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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:41 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
We have very few rules for the singers or crowd. We dont have to because our foundation of singers is friends we have sang with for 15 years or more. They provide an example and the newbies tend to emulate and respect them. It is attitude and professionalism.
As long as they are not abusing the gear or pestering or bothering others including the audience then they are allowed to have fun. I can get away with this for the following reasons I have run all nighters for FriendFinders and bikers clubs or wild kids. Believe it or not at a bikers gig there is no one that is going to abuse the gear or F.. with you. They take care of ya..
Another reason is because I spent many years on Shore Patrol dealing with drunk servicemen including vets just on their way back from Nam. I know how to deal with single drunks or crowds. It is not with force or getting in their face It is putting arm around them and with a smile gently tell them how it's going to be.
Rules are not posted in our books and I will only present rules to somebody that is breaking a rule . And we very seldom have to enforce anything If it does get totally out of hand I havnt had to in many years I will shut down the music get on the mic in a military voice start making announcements.
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Donny B
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:42 pm |
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Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:02 pm Posts: 318 Location: North Andover, Ma. Been Liked: 0 time
Just a thought, but maybe you could incorporate some "sound effects" when making "unscheduled' announcements, such as siren, whistles, etc., AND use the screen like knightshow suggested, and point to the screen when you do that.
And sidewinder, rather than TELL us how you do all your "stuff", and how your rules are so self explanatory, why don't you post them here for all of us to share in what must be comparable to the "Ten Commandments"  :no: . Why not....? Better yet  , invite us to your shows  . What's the "big secret"  ?
One would think that someone, with your vast experience and knowledge  , would be willing to give us the benefit of watching a real "14 years at the same bar" professional at work. But, as usual, the only thing you even come close to being a professional about is being a phony  . You've cornered the market on that  .
Donny "B"
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:07 pm |
I like your idea, too! And, yes, I can see how it can be incorporated with Knight's suggestion. I'll try to have something done by the weekend for my Sunday show
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Donny B
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:17 pm |
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Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:02 pm Posts: 318 Location: North Andover, Ma. Been Liked: 0 time
Glad I could help....even a little bit. If you're board has "sampling" capabilities,
maybe you could just "stuff" some effects that you like there. Just a thought.
Donny "B" 8)
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Karen K
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:23 pm |
Joined: Wed Aug 08, 2007 10:56 am Posts: 2621 Location: Canuck, eh. Been Liked: 0 time
I picked up some 'sound effects' discs and I can just imagine how successfully those could be used to scare the bejeezus out of those nasty lawbreakers! (Several different gunshot sounds, etc.) Oh man, I'm excited now....
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Donny B
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:34 pm |
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Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:02 pm Posts: 318 Location: North Andover, Ma. Been Liked: 0 time
 Karen K,
The first mixing board I used "way back when" was a Gemini 6500SE. (SE = sound effects) It had sirens, machine guns, bombs dropping/exploding, whistles (as in train) a bunch of "stuff" that really got peoples attention. I still have it, in pristine condition, all wrapped and packed away. That was a fun board  .
Donny "B" 8)
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 4:36 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
Karen I have a 747 flyover in true stereo and a helo flyover.. At an outside gig about sunset and a little breeze blowing paper around I run the 747 at full volume It starts off in left speaker and increases in volume then at max when everybody is under the tables it echos and snorts and then fades out in the right speaker. The first time I did that at the farm a kid about 6 came running up and says "Do that again!" It is a favorite. In fact here is a link for download. Right click save link as..
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:11 pm |
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Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:49 pm Posts: 1250 Been Liked: 0 time
RULE # 1
Never trust another KJ.
Many, many KJs over the years have been very jealous of me. They have told other bar owners i charged twice as much as i really do, so they wouldn't call me.
Tried to get my jobs by coming in and handing out calenders and business cards.
Coming in, trying to undercut me.
Karaoke is a dog eat dog business. It's krappiest KJs that you have to watch the most. They are the ones desperate for work. And they can't build crowds so they want yours.
