I had a guy come up on stage Saturday and whisper to me " You and me later baby cakes". So I started out thinking Yuck ! The shock on my face obviously went over his head.
Anyway there is a packed house of people, I start the music and he picks up the mic and screams at the top of his lungs "Yippy Kiyeah you d_m mother f_ckers ". The audience's faces looked liked they'd been hit with an atom bomb, cringing in shock.
I turn his mic off, stop the music and announce he's done. I didn't even look at him and called up the next person. He is in amazement thinking this girls got balls, I'm the
(@$%!). The next singer is a very large man that is a regular and takes the mic from him. I got lucky there.
I told his girlfriend (yeah he had a gf
) I don't tolerate screaming or swearing on the mic that I understand he didn't mean any harm, but he can't sing any more tonight. If he is so drunk that he doesn't know how wrong that was he doesn't need to be singing.
Usually if someone breaks the rules I'll give a warning first. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt in case they are new and don't know the rules. My intent is not to embarrass someone, but this guy was so over the top I had to do something immediately.
The best part of this is it worked to my advantage. Later in the rotation I had a young guy come up to sing a song that had the word "sh!t" in the song a few times. He is very respectful to me telling me he is sorry I probably won't like the song. I told him it's fine if the word is in the song, that's different and I explained what the rules were the previous guy broke. It just tickled me because the appearance of this fellow was very hard core.
Enforcing the rules I find earns you respect. Now I'm no hitler by any means. I'm just pointing out I've learned trying to be the nice guy all the time gets you walked on. A little tough love once in a while earns you respect. Especially if the regular coming up to sing next is 6'7"
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]