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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:00 pm 
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I'm new to Karaoke stuff I recently got a MG124CX and all those buttons overwhelm me, the manual is very short and to the point and probably for someone who know their stuff.

If someone has a link some where that explain what all those effect and mid, hig,low button do or some pointer on how to properly set it up would be much appreciated.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:06 pm 
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You'll probably get a better response if you re-post this on the Technical forum, also, WELCOME TO THE FORUM.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:06 pm 
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Play it loud , play it proud. Sorry all i have is the Yahmaha EMX 5000.

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:41 pm 
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The manual for that is actually pretty good. It is less intimidating when you realize the channel strips are repeated multiple times -- you really just need to learn one channel strip and apply the same knowledge to the whole thing.

Here is what I use for the microphone channels, from the top:

Gain -- usually about 1 oclock, but depends on how "hot" the mic is. About 2pm for an SM58.

Compression -- about 11oclock.

High EQ -- about midrange

Mid EQ -- about 12:30

Low EQ -- about 10 oclock

(The EQ settings depend on your microphone and taste. For good bass singers / songs like "He'll Have To Go" you may want to return the low to midrange or higher.)

Aux 1 -- depends on if you use the monitor out, but it can't hurt to set it (for a mic) at 12oclock.

FX Send -- for microphones, about 1pm, but depends on how your effects gain is set up. Set it all the way off for the music and for any effects returns.

On -- on when you don't want to mute the channel.
PFL -- not depressed. This allows you to see the level on the VU meter with the Pre Fader Listen.
Pan -- exactly midrange.

Stereo send button (red) -- usually depressed. Your channel will be silent if you don't send it's output somewhere.

Group 1-2 (grey) -- leave unpressed for now, use when you know more.

Fader -- there you should read about gain structure. I am from the school that likes to run channel faders at 0 / unity and increase the master. Other people will do it differently.

Once you have done that for the microphone(s), plug in the music and repeat the process, selecting midrange for most things. *Tweak* the eq to make it sound better -- a little goes a long way.

Basically, you need to play with it and practice. Then read the manual again. Then play and practice. Repeat until you are comfortable.

Here is a picture of a channel on my MG166CX, which is similar:

channel.jpg [ 94.24 KiB | Viewed 1938 times ]

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 1:54 pm 
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Wow thanks mckyj57

here are my set up, just for the home, standard room, sit 3M from the speakers
It mainly for my kids and wife as I dont sing much but I was not too happy with the mixing of the music and the vocal and I'm sure I can do better I just don't know how to work those buttons....so your help is much appreciated.

Dynacord Powersub 315
2x EV ZX1
2X EV ND/967 Microphone looking for 2 Wireless Mic a bit later at this stage shure or ev
Yamaha MG124CX

The Dynacord with their 4 integrated amp power the speakers and the mixer

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