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Do you want a singer to have practiced....before stepping up to your mic?
Practice? Har? It's karaoke! Who gives a rip?! 65%  65%  [ 24 ]
Look, if they haven't sung it before, have them sing it at the show across the street! 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
If they stumble through it, it doesn't matter. They're trying, I'm happy. 27%  27%  [ 10 ]
I want them to have sung it a few times before hitting my show. Yep. 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
Hmm....I've sung American Pie 3 years and still muff it 0%  0%  [ 0 ]
This ain't rehearsal night. It's showtime. Only the polished professional, pleaze! 3%  3%  [ 1 ]
Maybe we should consult with the American Honky Tonk Bar Associaaaation, HBA. 5%  5%  [ 2 ]
Total votes : 37
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 8:35 pm 
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Some singers practice at home. Some sing in the car. Some sing in the shower. And some hear the song once on the radio, and next Friday try to wing it. :mrgreen: So sue me! It's just karaoke. Or, is it rather kareless-aokie? As long as the singer has paid for his beer, does it really matter? Or does it? Vote your mind! Is there room for the num-fumbling newbie still in karaoke?

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:03 pm 
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I never heard of standards for singers. I let anyone sing. We just had a wheelchair resident tonight, couldn't hardly make a sound, couldn't hold the mic. They wanted to sing? No problem. They sang twice.

[color=#ffff55]Mickey J.[/color]
Alas for those who never sing, but die with all their music in them.
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:05 pm 
Rehearse for karaoke?.... not usually necessary; it's not Broadway, you know

I don't have a repertoire of songs that I regularly do; I try "it"... and if I really like the outcome of singing "it", I may try "it" again ---- next week, next month, next year --- I dunno when?

Like Karaoke Koyote suggested, without consciously thinking about it before, I've heard songs during the bumper music and looked to see if it is in the catalog. If it is, and if I think I know it.... I'll give it a try.

I don't do requests, generally speaking. As a singer, I am very selfish... I don't care what the audience might like, I sing for my own enjoyment. I can be among a crowd of young 'uns who are mostly doing hip top songs, one after the other, and I'll get up and sing an old Merle Haggard ditty.

Most important, if my effort disappoints me, I feel like I wasted a "turn a bat". If I should have and could have done better I might look the song over one more time and practice it a bit for a future attempt at singing it. Then, again, I may not!

If the audience doesn't like what I do.... oh well... I have to listen to hip hop, rap, heavy metal, Sinatra and other stuff I don't like!

Yes, singers have to definitely buy and pay for their beer... wine... liquor ... food or something of value and that's what matters most to me.

I don't really care how well someone sings, or thinks they sing. I particularly don't care for those who think they are "God's gift to karaoke" ---- they are not! And what I enjoy least is the singer who thinks he's Elvis, Neal Diamond, Sinatra, etc. And, interestingly, I can't recall ever seeing a female sing the songs of just one performer and try to emulate that entertainer. It's usually the men who get into a role!

I do look for those singers who are really, really enjoying themselves --maybe even laughing at themselves ---- they are the most fun for me to watch at karaoke because they are having fun and that gets me vested in what they are doing --- that to me IS entertaining. Lastly, I have never found any emulator of any artist to be entertaining whether at karaoke or any other type of show!

So, as a KJ I would like to have people who are happy to be at my show, enjoy singing (good bad or mediocre) and ARE HAVING FUN. Actually, I most enjoy spontaneity and those who rehearse a song in order to put on a performance in the belief that they are entertaining is probably taking things too seriously IMHO

PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:08 pm 
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I'm just happy to have singers participate at my show (when I host one). I could care less whether you're good or bad (of course, good would be nicer), as long as you're happy.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 10:14 pm 
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I guess this is one of those topics that are for KJ's only? Singers should have NO opinion about their fellow singers and are in no way affected by having to listen to a room full of unrehearsed songs.

I guess I'll have to try to think like a KJ .....hmmmmm....I wish that everyone would practice their songs before singing them in public.....and I wish none of them would ever practice PARADISE BY THE DASHBOARD LIGHT so I would never ever have to hear it again.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:00 pm 
Now... PBTDBL... yep... have it on one of MY personal discs
Love to sing it, hear it watch it
No.... doesn't have to be rehearsed....just let it rip!

Bohemian Rhapsody or Rapper's Delight... well they're another story. They need rehearsing just to be bad@@

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 12:23 am 
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Doesn't matter one bit to me. As long as they have a good experience, it is up to them to determine their readiness to sing a song in public.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 1:42 am 
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Not at all. All I want them to do is be "up for it".

Quality of their singing is not my concern. Whether I help them enjoy it? That's my concern.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:14 am 
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Yeah....whatever. :lol: Sure, everyone should get an opportunity to sing if they're up to it! They might be a newbie with a hidden talent never before discovered. It's usually crowd reaction that draws a newbie in. But if the crowd reacts favorably to everyone who sings, no matter whether it was good or not so good, then an attempted singer starts thinking that the show can't live without them, and will be there every night, jamming up rotation until all of the supposed "God's Gift To Karaokers" start finding new places to sing because they're just too good to sit and listen to the "good time karaoke". :newlol:

I never knew how terrible I was until I found "Karaoke Scene". :newlol:
If I can't sing a song in one take at home and be okay with it, I'm sure as hell not gonna embarrass myself in front of a bunch of chicks at a bar. Dudes, I never gave a $hit anyways.....if they thought they could do better, have at it, and alot of 'em did!

