BlueStainedShoes @ Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:28 am wrote:
Wouldn't life be simple if men came with an on/off switch and a volume control?
I would absolutely no longer need the phrase "shut the hell up" in my vocabulary.
Good to see ya hanging out Tammy... the forums get a bit more boring when you're not around g/f.

Yeah it would be!! I could probably throw out "shut the hell up" & "would you make up your freaking mind?!"

Those seem to be the two I most commonly use with men!!
Good to be hanging out again darlin'
I hadta go help my mom move today or I woulda been around more...and I have more to do tomorrow afternoon too...but hopefully I can hang out some before & after. I thought my weekends off were supposed to be relaxing but that's not usually the case hehe