wildfins @ Fri Jan 30, 2009 1:02 pm wrote:
How about Carvin mixers (made in San Diego USA).
Heard that their mixers are nice and well made (but no built-in compression though):
- S16 USB ($300) with built-in 22W/22W amp - 2-stereo channels recording:
https://www.carvinguitars.com/products/ ... roduct=S16- C844U USB ($370) - Concert 44 Series 2-stereo channels recording - praised by users from carvinbbs forum:
https://www.carvinguitars.com/products/ ... duct=C844U
The S16 is more for studio work & not so much live - it would work for it but better suited in the studio.
The C844U is a nice board, our band had the 32 channel model without any complaints - thing is built like a tank, dual effects built in. 4 Aux sends so one could send multiple individual monitor mixes - handy in a live situation.