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PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 8:09 am 
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cueball @ Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:58 pm wrote:
Karen K @ Wed Jan 14, 2009 8:24 pm wrote:
I think it depends on the caliber of singers you expect. I would judge on the following:

1. Song choice - if this is a 40-year-old song that you've heard this singer 50 times before, knock them down for not choosing something more challenging. Nobody wants to hear "Fancy" again... Yah, I'm tough. If you have to cut down the list of qualifiers quickly, slam 'em for not being creative with song choices, or reward them if they do. So, song choice can be broken down into three areas - one, did you choose a song that has not been overdone or one that is new and fresh? Two, did you choose a song that is appropriate for your voice/style? Third is familiarity with the song. Do they really KNOW the song? Song choice category could be broken down into 3 categories, each out of a possible 10 points. (So this category alone, a person could pick up 30 points.)

To really toughen it up, each singer should provide you with THREE different songs that they would sing - you choose the one you want to hear them sing. That way they have to be prepared to do more than one song - eliminates those people who drag out the same 40-year-old song for every contest they do.

2. Stage presence (really, more like a confidence issue). High marks for someone that moves around, makes the stage their own. If there are lights, do they use the lights or do they step outside the glare of the lights so they are in the dark? Do they have to stand in one place and stare at the monitor? Do they engage the audience? Do they appear to be comfortable? You could combine all these criteria and mark this category out of a possible 20, breaking it down as above. (movement on stage, frozen on monitor, engage the audience, and comfort level)

3. Personal appearance. This is a show, people. A SHOW! Personal hygiene including clean costume/clothing, footwear, hair, etc. Potential 10 points.

4. Technical skill. Here is where you separate the wheat from the chaff if you have an experienced musician/vocal teacher on your judging team. Look at the technical aspects of the piece. Are they breathing in the appropriate spots? Are they phrasing the lyrics correctly? Are they killing you with vibrato? Is this a song written in a key that is within your vocal range? Are you having to push too hard to hit the notes? Are you maintaining pitch? If you don't have an experienced vocal instructor on your judging team, take time to discuss these issues beforehand, have them watch/listen to great performers and try and learn something about this. Potential 20 points here.

Those are a few of the criteria I have used in the past. If you create your judging sheet right, you can start filling in categories as soon as the singer approaches the stage and literally have the sheet filled out by the time the singer finishes; have someone in charge of collecting the sheets and adding up the points (with a calculator) so you know very quickly the scores. Not to say you have to let people know immediately but it saves a lot of embarrassment and rushing and silly mistakes if you have someone who does nothing but add up scoring sheets and then hands them to you with a final score at the bottom. Singers want to know very soon how they've done. If you are having people sing off against each other and are eliminating as the weeks pass, hang on to the sheets. If for some reason you get a tie at the end in the finals, go back and use the tallies off the pre-finals sheets as the tie breaker.

Just my 2 cents after having run more than my share of contests....

From what I'm reading here, you really do have tough standards. I'm sorry, but there's a lot here that I do not agree with. I would like to give you my opinions on what I think about some of your criteria.

1. Song Choice - What you stated (above) is predjudice. Correct me if I am wrong, but what you are saying here is that you are pre-judging someone based on what song they chose before they have even gotten up on the stage. IMO, this is wrong and unfair. It shouldn't matter if I sang "My Way" 1 time or 100 times. What should matter is how I sing it THIS TIME. Continuing with the rest of what you said here, " did you choose a song that has not been overdone or one that is new and fresh?", again, this is predjudice. Older songs can be just as entertaining as newer or fresher songs. Granted, I might be tired of hearing "My Way" or "I Will Always Love You" sung over and over again, but if the person singing the song kicks a$$ doing it, they should be judged appropriately. Since you said that you would take away points from a person who might choose a song that they've sung over 50 times (1st 10 points in this category), I guess that means they would score a PERFECT 10 on the last part of this category ("familiarity with the song. Do they really KNOW the song?).

