well.