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 Post subject: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:08 pm 
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I knew you'd be waiting to see if I gave you the review you asked for! Just now had time to do it.

I really enjoyed how you host. The crowd is very similar to one I worked with at one of my very first gigs...don't expect any idol winners but they have fun and that's why we're there, isn't it. You were pleasant, even to the really drunk singers.

I liked that you kept the music going, but sometimes (like when I got up to sing) the music started before the singer arrived. I guess that's the downside of computer hosting?

I liked your mix - and I can understand why you wouldn't put SM58s into the hands of the singers there.  Music was a tad loud but the room was long...and lord knows, most of those loggers probably have pretty bad tinnitus anyway (ringing in the ears).

I liked that when that little chicky came up to snuggle with you, you politely told her that wasn't something she should be doing. I really don't like to see a host performing PDAs at their shows - makes the singers feel sort of 'left out.' You handled it with such aplomb! (I think most men would have had second thoughts about pushing her away!...LOL)

I'd give you a good 8/10 rating for sure and I'd hire you in an instant. Only thing I would have hoped for was music between singers but you keep the singers hopping up so fast, there really isn't time.  (For some reason I've always used bumper music and it's now just part of the way I do it.) Glad you're redoing your books, too. For some reason, my first impression of a show almost always occurs with the first look at the book.  Believe me, books are just the WORST job in my mind... and yours are more than decent, but when it's time, it's time!. (I use plastic sleeves, expensive but worth it, keeps pages from getting dog-earred.)

Hope you'll get to return the favor and review me sometime!  Lonman, you too! I think it's always fun to watch someone else host because each of us brings something totally different to it.

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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:53 pm 
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Oh, forgot to mention - You're a great singer, too!

(Other slight disappointment to me, because I sing off-the-wall stuff, was that you couldn't play my CDGs for me.)


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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:00 am 
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why would computer hosting cause starting the song too soon??

Ive had a couple of singers ask me to play there disk..I ask em what they want to sing, they say "ooh you won't have it" .I say "ill bet ya a drink" Most times I dont collect. ive even lost once, but didnt mind buying a drink for a new singer.

  It DOES show class pushing away the little cutie . Im all for a hug from one of my singers (Many give me a hug goodnight), but keep it to that, even tho it does sometimes make the girls who are nervous feel better when I pay em a complement or two I keep em clean.  one never knows if her boyfriend is that big ape in the corner.

the voices arent real, but they have some good ideas

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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 6:32 am 
Thanks Karen, for the kind sentiments.  Isn't it Meat Loaf who wrote the song "8 out of 10 ain't bad"?  I enjoyed your visit and will definitely come see you too.  You'll have to remind me of the days you're gigging.

I thought about hooking up my CAVs players, but the space I work in is a bit limited so I made some sacrifices.  I've have a few others come in with discs but like supercharged I generally will have the song they want.  

I think you'd left already, but I did have a mic hit the floor Wed.  Did a nice somersault or too right into my feet (she'd flipped it over to turn it off and lost grip).  It survived.  I have SM58s and I don't use them more because a lot of my singers can keep up with one.  The wireless Vocopros I use have proven durable and versatile (for the different types of singers).

Computer hosting does keep the show moving.  When a song starts before a singer gets up to stage, depending on the length of the intro, I'll start it over when they arrive.  I find that sometimes this serves as a 'kick in the butt' to get them to the stage.  Amazing how some will take their time (you weren't one of those).  

You were a model singer.  Thanks again for the visit.

 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:21 am 
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Space is definitely a consideration for you - amazing how small a space we can fit into. Sorry to hear about the mic - I had a feeling you had chosen those mics for a reason...after seeing the place! (Not calling it down, just stating a fact!).  

Again, you did a great job. I'd come to your show anytime (if you knew how seldom I say that, you'd be blushing!)


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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:35 am 
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Computer hosting does keep the show moving.  When a song starts before a singer gets up to stage, depending on the length of the intro, I'll start it over when they arrive.  I find that sometimes this serves as a 'kick in the butt' to get them to the stage.  Amazing how some will take their time (you weren't one of those).  

If I'm using discs or the computer the song is ready and cued for the singer in the same amount of time. I don't believe running a show with a computer rushes singers.

I use starting music before people get on stage as a tool too. If I have a singer that is singing for the first time I always wait for them before starting the song and help them locate the mic etc... The second time they have no excuse for daudling. I will treat them like anyone else on a busy night.

When someone is taking there sweet time while making others wait I will start the song unless I know the music intro isn't long enough. Some songs you can't do this with because the singing portion starts immediately. In that case I will prod them over the mic by humming the Jeopardy song or pretend like I don't see them and call out going once, going twice.

Our job as a KJ is to keep the night moving smoothly getting as many singers up as possible, so a large crowd doesn't get frustrated with the wait and leave. I don't believe in rushing everyone. Just the few that have no regard for people waiting to sing. You know the ones, the people who think they should light a smoke, drink a beer and have conversations with people all the way to the stage.  

In a way I'm saving the person from the crowd turning on them. People don't like to wait and if someone is really disregarding other peoples time I will start the song and refuse to start it over even if the singing portion has started. I only use that as a LAST RESORT.

I don't think there is anything wrong with starting the music before the person is on stage as long as it is used appropriately.
* The song has a long music intro.
* The singer is taking to long to get to the stage

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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:36 am 
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By the way - Great job Croak  LMAO

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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:58 am 
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My show moves along at a pretty good clip - I use a dual deck (I know, I know, time to computerize, and we're in the beginning stages of doing that right now)... and bumper music, and everybody who attends regularly knows I don't dilly dally - they step right up pretty quickly...often arriving right at the moment it's time to sing. If I see they are sitting a distance from the mic, I give them some time. I use the pause on my deck pretty adeptly...but then as soon as they're near the mic, I start it up.

I went to a pretty nice show a few weeks ago where they were computerized - the whole wall was a monitor...which was great...Song started, title was visible, people kenw it was their turn...then the host restarted it so it actually played. I liked that method. I don't really like seeing names on the video monitor for some reason...but I know a lot of people do that to keep the show moving.  I usually holler out the next 2 singers anyway...people seem to like to hear their names over the mic.


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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:58 am 
Babs - I think we're KJs from the same mold.

 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 11:12 am 
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CroakDog @ Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:58 pm wrote:
Babs - I think we're KJs from the same mold.

I have thought that many times.  :D

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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:34 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Nice Job, Croakdog.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 4:17 am 
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AQUACOP @ Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:34 am wrote:

Travel to the state of Washington?

Actually, I am going to be doing that soon. I have already lined up Monday night at Lonman's show in Tacoma. I will be in Bremerton Tuesday and Wednesday. I will be looking for a Thursday up near Snohomish, and weekend shows in Portland area.

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