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 Post subject: Originals were STOLEN!!
PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:43 am 
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:wave:  I guess I'm really in a bind. I was doing a gig, night went well, had 25-30 singers, had my usual "after gigging beer" while breaking down my "stuff", went out to my car to start loading it up, and my front passenger window was smashed, glove box open, popped the trunk, and all my original SC, DK, Pioneer, CB, etc., etc., discs were GONE!!!! :x  I've been at this gig for awhile now, but as usual, I evidently let the "wrong people" know that I had those in the trunk. I carried them just in case the "karaoke police" showed up..which they did at another gig I had. They were surprised that I had the originals so "handy". Anyway, legally, what do I do now? :confused: If I get "checked out" again, now I DON'T have the originals and can't prove I ever did. I can make copies of my copies to protect my library, BUT, if I understand the law as it is right now, I really shouldn't...legally. So ....what would YOU do??!! :madgo:

                                  Donny "B" 8)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:50 am 

I'm so sorry that happened to you.  First thing to is to call the police and make out a police report.

Then contact your insurance agent/company.  Homeowners insurance will often cover such a loss (but don't mention you were using the discs for business).  Your auto policy may also cover it.  Be prepared that your policies contain a deductible.  People have been known to find ways around "losing" out because of deductibles.

The insurance company may just accept a computer listing of your catalog, sorted by disc number, without titles or artists.  Don't give them anything that resembles a professional song book and add to that computer listing the list prices of each disc you are claiming was stolen (hint hint).      

I would also let every KJ in town know what happened in case they come upon or overhear something that would lead to the culprit.

You apparently know that you need to possess the originals for your show.  Personally, as to stuff that is out of production, I might consider using the copies since the originals can no longer be gotten, assuming you replace everything that is available.

Best of Luck


PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:10 pm 
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:wave: Well, the insurance companies both said "NAY" because I don't have (couldn't find) the original receipts. As far as the other KJ's in the area, we all go to each others shows (yeah we're that tight...surprising huh?) and the word is already out. I'm just glad that my copies are good enough...so far....to make backups for my...backups. As far as the culprit is concerned....."rumor" has it that one of the known "pill heads" was in the area and he's been known to "supplement" his "lifestyle" by that means. So....I'm just copying and....waiting. I know this guy...have for quite sometime...and we were NEVER friends. If I find out it really was him....and I will....then it's ...SHOWTIME!!! :wink:
In any case, I'll never get to replace the original DK's, SC, (a lot are out of print) Pioneers,  etc., etc..BUT...I've been doing DJ/KJ gigs for over 20 years. I'm old school and a survivor. I'll manage. I always do. I was just so ticked off...felt the need to vent.  Thank you for your response.

                                   Donny "B" 8)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:14 pm 
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this is where insurance is a pain in the watoosie... and hardly EVER measures up.

I'm really sorry for your loss... the DK and Pioneer especially are irreplaceable!

Having said that, you were mistaken in leaving your originals in the vehicle, unattended. At the very least, you should have brought them inside and stacked next to you, under your table, etc. I've had my car broke into enough times to realize you don't leave ANYTHING of value in it unattended.

Tig lost tons of rare discs that he used for djing. I personally lost an entire binder of Pioneer DVDs... I had spent over 3 grand on just THOSE!

And people wonder why I went computer... and left the originals secured at home.

Having said that, the backups now are "illegal" in that you don't have the originals to prove ownership. You might as well have downloaded them off the net in the eyes of any owners of copyright material. But a backup is illegal no matter what or how people justify what they're doing. I know I at least felt if I owned the originals, then I wasn't hurting any manu. I know you owned them, but now that you're a victim of theft, you really don't have any proof of ownership, unless the discs are found, and the chances of that are very slim indeed.

Sure am sorry to hear of this...

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 4:36 pm 
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:wave: Hi knightshow,
 Been awhile since we "conversed". I don't get out here too much, usually just when I need info or to vent to people who've "been there". Yes...this really S.U.C.K.S!!! At this stage, I'm just going to backup my "backups" and take my chances. I'll just carry the police report and a copy of my list of CD+G's that was, thank god, up to date. Maybe, just maybe, that will satisfy the "powers to be". BTW, a friend of mine is looking for a good, not really expensive cdg player. Neither one of us are "up to par" on the stuff that supposedly replaced the twin tray pioneers. I still have one, and won't let it go. Too dependable and user friendly. Plus it's my backup to my 2  V121G laser disc players. Anyway, figured I'd ask people in the know about what brand is dependable, user friendly, and not TOO expensive. OH...don't mention VOCOPRO. I still have a bad taste in my mouth from previous dealings with them, but, that's another story entirely. Thank you for your comments and concerns. They are appreciated.

                                  Donny "B" 8)

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 5:38 pm 
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I had an entire set of cdg's (along with my car stereo & replacement basket for one of my Peaveys) stolen back in 95.  Over 200 discs (at the time was alot), all had my name written on them with a black Sharpie & custom jewel case labels with my name & number stating that if these discs are in your posession they are either lost or stolen.  Never heard a word or found out who did it.  Contacted every pawn shop & used cd store in a 50 mile radius, still no luck.  Actually lost a 5 night a week gig because of it since I didn't have any music any more to run a show nor the means to quickly replenish the loss.  Insurance didn't cover it either.  
About 6 years later another host that I knew well brought in a disc & asked about the disc.  Said he bought from a guy that came in one night - couple days before he talked to me - & noticed my name in an erased state but could JUST make it out if you held it in the light right.  It was one of my stolen discs - I know for fact it wasn't the host, but he said the guy he'd never seen before & hasn't since but would let me know if he does.

