NFC Championship Game - $2500 (101)
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Date: 2009-01-12, 2:09PM MST
I have for sale two tickets to the NFC Championship game. These tickets are located in the mid 20's row of section 101.
I have two pairs of tickets for sale, the buyer must meet and agree to the following conditions and purchase eligibility requirements:
Must pick up tickets while taking me to Dinner Thursday night at Flemings. I promise to consume only one bottle of wine, to be priced under $250.00
The buyer must show up in bright red tights and be wearing a Cardinals jersey and face paint. If the buyer should so decide to bring along an acquaintance, this person must also be dressed in the same attire.
The vehicle in which the driver arrives must be adorned with windows (and vehicle if desired) painted or wrapped, clearly indicating a sincere dislike or even hatred for the Philadelphia Eagles. Please refrain from profanity, as the valet may refuse to park the vehicle. Roadkill on the grill, prominently displyaing talons and beak of an eagle will result in a $2000.00 (two thousand dollar) discount on each ticket.
The buyer must also bring a 36 inch by 36 inch shadow box to the dinner. You do not need to know the purpose for the shadow box, other than to say no animals will be placed inside. My purpose for this shadow box is honorable and noble.
The transaction must be paid for in cash, prior to the dinner. After the dinner and visual inspection of car and attire, the tickets will be given to the buyer.
I have watched Star Wars many times and have the force on my side. I will know if you are not a sincere Cardinal fan and will not respond to mean spirited or hateful emails. You have all the information required, so do not ask any questions.
The price for the pair of tickets is $25,000.00 USD (twenty five thousand United States Dollars. Euros, Pesos, Yen, RMB and Eagle IOUs will not be accepted.
It could very likely be another 61 years before we see the Cardinals host a home playoff game. Do not deny yourself this opportunity!
Location: 101
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
PostingID: 990235278