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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:32 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:08 pm wrote:
Thanks Neo,  I've already been contracted to make Floyd videos...LOL
http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... /ba12249a9

that is way cool steven and wow have you gained confidence or what!~!!!

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:36 pm 
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MorganLeFey @ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:32 pm wrote:
Steven Kaplan @ Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:08 pm wrote:
Thanks Neo,  I've already been contracted to make Floyd videos...LOL
http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... /ba12249a9

that is way cool steven and wow have you gained confidence or what!~!!!

I am so proud of him that I could scream!!!  :oh yeah:

you are an inspiration Steven  :handshake:

oh...btw...My uncle Mike is the coolest uncle I have, So thats a compliment!! :)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:48 pm 
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c'mere neo I need a :hug:

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 9:49 pm 
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MorganLeFey @ Fri Mar 14, 2008 7:48 pm wrote:
c'mere neo I need a :hug:

awww...  :hug:  Thanks I needed one too! :)

I gotta go back and watch Steven's Video again, that was CooL!!  :biggrinthumb:

yeah Man!!! ....I enjoyed the heck out of it!!! Great job Steven!!  :handshake:

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:54 am 
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Thanks Vicki and Neo,

  Yeah,  I'll be subscribing to Singsnap which means I'll have the capability to transpose pitch, and I think that will make a lot of difference in some of these tougher songs.  The Bread songs I opted to try are the tougher songs,  "It don't matter to me" is in fact like doing interval exercizes,  and it takes a couple of deep breaths prior to certain parts to do a few of those passages (which I found pretty interesting for David Gates songs because one would think that his softer style doesn't involve a lot of wind to be pushed but this particular song does).  Wish I could do Supertramp,  I could have fun making a video of "Bloody Well Right",  love that song.. Davies is TOUGH to do...HIGH voice..

  What threw me off about singing (in the past) is that nobody ever explained to me that this was something that needed to be built, and developed.. My assumption was as a musician I could just open my mouth from day one, sing, and if it sounded really good I was a singer, if it sounded awful to me, in that case I'd never have vocal chords enabling me to ever sing, but NOBODY ever expalined the phenom about how so many dislike hearing their own voice at the beginning, so I felt I REALLY sucked, and all attempting to ever sing could do would be to make a total A@@ out've myself (which may be true, however for some reason I sort've enjoy making a total a@@ out've myself)  LOL

HAHA!!! That last sentence....I about fell off my chair laughing

Yep. I had to get my wise-a$$ routine in, and throw in that phrase from "The Wall". figured I'd have some fun.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 3:19 am 
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I didn't know HOW the heck to do this particular song.  I did it in headvoice which might not be appropriate.. Another song I underestimated in terms of difficulty... Does a song such as this need to be transposed ?  or just belted out ?  This tripped me up..  Another song I thought that would be easy, I was incorrect..  Not sure why the song backing has male 1 and male 2 listed..  Isn't this song just sung by ONE Beatle ?

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/bbe0a651

Anyway, battling nasty post-nasal drip, (which shows and can be heard), wish I could get some vocal gravel at least out've it LOL

I've been intending to get over to Showcase to listen to you folks,  this serious time-span spent dedicated to pushing myself to learn how to sing (over the past few months) is really eating ALL my online time, as you can see my post count has dwindeled LOL

Trying to figure out how to mix for this live stuff too... Haven't a clue about ANY of that.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:54 pm 
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Pink Floyd-
Comfortably Numb (aka Uncomfortably Congested.... Didn't work quite right..HAHA)

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/b8f36527

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:54 pm 
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I added a few that weren't that good for a deliberate reason.  As I've stated, I grew up in a time and environment where all performances had to be perfect.. That was the only goal... So, I wanted to post some goofs to train myself that it's no longer important to excel in this day and age of Karaoke...  Desensitization of sorts..

Added in:   Also that age misnomer,  I can't stand it when people get the idea in their heads "I'm too old to learn ____",  I am learning to sing at 52, and it's probably easier now than it was half a lifetime ago when I wasn't ready to expend the time (assuming I even had a clue it was possible for me to sing at that stage in life when bamdmates were telling me "you can't sing, forget it Kaplan, stick to____").  Never too old to learn something new in the arts assuming a person is physically capable of using the parts of their body required... This isn't competitive collegiate football where an older person would get smashed to bits...