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 7:45 pm 
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Another reason why  we only do private parties anymore..  Due to the recent BS I will download any cdg or mp3 off the internetand and play it . It is a sad state of affairs when a citizen of the greatest nation on earth cant walk into a public bar and sing the  song of of his choice without federal regulations and fees for the original copyright which should have been solved by the distributors of the cd.. Do any posters  here understand this simple concept?

And if you want to discuss it more I will give you directions to the ranch, and send a kid on a fourwheeler down to the gate and let you in..

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:03 pm 
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Don't know if this'll help you now, but for the future:  Besides keeping the originals, I also keep the case inserts- they also work as proof...

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:16 am 
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Sorry about your loss.

I would show you insurance company the depriciation on you equipment purchases from your 2006 taxes. They would more than likely reimburse you for the toatl value of what is missing vs your tax filing. But if the disc are old they are completly depreciated after 5 years and have no tax value.

I would suggest buying liability and comprehensive insurance for your business. I cataloged all my equipment when I purchased the insurance Now I just add the items purchased to my business spreadsheet. Everything coinsides with my taxes filed at the end of each year. My accountant takes care of everything. The insurance is only about $600 a year. It covers $1,000,000 in libility and my current equipment is around $75,000. I had to up it to $100k in insurance for 07.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:04 am 
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I think the REAL moral of this story is that if you are in business doing ANYTHING, keep all of your business receipts!!

I have all the receipts for EVERY karaoke purchase I use in my business all the back to when I started in 2004. If anyone ever stole my stuff, I have all of the proof I need to give to the insurance company. This is a very basic MINIMUM bookeeping procedure for anyone that wants to run a successful business!!

C Mc

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:33 am 
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TopherM @ Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:04 am wrote:
I think the REAL moral of this story is that if you are in business doing ANYTHING, keep all of your business receipts!!

I have all the receipts for EVERY karaoke purchase I use in my business all the back to when I started in 2004. If anyone ever stole my stuff, I have all of the proof I need to give to the insurance company. This is a very basic MINIMUM bookeeping procedure for anyone that wants to run a successful business!!

So true, receipts should be kept & filed just for tax purposes.  The audit laws can go back 7 years if i'm not mistaken.  I have all of my receipts since I started my Co. in 94.  Only discs I don't have receipts are ones I got as gifts or I bought used from customers which is probably under 100 discs total.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:41 am 
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Incredible :dancin:  :D  :oh yeah: !!!
Got them back....ALL OF THEM. Seems that an "individual" walked up to one of my karaoke host buddies and tried to sell them to him. I forgot that I had put my name, address, and phone number, tucked into the pocket inside the cases. Well my buddy was looking through the cases, found the slip of paper,knew what had happened, and told the guy that these were stolen from a friend of his....me...and told the guy to beat it or he'd call the cops. According to my buddy, the guy literally FLEW out of the place. He called another friend of mine, and I got pleasantly ( understatement )SURPRISED!!! The host that "recovered" them, never saw this guy before, (probably won't again either) Anyway...I'm legal again.... :drums: ...so bring on the KJ Police!!!
Now I'm keeping them home....never leaving my house again unless the "gestapo" needs to see them. I must be doing something right cause " Somebody up there likes me"!!!!!! BTW, thank you, to those that responded to my need to vent, for the support. It's good to know in those circumstances that " you are not alone"

                                            Donny "B" 8)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:49 am 
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WOW !! Congrats to you for getting them back I KNOW id die if mine ever went missing !! I dont use discs anymore but man thats what we pride ourselves on is being legal... I keep mine locked up at home too... Very happy for you !!

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:00 am 
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 Just in time too. I started a new gig two weeks ago and felt " uncomfortable " just waiting for "those people"  ( we know who "those peaple" are ) to show up. Now they can and I don't care. KJ POLICE !!??? WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN' KJ POLICE!!Maybe the powers to be could/should spend their time and money on more worthwhile endeavors. Like really learning and earning an honest living instead of being the "musical parasites" that they are. ( Sorry...got carried away) Anyway, thank you for the kind thoughts. KEEP ON HOSTING!!!

                                         Donny "B" 8)

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 5:27 pm 
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So while your at your show with the back ups?, the thieves now will break in your house and rip them off.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:06 pm 
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just a thought but u said the karaoke gods paid u a visit not to long ago.
seeing as they now know u have/had proof of ur disk could u somehow get with them for some kinda proof, i mean they did see that u owned them at 1 time....just a thought....Billy

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:13 pm 
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timberlea @ Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:27 pm wrote:
So while your at your show with the back ups?, the thieves now will break in your house and rip them off.

is your cup ALWAYS half empty?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:14 pm 
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Donny I am really glad for you go buy a lottery ticket as well  :hug:

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:02 pm 
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Ya beat me to that one !! LMAO !! I was JUST gonna say something like that !!
timberlea @ Fri Apr 20, 2007 1:27 pm wrote:
So while your at your show with the back ups?, the thieves now will break in your house and rip them off.

is your cup ALWAYS half empty?

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:04 pm 
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Donny, that's incredible! Good for you!

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