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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:57 am 
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It seems at many times at about 11p there are singers that finally have enuff liquid courage to sing. There are 2 types the ones that are just passing thru and those that socialize with the rest of the singers. The first type you never see again and the second type becomes one of your regs and after years improve into a decent singer. A knowing crowd recognizes both and puts up with them -... It takes a lot of courage the first time and the experienced folks will show a lot of patience.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:09 am 
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Diafel, instead of picking one small snippet of my post, and running with it, please read YOUR LAST SENTENCE in response to Cueball, then read what MY solution to the problem was. Don't those two things sound VERY similar? I have no problem with ANY different calibre of singer, but karaoke IS about SINGING, not a stage for shenanigans. People TRYING to sing is great, people just trying to get attention any kind of way they can, I personally don't need.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:22 am 
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Nlouch @ Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:10 am wrote:
Karaoke is about having fun and like everything --everyone should have the opportunity to participate

Went to a bar once where the host was a queen (glam gay transvestite) who played the "<span style=font-size:10px><i>(@$%&#!)</i></span>" role.

She was cutting and harsh to poeple who sang poorly, and moreso to those who sang well. In her mind it was a joke and part of the fun.

Lasted about 3 weeks...

Again..there are many types of SHOWS ----some succesful some not
In a differant venue a TRANNY hosting that kind of show might be a HIT

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:04 pm 
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There are definitely types out there for whom the karaoke scene is about intentionally botching the song. Kinda the Wiliam Hung school. And yes, I have abandoned bars where this takes place too much.

I guess the dividing line is, if someone's bad because they are sincerely a beginner, or don't know any better, hey, that's karaoke. But if someone does it on purpose, well, that's just annoying.

See/hear the serial version of Michael's karaoke novel, "Outro," at outronovel.blogspot.com

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:12 pm 
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First, welcome to the forum michaelj. Finally, someone has hit the nail on the head. I totally agree with your dividing line statement. Thanks!


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:33 pm 
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srnitynow @ Fri Jan 16, 2009 12:09 pm wrote:
Diafel, instead of picking one small snippet of my post, and running with it, please read YOUR LAST SENTENCE in response to Cueball, then read what MY solution to the problem was. Don't those two things sound VERY similar? I have no problem with ANY different calibre of singer, but karaoke IS about SINGING, not a stage for shenanigans. People TRYING to sing is great, people just trying to get attention any kind of way they can, I personally don't need.


I chose that snippet of your post because to me, it's very telling and I really didn't feel it was necessary to quote the whole thing.
Yes, I will admit that they are SIMILAR, but they are NOT the SAME. There are potentially very DIFFERENT results with each, as I thought I had pointed out.

diafel @ Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:23 am wrote:
I only said TELL them that IF they continue to scream into the mic, you won't let them sing again. I have NEVER (not even once!) had to follow through with it, as every single case has smartened up and cut the sceaming out.
For some reason, (maybe because they won't be able to get on stage and have that attention?) telling them they won't sing again seems to have a much better end result.

My last sentence was missing the "IF THEY CONTINUE TO SCREAM INTO THE MIC". I really didn't think it was necessary to repeat it verbatum as I had already said it in the very same post at the beginning.
I'm sorry my lack of it caused you to take my post out of context.
Let me clarify.
As I stated: I would TELL them that they would not be allowed to sing IF they continued to SCREAM into the mic. Again, I have NEVER had to follow through. EVER. I really don't think I ever would have to, either. TELLING them that has solved the problem EVERY SINGLE TIME WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
I would NEVER tell someone they can't sing based on their ability or knowledge of songs. Just because they mumble their way through most of the song is no reason to refuse them a turn at singing. If that was the case, where do you draw the line? Do you go all the way to if people screw up and mess up a verse of the song? Refuse those people from singing? Yes, I KNOW it's an extreme example, but I think it clearly illustrates my point. At what point do you refuse people that are actually trying but just have no idea or are scared sh*tless? Also, how do you KNOW they are screwing up on purpose unless the specifically tell you? They may be scared and nervous as I stated above. They may be laughing it off out of sheer terror. They also may just be drunk. But guess what? You're in a BAR! That's what people do! You have NO WAY of knowing for sure unless they TELL you specifically.
Again, cut them some slack. That's what a good host does.
I stand by my previous post.