But dang !  This is addicting once you begin !   God forbid I start to EVER get hung up on stuff such as rank tho... I can see how it can easily happen... My goal,  just learn to passably do this, an honest 4-5 among some of the amazing talent you folks have will be fine for me !  I wish to hear what I can do to improve ALWAYS.. FLowers might spoil me !

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:45 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Sat Mar 15, 2008 1:19 am wrote:
I didn't know HOW the heck to do this particular song.  I did it in headvoice which might not be appropriate.. Another song I underestimated in terms of difficulty... Does a song such as this need to be transposed ?  or just belted out ?  This tripped me up..  Another song I thought that would be easy, I was incorrect..  Not sure why the song backing has male 1 and male 2 listed..  Isn't this song just sung by ONE Beatle ?

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/bbe0a651

Anyway, battling nasty post-nasal drip, (which shows and can be heard), wish I could get some vocal gravel at least out've it LOL

I've been intending to get over to Showcase to listen to you folks,  this serious time-span spent dedicated to pushing myself to learn how to sing (over the past few months) is really eating ALL my online time, as you can see my post count has dwindeled LOL

Trying to figure out how to mix for this live stuff too... Haven't a clue about ANY of that.

I would think head voice like it seems Paul was doing>First part of song< Then when Lennon comes in>Second part of song< Sounds normal - non-headvoice & The reason why the cdg shows Male part 1 & Male Part 2 .... Song is sung by both Paul & Lennon.... :)

I may not be correct on who sings which part, But I do know it is Paul & John. :)

Due to the above....I would think it would make it a hard song to cover!! :yes:

It may not be your best, But remember>>> People like myself still enjoy it!!! :)

I am so happy to see you improving & also getting use to the fact that it is alright to post performances that are not perfect.

If I were to only post performances that were only perfect....Then I would never post any thing!!! ... Because non of my recordings are perfect!!! :)

There are people who still enjoy them though...  :oh yeah:

Like me......I enjoyed this one!! :yes: :oh yeah:

P.S....Will be back after lunch to listen to the other.  :biggrinthumb:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:09 am 
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Steven Kaplan @ Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:54 am wrote:
Pink Floyd-
Comfortably Numb (aka Uncomfortably Congested.... Didn't work quite right..HAHA)

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/b8f36527

HAHA.... Still enjoyed!!... even though it had a Boo Boo.. LMAO

you are never too old to learn as you stated already, anyone can learn if they really want to learn, and they put enough time and effort into it. Keep em coming Steven!!!

I'm sitting here waving a lighter & the whole bit!!!  :biggrinthumb:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:19 am 
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I would think head voice like it seems Paul was doing>First part of song< Then when Lennon comes in>Second part of song< Sounds normal - non-headvoice & The reason why the cdg shows Male part 1 & Male Part 2 .... Song is sung by both Paul & Lennon....  

This is interesting,  I thought "A Day in The Life" was only sung by one Beatle, and that Beatle wasn't McCartney, here's the reason, that song was supposed to be one of the series of songs of hints regarding "The Paul McCartney being killed in an auto accident" series..WOW,  seems I really was snowed by all that stuff in the 60's..because some of us were... Yet I thought it was only Lennon singing, the two sound quite similar in this song...  Is it the chorus that is sung be a different Beatle, "Woke Up, Got out've Bed" ?  That part ?  Really never knew there were two, shows how much LP's didn't breakdown that CD format and tape might've (since I never heard this song on anything but 33 RPM Vinyl.

Yep, Regarding mistakes - I'm doing all this live, non-edited as if it's coffeehouse type stuff so I'm going to make them, and allow myself to make them and laugh at myself when it happens quite noticeably.. Makes it fun that way.. Otherwise I'll go crazy since I'm not a polished vocalist and won't try to be for a LONG time, if ever.. This is a learning process for me and I'm trying to be realistic.

and again, thanks much for the help !

Regarding the age thing, it's quite common today for folks older than myself to start getting into Classical and Jazz.. THese forms require motivation, attentiveness, and patience, usually a RELEARNING... Something many younger folks aren't ready to dedicate themselves to..

There are people who still enjoy them though...  

Yep,  and I too need to enjoy it so I can't turn this into another source of stress and perfection.  I'm not competing with anyone, it's just for fun, and learning stuff as I go, assuming I can become "a singer", at that point I'll deal with that stage !!  YEARS down the road.

It's fun to be able to feel like a kid giving a recital..  Reason being, kids can goof up !!

