About the Mics: I use the Berhingers at home and generally when I need a corded mic on stage. I have a singer or two that actually do better with the SM58 I have. I don't think it's the location of use (Home or Stage) as much as it's the dynamics of the voices involved. I personally don't sound any different on either mic and I don't think most singers do.
However if you have someone who can do good Mariah/Whitney/Celine songs then the Shures will certainly be a better mic. Honestly I can't tell the difference between the mics until we get into the full and far ranges but it could simply be my ears aren't as good as other ears.
I like your equipment list because I am a Yamaha fan. You can get better sounding gear but in most cases you'd need to spend at least 50% more to get it. Of course your mileage may vary