I just found out "All the sudden" and Ron and Karaoke Diva may want to pay peticular attention to this Especially!!! Not Just this weekend But Lately there has been some proble3ms with Clubs Replacing Karaoke shows with Live bands here..
Now Don't Get your Panties in a bunch yet "Karaoke Sucks.com" folks because I haven't finished what I'm going to say yet..
This has been a long time coming.. and finally the Licensing agencies (BMI, ASCAP, & SESAC) Finally have done something that I have suspected they would do but was afraid to talk about.
In Albuquerque, NM there has been many clubs trying to skate by without paying the appropriate Licensing fees, or even licensing the clubs at all, or being too cheap to deal the appropriate fees to do Karaoke. so they believe that a live band is going to solve thier problem..
Have I got sad news for those KJ's, DJ's and Clubs... This weekend 3 KJ's & DJ's lost thier venues' & jobs perminantly. 1 KJ lost 4 venues cutting his 6 shows down to 2 a week. and one club cut 4 DJ's off it's staff. just to bring back low dollar live bands.
In my opinion it will not last.
One the bands I talked to they had to undercut the KJ's to get in which nearly enraged me to the point of verbally engaging one of the players in one of the bands.
As Ron knows I don't get that mad very often.
So I would definately start looking at weddings and Corperate shows if you start seeing that sign in your market..
and work on marketing your show.. because the bands here have been making an assault on karaoke..
this was not a joke.. it really has been happpening!!!!