vbu2c5 @ Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:17 pm wrote:
I am wrong in thinking that by Diafel saying " Isn't half the show the host's
personality? " that she somewhat inferred that he must need these jingles because he or his show has no personality? I'm sure she didn't mean it that way, but when I first read her reply I did somewhat think that it did appear to come across a bit rude. Just an opinion, not fact. Diafel I have no problem with you, and I think you are very gracious in taking the high road out of this. Just trying to see both sides.
I also agree it's Christmas, ( well now it's Boxing Day, oh I do miss my Canadian Lady ) people, chill the f*** out.
Oh and Dan, a bit of advice, if Morgan went out of her way to help you, please at least thank her. Of all the people on this forum she can be the nicest and the meanest, if you deserve it. Rudy.
pmsl what a wonderful observer of others you are