Okay, so I built a screen to mount to my table, but it didn't work very well. It was difficult to make it sturdy enough, so I scrapped it and started over.
The first screen was front projection, and the other big problem was getting the projector into a position that was protected from drunks knocking it over.
I sat down and re-thought the whole idea. I decide that I would be better off with rear projection. I had an old projection TV that didn’t work. I popped the screen out and set it on the floor and projected through it, and was shocked at how good it looked. The screen has a Fresnel lense and some other layers, which increase the brightness. The image was so good, that I had to figure out how to make this work. The screen only weighs about 25lbs, so I came up with a PVC pipe knock-down frame, which mounts into the end of my table.
This is a bit of a compromise from what I wanted to do, but it works so well, and the image is so good that I don’t feel too bad giving up a few of my wants.
Here are some pics of the whole thing put together and running.
Let me know what you all think.