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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:11 pm 
I deal with reality, Bruce, not make-believe. Obviously, your mind works to the contrary!

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:55 pm 
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ericlater @ February 9th 2009, 7:11 pm wrote:
I deal with reality, Bruce, not make-believe. Obviously, your mind works to the contrary!

JEEEZ, why the long face? Because the reality is that most, if not all, singers detest the use of filler music and you don't care?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:01 pm 
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Bruce as I said in another thread, a host will do what works for him or her, if you don't like it, do what I do, don't go to those shows. Arguing ad nauseam make people, on both sides, look like fools.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:10 pm 
I'm at a place that gets a lot of walk in/walk outs. (6-8 bars within stumbling distance). I do a weave rotation ... I'll put new people in a few down (so they have time to get a drink) and weave them in between existing singers. Seems to work well.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:22 pm 
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timberlea @ February 9th 2009, 8:01 pm wrote:
Bruce as I said in another thread, a host will do what works for him or her, if you don't like it, do what I do, don't go to those shows. Arguing ad nauseam make people, on both sides, look like fools.

I agree with you Timberlea. It's just that I live over a thousand miles away from Eric's shows so all I can do is type out how I feel about shows in general. I can't speak to his shows specifically except to point out that I, and most singers like me, would not take kindly to his use of filler music. I've never told him that he'd better change the way he runs his show , OR ELSE. It's not like I'm going to sell my house and move to south Florida just so I can boycott his karaoke shows because he plays filler music. :lol: His rotation style will never affect me either for the same reasons. He can run his rotations any way he likes to. I hope it works for him and he makes a gazillion dollars.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:45 pm 
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Karaoke hosts should be the friendliest people there are. Do we all come here to show our other side? On top of that, I deal with customers in my position with my company so I have 2 jobs I have to be nice at. I actually have to work at that because it's not easy for me! I can be pretty sarcastic and taking kidding too far.

I will never resort to name calling here.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:04 pm 
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As a karaoke customer, I believe that I have the right to express my opinions about the karaoke business on a karaoke forum. I should be allowed to express my feelings about the things that please me at a karaoke show and the things that displease me at a karaoke show. Everyone is free to agree or disagree with any of my opinions. It doesn't make my opinions right or wrong just because someone agrees or disagrees with me. But they are still MY opinions and I am entitled to vote with MY FEET accordingly. If my opinions cause some people to speak up as well, then so be it. If my opinions cause some other singers to RISE UP and stop going to shows that play filler music, that is good news to me because there would eventually be more shows that didn't play filler music in the world. If some KJ's refuse to cut out the filler music and it causes them to lose some shows in the process, then they have no one to blame but themselves. If you play filler music and your shows continue to prosper; I'm happy for you and your karaoke crowd. If you're all happy with filler music and I'm the only karaoke singer in the world against it, then I'll just have to suffer through the filler music if and when every karaoke show plays it. I wouldn't give up going to karaoke bars if I had to deal with the filler music. It just wouldn't be as much fun as it would be without it. I want every karaoke show to succeed. I don't want to see anyone fail. Well, there is one guy I'd like to see fall on his face but it's no one on this forum.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:07 pm 
bruce, you HAVE been allowed to express your feelings and, POOR BRUCE, there are people who disagree. And because you can't take the adversity, WOH is you, you have come to proclaim that people want to stifle you. And, of course, you're the ONLY one being stifled by this terrible forum

Next, if at all possible, you'll assert that the stifling is occurring not because of your opinions but because of your race, religion, national origin, where you live, where you were born, what car you drive. Or maybe those are the reason why you're being discriminated against on the singers showcase? Am I getting close? Is there anything you don't complain about?

EDIT: I should have considered this sooner. I think it's all about attention. Every discussion of significance that bruce participates in has him proclaiming how others want to shut him up. He thinks that people don't want to confront the "truth" as he knows it. Naw, they're just tired bruce --- plain and simply worn out!

You're right, Bruce, no one will go to a karaoke shows that uses filler music. Every karaoke devotee hates filler music. Every karaoke devotee avoids shows with filler music, dance music, bumper music, videos. Oh, Ollie, don't forget to close up tonight and go home for good. Nobody is going to be coming to your shows anymore. What was the crazy movie with morgan freeman and ???

PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 8:53 pm 
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ericlater @ February 9th 2009, 11:07 pm wrote:
bruce, you HAVE been allowed to express your feelings and, POOR BRUCE, there are people who disagree. And because you can't take the adversity, WOH is you, you have come to proclaim that people want to stifle you. And, of course, you're the ONLY one being stifled by this terrible forum

Next, if at all possible, you'll assert that the stifling is occurring not because of your opinions but because of your race, religion, national origin, where you live, where you were born, what car you drive. Or maybe those are the reason why you're being discriminated against on the singers showcase? Am I getting close? Is there anything you don't complain about?

EDIT: I should have considered this sooner. I think it's all about attention. Every discussion of significance that bruce participates in has him proclaiming how others want to shut him up. He thinks that people don't want to confront the "truth" as he knows it. Naw, they're just tired bruce --- plain and simply worn out!

You're right, Bruce, no one will go to a karaoke shows that uses filler music. Every karaoke devotee hates filler music. Every karaoke devotee avoids shows with filler music, dance music, bumper music, videos. Oh, Ollie, don't forget to close up tonight and go home for good. Nobody is going to be coming to your shows anymore. What was the crazy movie with morgan freeman and ???

There are plenty of threads that I never post in. What would be the point in complaining about things that I agree with, Eric? and that would be "Woe is Me". I'm NOT being stifled. You are trying to stifle me but you will not succeed. Why are you not trying to stifle the people who agree with me? That is the question I'm asking. You ignore their posts but choose to debate me on mine when the posts claim the same things. I don't mind people disagreeing with me at all. What I disagree with is someone trying to tell me not to post my opinions because they don't agree with them. I have never told anyone that they shouldn't post whatever is on their mind. Sevarin told me the other day that he didn't like my singing very much. Did anyone see a post where I called him a nincompoop over it? I always expect some people to agree with me and I always expect some people to disagree with me. That my friend, IS LIFE.

Plenty of people go to shows that play filler music and they don't mind and there are plenty of people who play filler music during their shows and they are very successful; and I'm happy for them. I have posted that fact many times. There is no reason for Ollie to close up shop and I never suggested that he should. My opinions can't hurt you Eric. Don't be so afraid of reading them. It's just the way that I feel.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 11:12 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Mon Feb 09, 2009 4:34 pm wrote:
In an amusement park rotation(with ten people in it for this example) if singer number 8 is singing; the list now looks like this (9, 10, 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5, 6, 7, NEW SINGER, 8. The new singer gets to sing only after he has heard every other person sing, regardless of who is singing when the new singer walks in.

If you are again waiting in line at Six Flags, after you have already been on the desired ride(with ten people in line for this example) a new rider gets put at the back of the line. He doesn't get put in between rider number 10 and number 1 regardless of where they are in the line. He waits for ten people to get on the ride no matter what. Just like rider number 1 has to wait for the other 9 people to get on the ride before he gets back on. Everyone waits the exact same amount of time as everyone else. Nobody gets lucky by showing up at the end of the imaginary rotation. The end of the rotation is not person number 10 if person number 8 is at the front of the line. If person number 8 is at the front of the line, then person number 7 is at the end of the rotation and the new singer should be placed after singer number 7. The end of the rotation is constantly changing as each singer finishes a song and moves to the back of the line to begin their wait once again.

The more I read this, the more I am finally finding fault in some of you using the Amusement Park Ride analogy to compare it with a Karaoke Rotation. There are flaws in it that can not be applied to a Karaoke show.

Let's use the Roller Coaster ride as an example. Let's also use 10 as the magic number (for simplicity),

First off, when you get on line for that Roller Coaster, you are not the only one getting on that ride at the start. There are 10 people getting on that Roller Coaster ride with you (at the same time). While you are waiting on line, other people are getting on line behind you. Now, once all 10 of you have gotten strapped/locked into your seats, the ride begins. At Karaoke, you don't have 10 people getting up at the same time to sing their (different) songs at the same time.