And there's always the people who never sing that like to sit in the bar and make faces when certain singers hit the floor. They're there everytime, just like clockwork, just to make fun of people.

Everyone has a different reason to wanna sing or attend a karaoke bar.
The real problem is places like "this". This is where we put up or shut up. We must practice a song to get a reasonable sounding recording for submission, and everyone wants to be "God's Gift To Karaoke".
Then, heaven forbid someone would actually go out to a bar and sing a song that was actually maybe good and be labeled a primadona. LMAO :withstupid:

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:38 am 
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I love to see new singers and have the regular singers trying new songs; it helps keep the show fresh. It is one of the things that helps make karaoke better entertainment than most of the bands. (around here anyway)

I don’t want to hear a whole night of poorly sung songs but a few in a night don’t hurt anything.

This is my experience at small town bars, where the crowd seems to be mostly family and friends. People seem to cheer more for the person than the performance anyway.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:45 am 
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I want everyone to get a chance to sing and try any song they would like.

The only caveat I have is that I don't like it when people have me start a song and then say "wait, wait, wait, I don't know it as well as I thought, please play _________ instead!!!!"

I have to draw the line there. As long as they actually TRY and COMPLETE the whole song (or most of it), I am pleased to have them!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:25 am 
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It's karaoke, the singing is to make you feel good.

Now, sometimes someone is too drunk to sing, or stops singing altogether, I'll stop the music and move on to the next performer. That person won't be allowed to sing again that evening.

I'm pretty easy going, but I get more strict that longer the rotation gets.

Good music, good friends, howling good times!

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:52 am 
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BFFL why do you take everything so personally. The act is getting very old. The question was directed at hosts, hence the "your mic".

As for the question, as long as they put in a slip and don't abuse the equipment, the more power to them. It is karaoke and its objective is to let anyone to get on stage and be "The Star" for that moment in time, whether they are Pavorotti or Howard The Duck.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:01 am 
I don't care either ...

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:08 am 
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timberlea @ Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:52 am wrote:
BFFL why do you take everything so personally. The act is getting very old. .

Couldn't agree more !!!!

As a KJ - I just want everyone to have fun .....BUT what is annoying is when a singer requests a song they don't know and just STAND AT THE MIC LIKE A DEER IN HEALDIGHTS WITHOUT SINGING A WORD AND WALK OFF STAGE 45 SECONDS LATER SAYING --I CAN'T DO THIS SONG.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:08 am 

It's not good singers who are labeled primadonnas; it's singers who think it's all about them, whether they are good or not!

Don't mix them up --- there "two different animals"

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:33 am 
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that poll made my eyepeepers hurt...

I like ALL types of singers, from the professed professional to the drunk that's getting the courage up to do "Turn The Page"... because you see the whole spectrum of what it's like.

I will sometimes try a new song if people are having problems with songs, so that they see we hosts aren't always the perfect shell of a man (or woman) we seem to appear to be. And I'll laugh it off and say," JUST when I thought I was gettin' good at this SH*T!"

And I love the singers that you know weren't around in the Rat Pack days and they can just NAIL Sinatra or Dean Martin... as well as the city cowboys that do a great versiion of their favorite songs. I love the whole, rounded package.

That's me as a KJ.

As a singer, I prefer to sing those songs I've practiced. Usually because I only get a couple times up on the mic, and I want people to not be groaning while I'm trying to hit a song. That's why I like the versions I'm used to.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:21 am 
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If the person on stage is having fun, I could care less if they practiced before hand or not.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:37 am 
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As a singer, I prefer to sing those songs I've practiced. Usually because I only get a couple times up on the mic, and I want people to not be groaning while I'm trying to hit a song. That's why I like the versions I'm used to.

Matt my audience is not a bunch of tourists just off the boat. They have watched and encouraged singers for years. They are very karaoke wise and appreciate a good effort and have watched and listened to singers develop talents over the years. They do appreciate singers that try to expand beyond their limits and encourage them to the utmost. Alhtough we realize your dependence upon originals we do encourage you to expand your talents and try new songs and will play your cd's if I have to borrow a player.

Sheesh I am tired of this BS.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 11:36 am 
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Most people who go to karoake bars, don't have a player, or their own music. How is this person supposed to practice??? Expecting them to have mastered a song, just for your show is stupid!

I do agree with the above post, that I hate it when they realize they can't do it, then try to change the song at the last minute. I obviously don't have whatever song they want to change to ready, since they didn't give it to me. If there is one thing I hate is customer created dead time. I will tell them their turn is over, find a song you will or can do, and I move on to the next singer.

Felix the KJ

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