I did an Eagles club years ago. If you came in 2 hours early you could sit in the front. If you came late you sat in the cheap seats. All the seats were taken at show time. There were people joining the club because the karaoke was so much fun. It turns out (and this is the honest to GOD truth) there was a KJ called himself Donnie B. Skinny guy my age or slightly older, that wore a black rug. Looked like Moe in the 3 stooges. LMAO Thought he was a KJ. He used his member influence to get the borad to give him my karaoke night. Within 2 months you could hear a pin drop on the karaoke night. The bartenders all quit to find jobs they could make money at. The club went from a very thriving club to the verge of bankruptcy. Because the members all quit coming too.
I used 8 foot diagonal screen. He brought in a 13" tv. I had 5,000 songs he had 1,500. I had a real PA system. Lord knows what you call what he had.
I am friends with many KJs. I will help them with certain things. There are other things that i won't help them with. I have passed along many job leads and have received many. I won't help anyone to become better than me. I won't help anyone that has stabbed me in the back. There are many i won't turn me back on. They all want to be me or at least as good as me. They can't figure out my success. Or my success secrets. I can offer things on here because none of you are my direct competition. Remember Rule #1. Keep it in the back of your mind whenever you are around other KJs. Especially if they work less than you.
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:56 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
Quote: RULE # 1
Never trust another KJ.
Fact #1
I do not fear other KJ'S they will not take my business or my crowd Example there are 2 KJ,s on this forum from co One is masterblaster from the Denver area and Melly from Colorado City. If either one visited my show I would welcome them, my singers would welcome them. I would buy Melly a shot of tequila or anybody else a cocktail. When their turn came up in rotation as is my custom I would introduce them from the stage and greet them with a hug and hand them the mic.
Fact #2
When I venture into another show unless it is way out of my area. I am known by the KJ, half the singers and the owner. Th KJ has my total respect and welcomes me because I will add to his show and help him and increase the energy level. Everybody in there in there knows my capabilities and talent.
Even in out of state shows after awhile the host(s) totally trust me I add to their shows but do not try to take them over I am a professional that has sang all my life. However when I pick up the mic and start talking everybody there knows I am not the average karaoke singer but probably a pro.
Fact #3
I have been in many vocations and the would be competitors working out of their garage or out of a barn or under a shade tree could not compete. If they wanted honest advice or help I would assist them as a pro and the fidelity and admiration along with public relations was well worth it However I did have to keep ahead of them and as one gets older it becomes harder and harder.
Fact #4
It is due to these reasons I have the utmost respect as a host or singer in a large area of the state of Colorado. And the the only dogs I ever et was hotdogs with mayonaise and relish.
Fact #5
We have put many fly by nighters out of business and helped many succeed and they all still attend my shows out of respect. And are welcome.
Fact #6
These are the rules and ways of life that I had drilled in my head before I was 4 years old. I come from the old school. I am a Gentleman and a Cowboy and live by these ways.
Edit When you can say these things then you can tell me how to host or claim you are a KJ MC DJ or whatever. I have done them all with fair crowds of over 4000.
Ollie Smith
Cabaret Karaoke
Greeley Colorado
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:54 pm |
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Joined: Sun Dec 16, 2007 8:49 pm Posts: 1250 Been Liked: 0 time
I am friends with many KJs.
I have been imitated by many. Have many things i do and say used by all of them. Things that i first said and did.
Most of them wish they had half of my success.
Never said they weren't welcome at my show. Never said i didn't give them a plug.
Some are weasels that would kill their grandma for a nickel.
They would do anything to put you out of business or steal your job or keep you from getting a job.
In your 25 years of KJing you have never met..... one? 
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:06 pm |
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:18 pm Posts: 4080 Location: Serian Been Liked: 0 time
Another thread going off tangent; keep to the topic folks
_________________ I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 7:23 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
Quote: In your 25 years of KJing you have never met..... one?
Yes but this a small rural area The people here have known each other all their life. This does not happen here.
However if I was to go big times like in the Denver area In a few months I would have an understanding with the club I was working for. You have to work with the clubs and have constant communications with common goals. Contrary to comments and amateur comments made on this forum you are (if you are under contract ) you are an employee of that bar and obligated as such. In the biggest club in the world If a KJ thought he could walk in and take over my gig he must be drunk.
If you are worried about taking over gigs I could take over 90% of the gigs on this forum No Brag Just Fact. If you doubt it come to my gig!!! But with the scruples displayed above dont worry about it...