Secondly, when the ride ends, everyone gets off of the ride, and then gets back on line again (if you all want to ride it again). As in many Karaoke Shows, there are exceptions to this rule. Go and ride The Cyclone at Coney Island, and you will find this out. The ride costs $7, and at the end of the ride, the attendants offer re-rides for $4. You don't get out of your seat, and pay the attendant. You get to stay and ride again, and at a lower price than those who haven't ridden yet. Once this is done, they let the new people load up into the remaining seats and start the ride again.
Getting back to the Roller Coaster Ride analogy (without the exception to the rules that I just mentioned), the next 10 people now get on the Roller Coaster while those of you who just rode it are all going to the end of the line to ride it again. While you are walking back to the end of the line, other people have also approached the line and got there before you. Also, the 10 of you that are walking to the end of the line did not get there in the same order. The person who was seated somewhere in the middle of the Roller Coaster cars got there ahead of the person who was seated in the front car. Someone new just approached the line, and got on the line just before the person who was in the 7th seat/car. Now the person who was in the last car made it to the end of the line, and 2 more people got on line before you did (and you were with the other 9 people that just got off of the ride). Now, after waiting for your turn on the line again, you have been juggled totally out of the original order from when you all boarded the 1st ride. Maybe half of you will make it onto the next ride.

The Post Office and Bank Lines analogies don't work either. You get on line to do something at the Post Office or the Bank. There is usually more than 1 window open, and servicing people at the same time. Also, at the Post Office, people are often told to fill out some form that they didn't complete before approaching the window. The clerk will take care of their other needs, and then tell them to fill out the form and come back to their window (while they call the next person to their window). The other person doesn't go back to the end of the line. He/She goes directly to that clerk's window, and as soon the clerk finishes with the person they called next, they take care of you next.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:54 am 
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While the analogy may be an amusement park ride, it's NOT necessarily the one that offers $4 re-rides.... but it IS an interesting thought....


let's see, give me $10 and you can sing 2 in a row? (I'm starting to like this idea.)


This whole "rotation" idea has been beaten to pieces with how, who, when, who's new, who's not, who gets skipped, who gets inserted, who gets put at the "end" of a circle (right), etc...


It doesn't really matter what you do in your rotation; skip, flip, insert, toss out, move up, move down or whatever AS LONG AS the singers in the house at the time PERCEIVE IT TO BE FAIR right?

What else is necessary? If everyone thinks it's fair (even if "technically" it's not) and nobody's complaining about it, what does it matter how you do it?

Bottom line is: It doesn't matter how you do it, it'a all about perception and some nights it will be "fairer" than others.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:48 am 
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c. staley @ Tue Feb 10, 2009 3:54 am wrote:

While the analogy may be an amusement park ride, it's NOT necessarily the one that offers $4 re-rides.... but it IS an interesting thought....


let's see, give me $10 and you can sing 2 in a row? (I'm starting to like this idea.)


Chip, LOL @ your $10....

But, ignoring the part of my post about The Cyclone, I was just trying to point out that even the Amusement Park analogy (that a lot of you in this forum (and others) like to refer back to) has its flaws too. It's not as perfect or cut and dry as some have relayed it.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:16 am 
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Cueball said:
It's not as perfect or cut and dry as some have relayed it.


I don't believe that ANY METHOD is perfect.... ever... it's all about perception.

And I do believe that this is why this subject comes up so often and there are a ton of arguments over what is/isn't "fair" to the singers in the house. Each person (KJ) has their own perception of what is fair to them... and if it's fair the to them, it should be fair to you too.

Isn't that fair?

(good, now hand me $10.... 'cause that would be fair.)

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 9:46 am 
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Cueball, I know that you are a Roller Coaster aficionado but the amusement park analogy is not about a ride where ten people get on at once. It's about an imaginary ride where only one person gets to ride at a time. Let's call it the Karaoke Ride, okay? The ride is free and there is no re-ride fee available. That would be the equivalent of a bribe at a real karaoke show.

You mention new people getting in line before you get back into it again. If that is the case, they are in fact ahead of you in line and will get on the ride before you. That would be the equivalent of someone handing in a song slip while you were singing.