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:36 pm 
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I think I'll take you up on that mixing offer LOL   Of all songs for me to be way too loud on,  this one the balance is WAY off..  Love the song,  so I decided to butcher it of course !!

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/bae7e1db

Interesting thing I noticed just now.. Although when relaxed I can hit in falsetto the "You to me,  I'm your lonely one"... During singing in a lower register I can't shift up to that because it's constricted and cuts range TREMENDOUSLY... Takes a very relaxed larynx to hit that... Too bad there's not an abbreviated rendition of "The Rain Song" out in Karaoke.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 7:54 pm 
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hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...most would be less confident on camera...you sir exude more self confidence with every video of you singing...really enjoyed this...I didnt listen to critique...I listened to see if I could sit and enjoy and I can...to me you have succeeded :) you have taught yourself to sing ;-)

"Be who you are and say what you feel... Because those that matter... Don't mind...And those that mind... Don't matter."

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:34 pm 
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MorganLeFey @ Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:54 pm wrote:
hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...most would be less confident on camera...you sir exude more self confidence with every video of you singing...really enjoyed this...I didnt listen to critique...I listened to see if I could sit and enjoy and I can...to me you have succeeded :) you have taught yourself to sing ;-)

I agree with Vicki....every thing above that she said!!  :hi5:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:41 pm 
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Neo @ Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:34 pm wrote:
MorganLeFey @ Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:54 pm wrote:
hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...most would be less confident on camera...you sir exude more self confidence with every video of you singing...really enjoyed this...I didnt listen to critique...I listened to see if I could sit and enjoy and I can...to me you have succeeded :) you have taught yourself to sing ;-)

I agree with Vicki....every thing above that she said!!  :hi5:

LMAO then my job is done sir, I have trained you well roflmao

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 8:53 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:36 pm wrote:

I think I'll take you up on that mixing offer LOL   Of all songs for me to be way too loud on,  this one the balance is WAY off..  Love the song,  so I decided to butcher it of course !!

http://www.singsnap.com/snap/watchandli ... y/bae7e1db

Actually...I think you are getting much better with your mixes, you just think your vocals are too loud....That is just a part of getting use to hearing your self which you haven't been use to doing....or thats my opinion... LOL

Makes sense to me anyway :yes:

I use to hide my vocals in the mix a long time ago, and then finally started getting use to hearing myself....I then started raising the volume on my vocals and just worked on making sure I was not getting off pitch and also experimented with ways to make my vocals blend in with the music bettter....Meaning I went from recording my vocals in mono...To....Recording my Vocals in Stereo using the line in jack and setting my computers mixer to Stereo Mix.

Then I played around with some Stereo widening vocal effects, combined with a little bit of Compression,EQ,Reverb,Delay....etc, And finally found a mixture of effects that when adjusted just right...Meaning not too much of any one particular effects and getting everthing more balanced...Then I became much more happy with how my vocals Sounded within the mix.

Does that make sense??? LMAO   Anyway...It works for me anyhow. :)

Just keep at it and don't give up, always keep an open mind and feel free to experiment with mixing & effects...etc.  Keep it fun as you stated and keep at it, practice makes perfect is what I have always heard.  I am far from perfect, but I have improved a whole bunch!!!   And so will you Steven! :)

I got faith in ya buddy!!!  :biggrinthumb:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:00 pm 
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MorganLeFey @ Sun Mar 16, 2008 6:41 pm wrote:
Neo @ Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:34 pm wrote:
MorganLeFey @ Sun Mar 16, 2008 5:54 pm wrote:
hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...most would be less confident on camera...you sir exude more self confidence with every video of you singing...really enjoyed this...I didnt listen to critique...I listened to see if I could sit and enjoy and I can...to me you have succeeded :) you have taught yourself to sing ;-)

I agree with Vicki....every thing above that she said!!  :hi5:

LMAO then my job is done sir, I have trained you well roflmao

I was trained well already.....I thought!!  :shock:

Does this mean I win a prize?? LMAO

I'm going back to sleep now & look forward to another song from you Steven. :)

I'll check back in the morning after I get home from an appointment. :handshake:

Good Night everyone....  :wave:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 9:18 pm 
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hmmm well I was gonna say I was the prize but hell if you sleep on the job... :whistle:

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 10:09 pm 
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hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...most would be less confident on camera...you sir exude more self confidence with every video of you singing...really enjoyed this...I didnt listen to critique...I listened to see if I could sit and enjoy and I can...to me you have succeeded  you have taught yourself to sing

Thank you both.   I prefer however to consider myself a VERY new person trying to improve in a difficult area where loads of talent abounds, and in my case, just an individual who is learning how to sing with A LOT of help from those such as you kind people with A LOT of experience in the area.

