Thanks Kenny - Oops - I mean Wayne!
Actually I didn't single handedly come up with this. The staff and Owners of Karaoke Scene had a great deal to do with the creation of this feature. We have been in discussions about creating this basically ever since I took over as WebMaster back in 2001. Although, some had the idea way prior to that...
We had researched many current software programs that are predeveloped that we could use, but we found that not only were they cost preventative - they just didn't do what we wanted. Therefore, we toyed with several different database developments.
I had originally contracted two other companies to develope this and they failed miserablly. Finally, I found a company that could create what we had imagined. I have been working with them for over a year to create this. Of course we are still finding these glitches and are trying to get them fixed.
Keep your fingers crossed - I hope my database guys can figure it out soon!
Many Thanx & Enjoy!