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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:30 am 
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karaoke koyote @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:20 am wrote:
Yes, and I suspect that you folks are using XP. Most laptops come with Vista now, NOT XP.

If you don't have 4 gigs and are using Vista you WILL have problems, period, the end. I'm a GEEK, trust me. :angel:

You can always UPGRADE to XP, however that being said I also run Hoster on my 2 Vista machines one has 2 GB - no problems, the other 3 GB no problems. So your 4 GB 'minimum' is still no accurate.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:54 am 
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karaoke koyote @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:01 pm wrote:
You read my post and all you got was "erring on the side of caution" and that I listed noother logical reasons for the additional RAM?" Read much?

You gave no logical reasons. Adding memory expensive? No, in fact it is not. Usually it is cheaper than adding at the time of purchase. Windows sucking? Well, I am a Linux guy. But no, Windows actually works as hundreds of millions of installations show.

Having been in computers so long, and you would actually recommend to someone to go ahead with the MINIMUM amount of memory for their laptop to run an application that continually expands and updates??

The minimum for Vista is 1G. I recommend 2G. The minimum for XP is 512M. I recommend 1G.

In a stagnant world, that never moves forward, improves or adds additional functionallity I have to admit: You're right.

I'm not trying to flame here, trust me, but your logic completely escapes me.

People here gigging with Compuhost are doing just that while they gig. They aren't browsing the net (usually) or running MS Word or Excel. Even if they are, CompuHost continues to work.

When I run Compuhost on XP as the only application, with 1G installed, I have 520M free RAM. Do I need 2G? No, I don't. If I do, I can install more RAM later with no trouble.

4G is simply wasted on this application, and I am telling people that. You can continue to claim it is necessary, and they will decide who to listen to.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:39 pm 
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mckyj57 @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:54 am wrote:
karaoke koyote @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:01 pm wrote:
You read my post and all you got was "erring on the side of caution" and that I listed noother logical reasons for the additional RAM?" Read much?

You gave no logical reasons. Adding memory expensive? No, in fact it is not. Usually it is cheaper than adding at the time of purchase. Windows sucking? Well, I am a Linux guy. But no, Windows actually works as hundreds of millions of installations show.

Having been in computers so long, and you would actually recommend to someone to go ahead with the MINIMUM amount of memory for their laptop to run an application that continually expands and updates??

The minimum for Vista is 1G. I recommend 2G. The minimum for XP is 512M. I recommend 1G.

In a stagnant world, that never moves forward, improves or adds additional functionallity I have to admit: You're right.

I'm not trying to flame here, trust me, but your logic completely escapes me.

People here gigging with Compuhost are doing just that while they gig. They aren't browsing the net (usually) or running MS Word or Excel. Even if they are, CompuHost continues to work.

When I run Compuhost on XP as the only application, with 1G installed, I have 520M free RAM. Do I need 2G? No, I don't. If I do, I can install more RAM later with no trouble.

4G is simply wasted on this application, and I am telling people that. You can continue to claim it is necessary, and they will decide who to listen to.

100% in agreement there.

My experience is certainly not what I envisioned when I decided to get into this business: Not all my gigs are straight karaoke, some I "DJ" almost as much as I karaoke. This is fine, and works for the venue I'm in... I've been doing it for 2 years, my nights are full of folks enjoying music, having a good time, and I'm getting paid well.

I use NAPSTER to get my music tracks because its MP3 and I can download it into a file that I can directly access and play immediately.

Thus, now I have to run Napster, put up my firewall, and my adware protection.

Furthermore, I might run word perfect as I have a "Karaoke songs to get" file to keep track of what songs people are requesting that I don't have.

Ever have someone try to "sing some lyrics" to see if you know what song they want? Or how about giving you the wrong title to a song request?

With a simple google search I can quickly figure even the most inane description. Just type in a few of the words from the song and end with "lyrics" and 90% the song will come up with artist listing.

So, guess what... I may need to run more than Compuhost during a show. When I first started, I never dreamed that this would be necessary (and maybe it isn't, but I do it anyway), so I adapted and overcame. :D

If the OP thinks that having the minimum amout of RAM necessary to run a single application is the way to go, super. Or the OP may consider that having a system that can handle whatever the real world will throw at them to be a worthwhile investment. :D

That's why we have the forum, for diffent POVs :)

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:52 pm 
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karaoke koyote @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:39 pm wrote:
So, guess what... I may need to run more than Compuhost during a show. When I first started, I never dreamed that this would be necessary (and maybe it isn't, but I do it anyway), so I adapted and overcame. :D

If the OP thinks that having the minimum amout of RAM necessary to run a single application is the way to go, super. Or the OP may consider that having a system that can handle whatever the real world will throw at them to be a worthwhile investment. :D

To repeat, it is NOT the minimum I am recommending. I am recommending double the minimum. I frequently browse the web while running CompuHost. It works just fine since I have double the minimum amount.

You were saying 4G is the minimum. It simply is not. It is way more than the minimum.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:54 pm 
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mckyj57 @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:52 pm wrote:
karaoke koyote @ Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:39 pm wrote:
So, guess what... I may need to run more than Compuhost during a show. When I first started, I never dreamed that this would be necessary (and maybe it isn't, but I do it anyway), so I adapted and overcame. :D

If the OP thinks that having the minimum amout of RAM necessary to run a single application is the way to go, super. Or the OP may consider that having a system that can handle whatever the real world will throw at them to be a worthwhile investment. :D

To repeat, it is NOT the minimum I am recommending. I am recommending double the minimum. I frequently browse the web while running CompuHost. It works just fine since I have double the minimum amount.

You were saying 4G is the minimum. It simply is not. It is way more than the minimum.

That's cool. I agree. Saying 4G was the minimum might have been a little strong. :D

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:21 pm 
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I remember a time when I was using a ram drive and I would killed for 4 GB of ram. When ram is cheap double the requirement. Typical hosting does not take much however if you are using a DAW for multi-track recording it takes alot of ram and alot of hard drive for virtual memory. It seems odd I read these discussions and never read about cache whether program or background services or IRQ priorioties. From the experts what is the advantage of having the OS on one drive and the expansive library on another hard drive.

30 years? try 50... The first computers I worked on were military and totally analogue.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:04 pm 
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The biggest drain on the memory isnt the Hosting program....its the singer screen as the extended desktop,whichever way you do it....projector...tv...s-video....vga

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 5:11 pm 
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Until recently, I used MacBook Pro, running Vista home premium on Bootcamp. I had it loaded with VirtualDJ and Hoster 4.x running at the same time with 2GB of memory and I had no issues. Matter of fact, I heard that MacBook Pros are the fastest Vista machine available, from PCMagazine's lab report on performance.

The memory you need is not 4GB, you can get away with 2GB, on Vista, even if you load a few programs. The limit to me was on my older laptop, which was 1.1GHz machine with 780MB of memory. when I was running the Hoster, I had to turn off a few background processes to run smoothly without stuttering. When I turned off some processes, it ran fine on XP. I use that as my low end for running Karaoke software.


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PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:16 pm 
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VikkiJean @ Sat Feb 07, 2009 8:37 pm wrote:
I am on the hunt for a laptop and was wondering what some of you all had. and did you have to get one specially made or can you get external video cards and such for them to go with Karaoke. What kind of attachments do you have for yours?

Did you get all that VJ?

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