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Steven Kaplan
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:25 pm |
Joined: Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:48 pm Posts: 13645 Been Liked: 11 times
I don't understand why people in this type discussion leave out demographics (often appearing to make the assumption comparing some rural sparsely populated homey area where a part time hobbiest entertainer that suffices for such an atmosphere with minimal "Rules" compares with the very large city entertainer who does have PLENTY of competition, types of patrons, music -often a more transient crowd).. Folks are from ALL locations in here working in places that pull in different ages, classes, and styles of people.. You can't assume a little family run environment where the whole city lives within a several block radius in a midwest field is the same as a city with a high volume tourist pull in terms of what's needed to accomodate patrons. Similarly guidelines needed to control a show vary. While I'm not one to feel people must give exact location assuming they don't feel comfortable doing so, I think size and type venue does make a difference as do types of patrons.
Seems reasonable that different types of, and sized venues have differing needs in terms of "rules".
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".
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Donny B
Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 8:30 pm |
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Joined: Tue Aug 19, 2003 9:02 pm Posts: 318 Location: North Andover, Ma. Been Liked: 0 time
Hey buddy. Well...you finally did it. Yep...in one post....you slipped up...BIG TIME.
I knew my gut feeling about you was right on the money. It's all about being distrustful of other KJ's and scared.....of real competition. You said it yourself. Do you actually feel that insecure, that you have to make us part of your "pain"? Are you that afraid of someone becoming better than you? Is that possible? All this from the person who "supposedly" has: all these venues, just completed 14 years KJing in the same bar, has the best system in his area, his way is the best, blah blah blah!!
OH..and the best part is.."honest to GOD, there was this other KJ called Donnie B.
Last time I checked, I spell my name with a "Y", and I've had salt and pepper hair, never black, no rug, for a VERY long time. I'm not skinny, not fat. Now wasn't that the most convenient line of CRAP. Give me a break. Sonny, if that's the best you can come up with...you are WAY out of your league. Back to your "problem". According to your post..your words...."Never trust other KJ's". Well if that's the way you feel...leave the forum...go play in BD's yard. (same yard huh) "Trying to get my jobs by under-cutting me". How can some one steal jobs you don't have? " I am friends with many KJ's". Nope...can't be friends with people you don't trust....so...we CAN'T be friends (thank god) "I won't help anyone to become better than me". Now we're getting to the heart of the issues. Again, are you that insecure in the performance of your job? Do you actually fear every person who enters your "domain" as competition or a possible replacement for you? " I will help in certain things, other things I will not". Very interesting. At face value, that would lead me to believe that if there's something in it for you...you'll help. If not...you won't. How am I doing so far....got your number don't I. Ok sidewinder, lets get realistic. Again, as far as credibility goes....you have none. As far as being trusted by the majority here...well...you have a problem there aslo...especially when you just admitted you don't trust us. ( that was so dumb) As far as anyone taking you seriously...again..another problem. All you do is argue, berate, belittle and basically, just tick people off. Would you like to change how people interpret your intentions? That won't be easy at this point, but..with a little effort on your part...it's not the "impossible dream" either. Let's call it a "One In A Million" shot. Try this....
don't BE so argumentative. Don't try to impose what works for you as salvation for others. Just because someone disagrees with you, don't get so huffy and start to berate and belittle. TRY...to share...without expectations. Provide a venue where we can all get together and enjoy WITH YOU, the fact that you maybe can supply a high calibre entertainment scenario. Afterwards..then bask in the realization of your own
"I told you I was that good". If you are...I'm sure that would dispel some misgivings
and alleviate A LOT of distrust from both sides. The most important thing is the credibility you would gain. We're not your competitors. We're all in the same boat
trying to help each other do what we enjoy. Sure..it's a business. Who said it can't be a fun business. So....loosen up. This is the last time I'll be this...."nice"
Donny "B" 8)