Since there are not ten people getting off of the Karaoke ride at the same time there is very little or no chance of singer 8 getting to the back of the line before singer 7 gets there, unless #7 decided to get something to eat or use the bathroom....but for the sake of this argument, singer 7 isn't hungry or experiencing diarrhea.

In regard to your post office and bank line question.....the analogy in karaoke would be a singer who gets up to sing and the KJ's disc just happens to be cracked or scratched and the music keeps skipping to the point where the song can't be sung. The KJ would ask the singer to pick another song and come right back and he would allow that singer to sing right away after the current singer finished his or her song. I've seen that situation myself, and it didn't bother me a bit to see the person get called back on stage. It was obvious to all present as to why that person was being brought back to the stage so quickly after having just been on stage. In fact, they didn't get their turn and the KJ rectified the situation in a timely manner.

I hope that answers some questions for you.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:46 am 
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I've been at show where the Emergency room analogy fit. If you're either a close friend of the KJ, A goodlooking girl that the KJ wants to get in her pants or pays an absurdly large bribe then you get up when you hand on your slip. If not you're treated as if you don't matter.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 10:53 am 
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DannyG2006 @ February 10th 2009, 1:46 pm wrote:
I've been at show where the Emergency room analogy fit. If you're either a close friend of the KJ, A goodlooking girl that the KJ wants to get in her pants or pays an absurdly large bribe then you get up when you hand on your slip. If not you're treated as if you don't matter.

I've been to WAY TOO MANY of those shows myself, Danny....but not the same one twice if I can help it.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:16 pm 
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BruceFan4Life @ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:20 pm wrote:
Joe, It works for you because anything else is too complicated for you to comprehend. One person will wait for ten minutes and someone else will wait for an hour, if he comes in fifteen minutes later when singer number one is singing. Luck shouldn't enter into how long someone has to wait to sing their first song. It should be based on how many people are in the rotation before he gets there. Sorry that it's too tough to grasp for you.

Bit it does, and it works for me because MY SINGERS LIKE IT. You don't. Excellent. Kery has been kind enough to not only invite you to that show, but a few drinks AND extend the hand of friendship. It may do you a world of good to accept.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 12:31 pm 
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JoeChartreuse @ February 10th 2009, 3:16 pm wrote:
BruceFan4Life @ Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:20 pm wrote:
Joe, It works for you because anything else is too complicated for you to comprehend. One person will wait for ten minutes and someone else will wait for an hour, if he comes in fifteen minutes later when singer number one is singing. Luck shouldn't enter into how long someone has to wait to sing their first song. It should be based on how many people are in the rotation before he gets there. Sorry that it's too tough to grasp for you.

Bit it does, and it works for me because MY SINGERS LIKE IT. You don't. Excellent. Kery has been kind enough to not only invite you to that show, but a few drinks AND extend the hand of friendship. It may do you a world of good to accept.

YOUR singers like it??? And exactly HOW MANY singers do you OWN?? For that matter, HOW MANY SHOWS do you do at this time? You claim to SPECIALIZE in Restaurant type environments so HOW MANY restaurant gigs are you SPECIALIZING in at this time??? ONE??? How many singers were at your last show? How many of them will come back every week???

Yes, KARY has invited me to his show in COLORADO. :lol: Like I'm going to jump on a plane and fly to COLORADO, then rent a car, then book a room for the night just to sing some songs and share a few beers with a guy that I don't know. :withstupid:

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 1:39 pm 
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oh boob (oops, I mean Bob!),

almost EVERY kj I know refers to their regulars as THEIR singers.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 10, 2009 2:09 pm 
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knightshow @ February 10th 2009, 4:39 pm wrote:
oh boob (oops, I mean Bob!),

almost EVERY kj I know refers to their regulars as THEIR singers.

I've always been a Boob man. :lol:

I've had KJ's cop an attitude with me when they found out that I was patronizing other karaoke shows as well as their own shows. They thought that I was one of THEIR singers and that I shouldn't go to any other shows but theirs. No KJ owns my time. I go to whatever show I feel like going to on any given night. If a KJ has a problem with that, then HE has a problem. I don't.

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