2. Stage presence - I have nothing to say here. I think you covered this pretty good.

3. Personal appearance - I guess shorts and a t-shirt are out of the question (especially if you're located in a hot climate area)???? Footware??? Hair (I don't have any)??? And who ever heard of judging someone on their hair style for a KARAOKE CONTEST???? Sorry Karen, but IMO, these criteria are uncalled for in a contest of this nature. This isn't Broadway or Las Vegas. Not everyone is going to come dressed up in a tuxedo or gown, or bring a costume to sing. What kind of costume should I wear if I were going to sing "American Pie?"

4. Technical Skill - I can see some of this being judged, but not all of it. How many places running a Karaoke Contest are going to have "an experienced musician/vocal teacher" present to judge? And realistically speaking, I wouldn't expect someone to be able to judge someone on when they take a breath. As long as they can hold their notes and stay in key (or what passes for that in an untrained person's mind), that should be enough. "If you don't have an experienced vocal instructor on your judging team, take time to discuss these issues beforehand, have them watch/listen to great performers and try and learn something about this." Sorry, but I don't think I would learn anything about breathing techniques by watching videos of "great performers." Even the great ones use different techniques for breathing. Some have been doing it for years, and others are just overnight sensations. Most of them do it so smoothly, you wouldn't even notice when they take their breaths. As for the rest of the technical aspects, those are reasonable things that most of us can recognize and judge (vibrato - too much/too little, pitch, on key/off key).

KNOWLEDGE OF THE SONG could be a category in itself.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 9:12 pm 
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Thanks for all your help once again... I am interested in setting up the Regionals Talent Quest 2009 in Oregon this year again but I would like to find out if there is any support to do it again just PM me if interested or talk to Tim at [url]Talentqst.com[/url].



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PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 11:52 pm 
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"3. Personal appearance - I guess shorts and a t-shirt are out of the question (especially if you're located in a hot climate area)???? Footware??? Hair (I don't have any)??? And who ever heard of judging someone on their hair style for a KARAOKE CONTEST???? Sorry Karen, but IMO, these criteria are uncalled for in a contest of this nature. This isn't Broadway or Las Vegas. Not everyone is going to come dressed up in a tuxedo or gown, or bring a costume to sing. What kind of costume should I wear if I were going to sing "American Pie?""

Oh BUT IT IS CRUCIAL!!---As you will get RINGERS PERFORMING and they can have performed at venues as lofty as Vegas and Broadway. At one contest in Portland(at the Ambassador as luck would have) there was one contestant who in fact had sung on LIVE AT THE APOLLO (at the Apollo Theatre in New York on TV) and he ONLY CAME IN SECOND. The winner was a professional blues singer who played with her band at the big blues festivals. When not doing that she was part of the travelling constest "AMOEBA". And yes these people were dressed to the nines.!! One of those 1000 dollar contests. I later ran into the Apollo guy competing at a contest at the County Fair hosted by the Dennys Karaoke in Canby. They go from contest to contest to contest.

"You know that I sing the Blues and I do not suffer fools. When I'm on that silver mic, it's gonna cut ya, just like a knife"-The SWINGCAT

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 8:54 am 
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Thanks Swingcat - the reason I mentioned personal appearance to begin with (and it doesn't have to be costumes but rather something that may separate you from the others) is because when you have high levels of talent (which we do around here), it is wise to do anything you can to separate yourself in some way - I agree, dressing up creates an image that may not change your singing, but it will have visual impact and impress people.

Again, most of the criteria I suggested are things that will separate people and allow you more methods to split the hairs and come up with a winner. In this area there are also those contest amoebas that go from room to room - not regulars in any place, really. They know how to win a contest. If you look, they don't walk in in flip-flops and khaki shorts. They just don't do that. And hey, why NOT raise the bar a little? That bar is almost on the ground in this area.

No, we're not in Vegas, I understand that. Geesh.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 9:33 am 
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In one of our bigger contests - in which it was a statewide (Evergreen Idol year 0ne) $1000 & be an opening act for Diamond Rio, we made dress/appearance a part of the scoring criteria & we tried to encourage nice dress - not necessarily suits & dresses, but not jeans & t-shirts. The ones that really took it seriously complied & our finalist went on to win the entire thing. The finals isn't just another karaoke night, it's a show, treat it as such!

LIKE Lonman on Facebook - Lonman Productions Karaoke & my main site via my profile!

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