Sad thing about this is that it takes the same amount of time for a really crummy karaoke show to die as it takes a really good one to get going....and it seems owners don't correlate well. Good show takes a while to get going. Bad show takes a while to die. I've ended up, more times than I want to think, going into a place that has made a really bad mistake with 'krappyoke' and I tell them it might take SIX MONTHS or more to bring it back to what it should be and better. I'll spend a couple of years bringing in an incredible amount of money for them and then move on for any number of reasons. I laugh because those people who enjoyed the two years of my service will continue to roll in and find i"m not there and roll out...but there are so many of them that it might take 3 mos for all of them to come in, see I'm not there, stay for an hour or two, and then roll out. So on the surface it seems like maybe it'll fly with someone who isn't as good at what they do ... but in the end, the place is empty again....and they'll give a million reasons as to why but never the real reason...Poor karaoke doesn't work ANYWHERE, and really good karaoke will work ANYWHERE YOU PUT IT. And, of course, you get what you pay for.
I love you!!! You want to move out to Colorado and work a good market? You can work for us or I will establish you with a bar in town That is the attitude that prevails and reflects a business that will make it BIG!! Getum!!