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 Post subject: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:47 am 

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This site has downloadable MP3+CDG files one at a time! http://www.karaoke-singles.co.uk
You can listen to a sound clip before you buy it! Get some Christmas songs, or just some new songs to practice and make your own CD :-)

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:59 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:03 pm 

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Yes and no:-) It would be great to sell some songs. I also think it is a great site for Karaoke lovers:-) I am not the greatest singer and I get songs and practice them a bit before I try them out and burn a CD and take it with me to the venue so I KNOW it is the version I have practiced:-)

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:42 pm 
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First of all, the site looks terrible in Firefox. It will need some improvement on that part.

Another thing: I was browsing through the site and checked out the versions of "Buckcherry - Crazy (@$%&#!)" since it is mentioned in your top downloads. So I did a search and one of the versions comes up as Manufacturer Sound Choice (???)

AFAIK there is now Sound Choice version of this song. Someone please correct me and make me happy at the same time...

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:14 pm 
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Yes, it was recently released on Hits of 2008 Vol 2 SC9022.
However, I do not believe that Soundchoice has authorized any downloads of any of their songs. In fact, they discourage any format shifting at all.
Edit: I may be wrong as I am checking out the Sound Choice message boards and there MAY be at least one site that has legal SC stuff.
Don't know about this one, though. Uk laws are apparently quite different than the US and Canada laws.
Wish someone would give us a clear understanding of it.

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:30 pm 
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karaoke-singles.co.uk or karaokesingles.co.uk Don't get confused: karaoke-singles.co.uk is an illegal download site according to thikiaa.org but karaokesingles.co.uk is a legal download site with links to creditable legal music download companies. karaokesingles.co.uk is directed to mp3gmusic.com

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:37 pm 
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Then perhaps the link should be removed?
Can you give us the link where it tells us that that site is illegal?
BTW isn't the KIAA the one that's full of controversy with the agreement that they want members to sign?
I'm not so sure I should trust them.
Maybe Sound Choice has the answer.
On the KIAA website there is nothing about websites. Just something about pre-loaded hard drives.
They also don't tell who their members actually are.
Seems more like a site geared to take money from KJs, labels, etc. They don't actually say what the DO. They just give their mandate as being anti-piracy.

On their about us page there's nothing about WHO actually runs it. Just more about what the site and group is about (anti-piracy - We got that already!).
Seems a little on the shady side if you ask me.
And why do you keep promoting it Dan?
Do you have some sort of vested interest in it? Are you a member? Are you one of the members that runs the site?
They want you to sign up, but you don't really get anything for your money.
From the site:
Your membership dues go toward:

• Anti-piracy endeavors
• Advocacy for expanding the availability of musical works
• KIAA operational expenses

What anti-piracy endeavors, exactly?
What kind of advocacy? How will they advocate?
what are the orperating expense, exactly?

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:00 pm 
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karaoke-singles is not a link but a website I am sure there are companies that would like to have it removed ie "soundchoice". I don't believe sound shoice allows any of there music to be downloaded other than under the name "the karaoke channel" through VENUE DJ world wide.
Are you saying if Sound Choice was behind thekiaa.org with other manufacture you would feel better about dealing with the community of karaoke manufactures.
Apparently when you visited the site you forgot to sign up for their news letter which is free and does not cost anything to recieve, but if you had some of your questions would have been answered yesterday in that news letter.
In regards to your why I educate kj's about thekiaa.org is very simple. I have a legal karaoke company after all these years of investing into karaoke software you would think it would have some value. If anyone can just go out and buy a $225.00 pirated hard drive and no one does anything about it my kj business is reduced to the value of some speakers, mixer and microphones.
The next generation of karaoke will be Club and Bar owners firing karaoke companies and in-house their karaoke because now they don't have to invest in the major portion of a karaoke company their music. So yes, to answere your question, I do have a vested interest thekiaa.org just like any other legal karaoke company whom would like to retain their value in their music libraries or have a company to sell which would be worth something for the money invested. Is my karaoke company a member? Not yet I am waiting to see the "VALUE" in it.

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 5:21 pm 
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DJ DANGERUS @ Wed Dec 10, 2008 1:00 am wrote:
The next generation of karaoke will be Club and Bar owners firing karaoke companies and in-house their karaoke because now they don't have to invest in the major portion of a karaoke company their music.

I wouldn't say the next.... it's already happening now, I'm asked to host on these systems almost as much as I'm booked with my own equipment. In the Uk we have the Produb license which for a fee allows you to copy music onto a hardrive, people can buy this setup and they "have a gentlemans agreenent with the person purchasing it that they own the originals"... This poorly worded license will not cover the majority of the of the UK and foreign karaoke Manus, but they won't tell you that unless you ask outright. Legal Karaoke's could be buying this, thinking it allows you to transfer all of your songs onto computer when infact the situation and risk reguarding computers is still the same as it has always been, only now people are paying for piece of mind, thinking they are doing the right thing :roll: .

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:40 am 
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Sevarin @ Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:42 pm wrote:
First of all, the site looks terrible in Firefox. It will need some improvement on that part.

