It's been ten years........Long time, huh?
........anyway.......When I saw her something flashed thru my mind.....It was total recall (in vivid color and surround sound) of the day she appoached me as I was relaxing n thumbing the remote......
Yep, she came from the back of the house and walked straight up to me and demanded to know why I pizzed in the bathroom sink......That day I just I looked at her standing there with her hands on her hips and saw the look in her eyes and realized she was flashed thru my mind-a picture of me actually doing that-and I laffed at her........Then I got serious and looked at her again and saw the signs of mental illness fully....Yep, she was truely nuts.......So I divorced her.
......Today-ten years later I see her...........So I walk up and say, "Hey, do you remember when you asked me if I pizzed in the sink? You were right, I did it all the time and I also pizzed on your tooth brush almost everynight"......Then I walked away.
I know I shouldn't mess with the handicapped, but I simply couldn't stop myself.
I think i feel better