jbsinger @ Sat 18 Oct, 2008 wrote:
Thank you - I'm glad you liked my post but sorry you missed the point of it, choosing instead to focus on one small aspect of it. It's not about being a star; it's about finding happiness in the smallest of things. Thanking the heavens for the wonderful things you have been given. Sharing those gifts with people in your life and accepting yourself as a marvelous creation. I was hoping you would see those things in my post.
On this site, I rarely digress from the subject of music, so this is out of the ordinary for me to do. Usually I would pm you to say something personal. However, you make your life very public and so people answer you publicly.
I have a friend - well now he's an ex-friend, who feels the same negativity about the world around him. He would call me at all hours of the day and tell me how God had f***ed him (his words) out of a real life, how he was an ugly, old fat man. I knew he wanted me to reassure him he was not - as most negative people really want reassurance, and I refused to buy into his need for me to fluff him. I spent hours hoping he would see all the good things he had been given, but to no avail. So, to save myself from his sickening maw of self-pity, I recently decided to cut him off. Funny, he and I have both been widowed and live alone yet I laugh a lot and see light in the world and he lives in darkness, is angry and hateful. In his life there was nothing he did just out of love - with no thought of a reward, he always had to have his 'pay off.' So he carped and complained and is truly alone. He would never have understood my post either - he would have read it and said it was very nice but it did not address his long list of miseries.
In response to your diatribe on MorganLaFey - the symbol on her posts is a pentacle, an ancient symbol of protection widely seen in Pennsylvania Dutch country. Her beliefs are Pagan, an ancient religion that aligns itself with caretaking the earth and nature. There is no devil or satanic worship in Paganism, Wicca, Shamanism or any other nature based religion. She has given her friendship freely to me and many others with no expectations or agendas and is a lovely lady, earthy and fun loving. I have treated you with respect and a true wish for you to feel better about yourself. So, in the future, please don't ever use a response to one of my posts as a means of saying ugly, unsolicited things about any member of this site.
Barb, I understood your post. I meant "My topic" was not about being a star. And I am not the sad, miserable person that a few people choose to assume. I may be a bit lonely at times, but what truck driver isn't? It seems like all I have is music when there's no one to talk to. I do have many wonderful things to be thankful for, and I remind myself of that daily.
Yes, I have made my life public. But most of the public aren't into karaoke or hanging out in sites like this that support karaoke, so why hide myself totally? And the real question is....what is everyone hiding from? I've never felt a reason for it until now. I've already removed any accessible personal info about myself because of what just happened here. It just gives someone something to feed off of as if they know everything about me....my mistake.
Okay, I've had a few misunderstood posts or topics in the forums here, big deal. This post was really about how I felt sorry for the people who auditioned for American Idol and the way they were treated publicly. I genuinely care about others too. What happened here was the same thing that happened before......MorganLefey Vicki making public, off color comments or suggestions about my "perceived image", and she just won't stop with the "oh poor me" stuff! And she inserted herself into this post for just that reason this time! Not to converse with me at all, just to stir the "cauldron". Why doesn't she avoid me? Why do people refuse to recognize what's wrong with "her"?
I have read many comments of hers made to singers in the showcase, and most of them are not nice....patronizing....transparently suggesting her dislike for them. Go read the description to her latest song posting! Not hardly the "saint" that y'all here are standing behind. I'm tired of trying to reinforce my position on everything I do or say around here. See! I'm doing it now!
I don't apologize for finally blowing my stack against this person that a few people seem to adore here......I think I'm right on track about her, and some others would support me on that if they had the guts to not ruin themselves here.
I don't really care about anyone's religion....I just get a bad vibe about someone, and I'm usually right! This didn't happen overnight. This is from seeing it over a long time now.
So I won't bother to explain my position on this any longer. I appreciate the respect you afforded to me the very few times you even knew who I was, but I still say y'all are glamorizing a sheep in wolve's clothing. I am a very forgiving person usually, but I think I'll stand my ground on this one.