Perhaps in a similar manner to really young kids, for me the playing and "oh what the heck" stage is over and now it's time to buckle down and work harder.  I think I'd assume try to remain VERY humble, and take the more strict approach at this point, meaning work towards being able to at least sing a song or two or be a backing singer in a decent band setting, so I'm ready to apply myself... I need to be working with some direction now, and I'm not sure where to look or head, yet my interest is of course the classic rock ballads, yet where to focus ?   I'm confused of course at this point... So perhaps this will involve some training in real life BUT... Can video's help others help me too in an internet setting ?  Meaning posture, breathing, mouth positioning can be viewed now...  (assuming I dare take the mic away from my mouth for my ugly teeth to be seen LOL )

hey Kappy most people would be the exact opposite to you...why should I be suprised at this?...

My growing up dyslexic and a$$-backwards during a time these things weren't as easily recognised finally paid off !

The letting something out (Singing) is MUCH MUCH tougher !!!!!
Keep in mind Vicki that the person on Cam is "external", the singing is INTERNAL not as easy to bluff (especially since I lack the skills thus-far to bluff modifying my voice while singing) !  This is me being as real as I can be in a given area (meaning my attempt at singing and expressing myself is my insides,  my soul, my emotion leaves me quite exposed, it's no easier than being in public nakid as a clothed person to be honest).. Heck, up until about 3-4 months ago if given a choice to sing, or let out a fart in public, I'd have to think very hard about which would be more debasing ! 

Since I've been in acting and the performing arts most of my life "appearing" and "being visible" is VERY easy for me...  Yet letting my real *inside self* out is after being told blatantly by those I respect "Man, you suck, stick to guitar etc" exposing myself singing leaves me feeling VERY vulnerable, there was no Karaoke setting in the days when a person either sang *in the closet*, or was a "singer" and worthy of performing, anything less made the person appear goofy.. and this is tough even still for me !   I can't bluff or act when I diligently try to sing, even my puss -expression, etc becomes VERY real while efforting to do this..  The singing and the difficult attempt at doing something DOES expose me more than just being physically visible..  I think for many who have a past in an area of the performing arts, (especially where they can hide behind something external) or those of  us who learned to just emulate and transform into something (other than ourselves) makes it understandable why singing would be tough, I can't hide.... and of course it wasn't OK in my past to do something EVEN on cam that I might "suck at".  Just how things were.  Being subpar to many others that sing is pretty tough too so I try to stay VERY honest with myself, and others as to where I am at this point in singing.  I've accepted that in being somewhat realistic and accepting I am just learning to do this, I take no real risks ..  and of utmost importance IMHO is not to let confidence get too strong ever in any area of performing or that begins the demise of fun !!

JMO..  Now it's time to work even harder..  Meaning keep both feet planted and learn to begin to hear myself singing (if possible).  As told, I've kept ALL recordings from K-solo back in November, so I CAN hear the difference, and this is a good thing !  While objectivity is tough, I can hear contrast in the four month period !

Not sure it's just confidence,  I feel vocally much less constricted/ restricted and I feel I have more range and vocal strength than I did when starting, learning how to develop that area of my body which never got consideration before..  I really do feel there's a type of stregnth developing, and some control is coming along with familiarity too. I'm trying to pay VERY close attention to ear-training throughout, and pitch matching trying not to get sloppy, or to forget ANYTHING I've been told (except not to use the falsetto, I seemed to ignore that) LMAO

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 16, 2008 11:02 pm 
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actually on one side it is as simple as being "just confidence" what that has done for you is break down the barrier of sitting there trying to analyse EVERYTHING that comes out of your mouth AS IT COMES OUT OF YOUR MOUTH.
before you appeared to open your mouth then hesitate as if you were critiquing it as it arrived...the hesitancy etc made for a difficult listen.
Now the delivery is much more confident. why not just run with that for a bit before working too hard to take the next step. Enjoy being able to tell a story well...once you have that as 2nd nature then you can move to the next step :)
the main thing is you enjoy yourself :)

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