_________________ It's a wonderful life!!
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:06 pm |
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:18 pm Posts: 4080 Location: Serian Been Liked: 0 time
Donny B @ 28th February 2008, 12:30 pm wrote: :wave: sidewinder, Hey buddy. Well...you finally did it. Yep...in one post....you slipped up...BIG TIME. I knew my gut feeling about you was right on the money. It's all about being distrustful of other KJ's and scared.....of real competition. You said it yourself. Do you actually feel that insecure, that you have to make us part of your "pain"? Are you that afraid of someone becoming better than you? Is that possible? All this from the person who "supposedly" has: all these venues, just completed 14 years KJing in the same bar, has the best system in his area, his way is the best, blah blah blah!! OH..and the best part is.."honest to GOD, there was this other KJ called Donnie B. Last time I checked, I spell my name with a "Y", and I've had salt and pepper hair, never black, no rug, for a VERY long time. I'm not skinny, not fat. Now wasn't that the most convenient line of CRAP. Give me a break. Sonny, if that's the best you can come up with...you are WAY out of your league. Back to your "problem". According to your post..your words...."Never trust other KJ's". Well if that's the way you feel...leave the forum...go play in BD's yard. (same yard huh) "Trying to get my jobs by under-cutting me". How can some one steal jobs you don't have? " I am friends with many KJ's". Nope...can't be friends with people you don't trust....so...we CAN'T be friends (thank god) "I won't help anyone to become better than me". Now we're getting to the heart of the issues. Again, are you that insecure in the performance of your job? Do you actually fear every person who enters your "domain" as competition or a possible replacement for you? " I will help in certain things, other things I will not". Very interesting. At face value, that would lead me to believe that if there's something in it for you...you'll help. If not...you won't. How am I doing so far....got your number don't I. Ok sidewinder, lets get realistic. Again, as far as credibility goes....you have none. As far as being trusted by the majority here...well...you have a problem there aslo...especially when you just admitted you don't trust us. ( that was so dumb) As far as anyone taking you seriously...again..another problem. All you do is argue, berate, belittle and basically, just tick people off. Would you like to change how people interpret your intentions? That won't be easy at this point, but..with a little effort on your part...it's not the "impossible dream" either. Let's call it a "One In A Million" shot. Try this.... don't BE so argumentative. Don't try to impose what works for you as salvation for others. Just because someone disagrees with you, don't get so huffy and start to berate and belittle. TRY...to share...without expectations. Provide a venue where we can all get together and enjoy WITH YOU, the fact that you maybe can supply a high calibre entertainment scenario. Afterwards..then bask in the realization of your own "I told you I was that good". If you are...I'm sure that would dispel some misgivings and alleviate A LOT of distrust from both sides. The most important thing is the credibility you would gain. We're not your competitors. We're all in the same boat trying to help each other do what we enjoy. Sure..it's a business. Who said it can't be a fun business. So....loosen up. This is the last time I'll be this...."nice"
Donny "B" 8)
Chill off Donny, you gain nothing from attacking a member here. If you don't like him just ignore him. Make a similar post and you will get a [shadow=red]warning.[/shadow]
_________________ I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:16 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
 Iwill say it again when you want a real KJ MC or DJ and want profeessional service click on WWW below. When are you wannabes or pretenders ever going to give up? At least I think big dog had a system I dont even think you have a ghetto blaster.
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:27 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
I repeat read my signature This is my feelings about rules and trying to make profits on the the things I love. Apply all the rules you want want You will never enslave my soul Are you people nuts? I make money with karaoke Do not ever prostitute it..
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Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 9:45 pm |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
As long as this forum has the (@$%!) rules that it does and trolls and agitators have the same priveledges that regulars have that have been here for years then you will have these problems. You have trolls and agitators which ruin this forum When will you wake up I am tired of it along with all the regs here.
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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 5:22 am |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
I'm in agreement with Donny and Ollie.
Side posts like he's a verifiable source, yet refuses to divulge it. That makes most of us professionals cringe at the very least and roll our eyes. Others like me want to call someone out.
As long as this kind of behavior is going on, you will NEVER get a resolution to the problem. Warnings or NO.
My two cents worth... spend it as you will.
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Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:12 am |
Joined: Wed Jun 30, 2004 3:43 pm Posts: 6784 Location: Fort Collins Colorado USA Been Liked: 5 times
Quote: My two cents worth... spend it as you will.
Whenever I find a penny I will hang on my walker and with squeeky knees bend over and put it in my pocket!!! 
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