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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 6:00 pm 
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Lonnie, I would call your booth more of a stageside desk. It is not greatly elevated over the floor, and it has an open aspect without the typical closed walls. At least that's how I recall it....

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:21 pm 
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Go to Lonnie's site... he's got tons of pics.

I have the ones from my trip there on my site.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2007 9:29 pm 
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UnHinged @ Sun Apr 15, 2007 3:03 pm wrote:
You make some good points.

I apologize if I misspoke.

There is a point at which one must stand one’s ground or lose all control and respect.
Never a problem! And thanks for the return!

I am not really a combatitive person, but will stick to my ground. I'm also the first to admit when I'm wrong on something... something a lot of people online don't do. Seems if you "win" an arguement online, your opponent stops talking about it.

You just went up several points in my opinion!

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:19 pm 
I'd like to lend support to knightshow.  I've got a handful of regulars that I'm supposed to cater too.  Drunks.  I need to cater to them and their behavior?  I think not.  I've got a show, a simple format, and I've got a crowd that comes to see me.  Just like the bar has their regulars, I have my own.  I will accommodate patrons moreso then not, especially if the night dictates (moving someone up in the rotation, etc.), but I WILL NOT be the victim of demands placed on me by those who feel entitled.  I had one guy, the first night of my show, tell the owner I don't play enough country.  I didn't hear the end of that for almost a month.  The owner's husband owns the bar next door, and she's into the drama.  Two things for context ... 1) He saw me and his ex on a date once (he was stalking her at the time) ... and 2) I can sing close to 50 unique country songs (and I challenge anyone, including the idiot in question, in this bar to pull 25 out of their pocket.  Another time, a girl came up and demanded I let her sing a song.  She didn't want to write the song down because there wasn't more than 15-20 people in the bar.  What she must not have seen was the guy whispering in my other ear.  I asked her to write down her song and I'd get her right up.  Next thing I know her boyfriend leaves a slip on my table to the tune of 1-800-EAT-SHXT.  Both instances are from regular customers who I'm expected to cater too.  The first one, won't apologize, or even acknowledge me.  My solution ... master ever song he sings.  A simple victory.  The second one was encouraged to apologize and he did.  Something about how his girlfriend wanted to practice for a contest, and blah, blah ... Great, write the song down.  I can't even tell you how many times I've forgotten a song because I didn't have the singer write it down.  I don't do that anymore (except for rare cases).  

Granted, my crowd is Rock and Country mixed.  Some nights are Country heavy and others are Rock heavy.  I go with the crowd.  I've learned the best defense is THICK SKIN and PERMAGRIN.

All else fails ... there are seven bars in town now (not really enough for the handful of people that come out), and three more are opening up this Spring/Summer.  There are 3 KJs with any skill, and 4-5 others that just plain bite.  I won't be abused for entertaining.  I will take my show elsewhere ... and the business it attracts will follow.  We must stand on principal.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:29 pm 
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I'll write down songs for people all night if needed.  I feel it's good PR & people seem to appreciate it - It started happening more & more thought so i made a joke sign, "I'll be happy to write up anyones slips for them, there will be a $1 charge for this service - with a TIC silly grin under it."  Funny enough, they often do just that & give me a buck just for writing the song down, walked out with $80 one night.  This isn't the norm, but it was cool - most people will write up their own slips, but the ones that don't will usually drop a bill into the jar, I really don't expect anything as it's not a big deal to me.
At least if I write them down, I can read them & get the correct song number.  Not really any extra work IMO, except writing the slip up.  I would say I know close to  75% of my library so I wouldn't even need to look up the disc number in most cases.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:45 pm 
And I don't mind writing songs down for people either.  I discourage it, as there are times, say, when I'm between songs, or queing up a singer, replacing batteries in a mic, etc.  I don't mind it either if it's respectful.  It's the demands, the entitlement I take issue with.  I have patience, but it has limits.  I'm there for everyone, not a few who feel they're owed something from me above and beyond what the general public is entitled to.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:52 pm 
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I discourage writing down the slips for the customers, but did it for some folks... only because I saw the drama that happened if I didn't! LOL!

With some folks, I convinced them to write them down by saying "yeah, I'll get to it, but you might want to write it down yourself... I get pretty busy here, and I'm only so so on the attention factor... A.D.H.D. y'know!" (Which is true! LOL!) And there HAVE been some times when I DO space stuff off...) The absolute very last thing I want to do is be someone that accidently messes over a customer by either skipping them, or misplacing a slip.

and when it HAS happened, I'm usually on the mic letting folks know why it LOOKS like someone is getting bumped in front of someone else... the rotation is changing, due to MY mistake!

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:55 am 
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For Microphones a 3 year no fault warrenty is about $60. It's great for $60 I get 3 replacements no questions asked. That is great on $500 mics.

Equipment I have insurance on everything the deductable is $250. I'd chalk it up, I have never had to use it but I'm sure if someone broke something I'd kick their (@$%&#!) if they didn't pay my deductable.

If you have to work 4 nights to make $350 you are not charging enough.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:04 am 
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Lonman @ Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:29 pm wrote:
At least if I write them down, I can read them & get the correct song number.  Not really any extra work IMO, except writing the slip up.  I would say I know close to  75% of my library so I wouldn't even need to look up the disc number in most cases.

  You ain't kiddin'!   :worship:    As the drinking goes on, so does the development of "Late Night Dyslexia" and a propensity for heiroglyphics.

  BTW-when I spoke of booths, I meant those that isolate. Yours is more like a workspace with accessibility....Nice setup.

"No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:29 am 
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JoeChartreuse @ Tue Apr 17, 2007 10:04 am wrote:
Lonman @ Mon Apr 16, 2007 3:29 pm wrote:
At least if I write them down, I can read them & get the correct song number.  Not really any extra work IMO, except writing the slip up.  I would say I know close to  75% of my library so I wouldn't even need to look up the disc number in most cases.

  You ain't kiddin'!   :worship:    As the drinking goes on, so does the development of "Late Night Dyslexia" and a propensity for heiroglyphics.

  BTW-when I spoke of booths, I meant those that isolate. Yours is more like a workspace with accessibility....Nice setup.

Thanks, ideally I would like to be out front in the middle of the room - BUT, they didn't want to completely re-run the wiring over where I wanted to be, so I put a side speaker on the wall by me so I can still hear the main mix & adjust accordingly.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 12:05 pm 
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I think the title of the thread should be "drunks COST equipment"
I have only done private parties so you have a little more control most of the time over the drunk situation as long as you have laid down the boundries with your client prior to the show.
Let them know that if someone is overly roasted they cannot sing. period.
I have even gone so far as to have the person responsible for the party sign an agreement to cover damages if necessary.
Get it notarized.
Most people want everyone to have a good time and do not want to be embarrassed by their friends getting to crazy, and will handle it themselves.
I am confident that you guys that work the clubs have more challenges in a less controlled enviroment.
Just remember it is your equipment and your money. Just like in sales take control of the enviroment or change the enviroment.
I look forward to doing some club gigs at some date and appreciate all of your input as to what I may expect.

The main difference between monkeys and man..............

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