Another thing: I was browsing through the site and checked out the versions of "Buckcherry - Crazy <span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span>" since it is mentioned in your top downloads. So I did a search and one of the versions comes up as Manufacturer Sound Choice (???)

AFAIK there is now Sound Choice version of this song. Someone please correct me and make me happy at the same time...

There is a crappy manu version of this song before SC put it out.

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:05 am 
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I know it is happining now, in the US. Last week I saw 15 copycat companies selling the same hard drive systems found on craigs list for $379.00 for $279.00 how low can you go.... I called one guy who said "I getting out of the bussiness" my karaoke library for sale. Of course doing a legal bussiness I responded because I would like to off-set my costs If I could buy "origanal karaoke disc for a used price". The guy I talked to in Texas said "I transfered my library to HD" of course I said "thats ok as long as the origanal discs are included". He hung up... I do believe there are alot of legal karaoke companies around the world which have "LARGE" investments in music libraries whom would not like to see their "INVESTMENT" given up to what I call "ECONOMIC EXTORTION" boy would'nt I like to see "HOMELAND SECURITY" get involved for all the lost revenue in the US... going...? I know the lost revenue has cost: Singers, Song Writers, Composers, Performers, Labels and of course Manufactures "BILLIONS"...

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:19 am 
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SBI has that BuckCherry song now, too!

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:23 am 
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Lonman @ Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:40 am wrote:
There is a crappy manu version of this song before SC put it out.

Yeah, I don't like that version at all. But Sound Choice might be worth taking a look at.

Regarding the Legality... I always read here, that ASCAP (and others) are only going after the venues to make them pay the royalties and no one ever goes after the KJ. That they couldn't care less... Not true! There ARE indeed people out there, auditing KJs, too.

About a year ago, I got a call at one of my VENUES (...!... not my cell) from a guy, who wanted me to burn him a disc, since I have a song, he can't find anywhere else. He continued, that he has been to my show the week before and saw that, I have it. I told him, that I can't legally do it, but I could point out some websites, where he can download tracks and maybe he gets lucky and finds that song. I could also tell him, what exact disc this song is on, so he could try ebay.

He kept asking, trying to convince me, also offered to pay me more and more, but I just refused and repeated myself over and over again. So he gave up.

2 weeks after that I heard, that a fellow KJ got arrested for falling for the exact same thing. He sold him that song on a disc for $20. I think, he was in jail for 2 weeks and had to pay a fine.

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:28 am 
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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:59 am 
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That's just insane. I'm all for stopping illegal purchases, but that is like Matt said entrapment !

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:15 am 

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DJ DANGERUS @ Tue Dec 09, 2008 3:30 pm wrote:
karaoke-singles.co.uk or karaokesingles.co.uk Don't get confused: karaoke-singles.co.uk is an illegal download site according to thikiaa.org but karaokesingles.co.uk is a legal download site with links to creditable legal music download companies. karaokesingles.co.uk is directed to mp3gmusic.com

It looks to me like the www.karaokesingles.co.uk is an Add farm and "portal" for Karaoke and music web sites. www.karaoke-singles.com is licensed by the MCPS-PRS and the artists and composers are getting paid the royalties for each song sold. Can you tell me why this one you mention is legal and the other is not? Can you tell me what criteria the KIAA uses to endorse this site?

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:25 am 

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I am not a KJ nor do I think I would be able to do that job:-) I want to put my two cents in about being reduced to a set of speakers. To me that is like saying a club can replace a DJ with a juke box and have the same value of entertainment! NO WAY:-) The value a KJ brings to a venue is so many more things! i.e. atmosphere, Personality, a fair rotation, a fun crowd, a sound system that he/she knows how to mix for each singer and song. Not to mention well maintained song books, slips, mics, monitors and about a billion other things. I think you need to give yourself much more credit than that:-) Just my oppinion:-)

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:46 am 
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lilbexter @ Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:15 pm wrote:
Can you tell me what criteria the KIAA uses to endorse this site?

I asked earlier:
Can you give us the link where it tells us that that site is illegal?

But got no answer.
I'll try again:
DJ, Where on the KIAA site can you find out who is legal and who is not?
I see nothing of the kind on the KIAA site.
If it's not there, then how do you know? Where, exactly, are you getting this information?

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:58 am 
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karaoke-singles (.co.uk or .com)

OK, the site is claiming to be a UK site, it is registered by a UK hosting company although it seems the site is hosted in The Netherlands. The site is NOT registered for e-commerce. The site quotes prices in British Pounds + tax, however the tax charged does no match up to the current UK VAT rate (17.5% or 15% after last week). The transactions are paid for in US$. The CDG logo is not an official licensed (by Philips/Sony) CDG logo. The power karaoke CD+G burner links are text only, if I were a 'partner' software company I would be insisting on better representation.

Everything about this site seems fishy. No MCPS-PRS logos etc. Compare to tricerasoft (who still seem too cheap to be true) and selectatrack who have much better credentials.

I guess we can verify with companies like zoom and sunfly that tricerasoft and selectatrack are legal.

Karaoke-Singles seems more like an mp3.ru illegal download to me.

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 Post subject: Re: Karaoke single songs
PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 12:14 pm 
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STTW no longer charges VAT... that's hardly a criteria for illegal behavior.

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