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:52 pm 
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Diafel, michaeljvaughn differentiated the 2 types of perfomers, which I agreed with, if you get a chance to look at his post. Also, I take it you would allow someone that is purposely acting like a fool, to keep coming up again, and again, as long as they didn't scream into the mic. If that's what you prefer, to each his own.


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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:38 pm 
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Thanks! It's great finding such a cool forum. And it's so much safer to vent here than at the karaoke bar with all those fragile egos hee hee

See/hear the serial version of Michael's karaoke novel, "Outro," at outronovel.blogspot.com

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:45 pm 
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michaeljvaughn @ January 23rd 2009, 4:38 pm wrote:
Thanks! It's great finding such a cool forum. And it's so much safer to vent here than at the karaoke bar with all those fragile egos hee hee

Oh Really???? Just trying saying something negative about someone's singing in the Singer's Showcase. You'll find out really quickly that there are plenty of fragile egos here too. They don't appreciate that kind of venting AT ALL. trust Me. :lol:

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 3:56 pm 
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Yeah, but none of you guys know where I live :wink:

See/hear the serial version of Michael's karaoke novel, "Outro," at outronovel.blogspot.com

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 4:52 pm 
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Aren't you in San Fran area?


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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 7:22 pm 
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Nope, he's in the San Jose area or at least his bio says so.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2009 8:36 pm 
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Some of these problems have a tendency to take care of themselves and aren't repeated.

A couple of years ago a singer came up very early in the evening and he was already so drunk I had to help him stand. He could barely talk and never did manage to sing even one word of the song. Shortly thereafter someone took him home.

When I saw him the next time he apologized for what had happened. As it turned out he's a good guy but he has a severe drinking problem. He wanted to sing again and he asked me to find a particular song in my book. When I asked him if he was unable to find it he told me that he can't read. As you might imagine I really felt like a jerk.

I found the song for him but the result was the same, not because he was falling down drunk but because he couldn't read the words and he didn't know them.

That was the last time he sang. Since then I have encouraged him to listen to songs he likes and learn the words so he won't have to rely on the monitor. Unfortunately I think he embarassed himself one to many times and now even "liquid courage" won't get him up to sing. It's too bad because he really loves music.

I agree with those of you who handle the screamers by turning down the volume on their mics. Usually that comes first because I don't know if a first time singer is a screamer or not. When they ask why they can't hear their screaming I explain that it's to save wear and tear on the equipment and on everyone else's ears. So far everyone has been very cooperative. I think the KJ's attitude has a lot to do with it. Being polite and respectful goes a long way with most everyone.


"Life is too short for diet soda and lite beer"

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:32 am 
So, is "this" really a problem because they are drunk?

Or, is it a problem because they are illiterate?

Or is the problem that they are drunk, illiterates? So, if they weren't drunk there might not be a problem?

Or is this a matter of folks who have disdain for karaoke simply showing their disdain?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:55 am 
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I think you nailed it Eric, these guys IMO just wanted to interupt the karaoke show, they were drunk, or (acted) like they were drunk. They were more into the activities that were on the other tvs, sports or whatever. They were loud the entire nite, and THEN decided they wanted to sing karaoke. I think it was more to INTERUPT the karaoke more than anything else. The reason why I titled this thread Drunk Illiterate (singers), was because I think if someone at least TRIES to sing the song, it's karaoke, but some fool just trying to show off, to me, he just looks like a DRUNK ILLITERATE FOOL.


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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:48 am 
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It's funny, some of the best singers I know are simply awful when they pass that third-drink stage. One of them is actually a professional singer with a cabaret show in SF. I'm assuming they don't let her drink.

See/hear the serial version of Michael's karaoke novel, "Outro," at outronovel.blogspot.com

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 12:52 pm 
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Funny how alcohol can totally remove a person's talent! I know my eyes roll when I'm asking someone to sing and they say, "Oh, I haven't had enough to drink yet." I practically beg them not to...oh well. If I'm kickin' up my heels somewhere and overdo it even slightly I don't sing...PERIOD...

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:40 am 
alcohol >>>> remove inhibitions so they're not concerned with how they sound...

that includes those who don't care for Karaoke and just want to show their disdain!

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