Ok hun...I went back and looked at the pic again...
You see under the words: Edit View/ Multitrack/ CD Project View as the pic shows under these words suppose to be
track?/ R for Record (it's not there-the little red box)
S- is there as well as M
The one that is missing is the R=record?
Also at the top of where you're suppose to see 'R' for record...R - S- M----on top of that in the pic shows:
Vol/EQ/Bus--mine only say's: Vol and EQ--with arrows and when I hit an arrow it then say's: EQ and Bus....I have no idea where all three are....like the pic shows--Vol/EQ/Bus? Not sure if this could be the problem?
I also see the small blue boxes on the pic--I'm not sure what it say'son the left one-can't see it to well, it say's LOCK And the other blue box say's "FX', that, too is not there....There are no blue boxes at all...
Man oh man I am at my wits end---I will keep looking and trying differnt ways....Maybe my sons will be by Sunday and maybe they can take a look at it--I am so sorry I am giving you troubles dear heart
Geez it's 2:00am and been trying to fIx this problem and still unable to...Wow-I don't usually get upset-however I am now...