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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 1:05 pm |
Super Duper Poster |
Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
One more thing Chip about me trying to play GOD..... I'm not the one who posted this little nugget:
"I don't believe in the concept that a karaoke person has "a following." If you did, then why not own your own club and then make money off the drinks too? After all, by that point you should be so good that you can "pack 'em in" anyway so simply pack 'em in to your own establishment."
MAYBE someone doesn't want to own a bar and deal with running that type of business. MAYBE some people enjoy the KARAOKE business and that makes them HAPPY in and of itself? You're trying to say that EVERY KJ with a really BIG following should open up their own bar and then you accuse me of playing GOD????
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c. staley
Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:10 pm |
Extreme Poster |
Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:26 am Posts: 4839 Location: In your head rent-free Been Liked: 582 times
You don't get it Bruce?
Quote: There is more than one way to express "I WAS ONLY KIDDING". One of them is the rim shot drum beat that you used. Had you attacked me individually, I probably would have just laughed it off but when you make such a generalization about ALL karaoke singers, I couldn't help but speak up for ALL of us.
Perhaps you should check with all your loyal subjects and make sure you have their acceptance that you can speak for ALL karaoke singers. I'm sure that they're all glad that you're on the case to protect them. Was there some sort of election where they all voted you in as their spokesperson? Apparently, you took it upon yourself... what a comfort to know you're in their corner. Quote: I missed nothing, Chip. You threw in the "ba-da-boom" in an effort to coma across as politically correct by trying to make your true feelings seem like you were kidding when that is PROBABLY how you actually feel. I quoted the "ba-da-boom" because, to me, it was the same as you saying "JUST KIDDING" Once again you are ASSuming that I made "an effort to come across as politically correct"... Wake up Bruce, this is YOUR ASSUMPTION, not necessarily my intention and once again you're attempting make what YOU think as some sort of fact. If you wanted to know if I was kidding, you could ask, but it's easier not to isn't it?. Instead, you simply go on the offensive without clarification.... does "jumping to conclusions" mean anything to you? "Probably how you actually feel" is nothing more than another assumption isn't it Bruce? You don't know me and you have NO IDEA how I "actually feel" but you waste no time in projecting WHAT YOU THINK it should be. Quote: LAST BUT NOT LEAST....I'M ALREADY HOME(with my balls.ba-da-boom) living my so called life, just like you are...... Funny how you tell me that I need to get a life and both of us are sitting around the house on a Saturday afternoon doing exactly the same thing.......checking out a karaoke forum in between doing other things around the house. "Just like you are?" Once again, what makes you think I'm at home? Do you have a crystal ball? Can you actually see me "sitting around the house?" Golly Bruce, how many times have I walked to the kitchen? You should know that too since you sound like you're "all-seeing." I'm truly amazed... But in all fairness, I will have to simply yield to your ironclad statement that you are "iving my so called life" if in fact that's what you're calling it today. Quote: I've been trying to learn a few new songs in the living room. That's great, I'm sure your local KJ and the rest of the people in the clubs you frequent will appreciate that immensely. Keep on "trying to learn" and I'm sure it will pay off for you one day... maybe. Quote: What are you doing, tuning up your ORGAN? JUST KIDDING!!!
Although it truly is none of your monkey business, in your infinite wisdom you should already know. (Since you seem to know everything else.)
Try not to picture a large brass handle on the side of the karaoke machine and the KJ furiously turning it while you're out tonight "wowing the crowd" with the songs you've been "trying to learn." If you wear the little hat, somebody might just throw you a few coins.... (Ba-Da-Boom!)
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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:26 pm |
Super Duper Poster |
Joined: Wed May 18, 2005 10:03 pm Posts: 2674 Location: Jersey Been Liked: 160 times
My "assumptions" as you like to call them, are more like deductions.
Hmmmmm, I wonder how Chip keeps his singing monkeys in line.....hmmmm probably by spanking them repeatedly. Ba-Da-Boom
If I spoke for any singer who feels that your reference to us as being monkeys, was NOT insulting, I apologize to them.
"That's great, I'm sure your local KJ and the rest of the people in the clubs you frequent will appreciate that immensely. Keep on "trying to learn" and I'm sure it will pay off for you one day... maybe."
Who is making assumptions now, Chip?
"Try not to picture a large brass handle on the side of the karaoke machine and the KJ furiously turning it while you're out tonight "wowing the crowd" with the songs you've been "trying to learn." If you wear the little hat, somebody might just throw you a few coins.... (Ba-Da-Boom!)"
I KNOW FOR A FACT that I am NO ONE's monkey so I will not be picturing anyone grinding away at their organ tonight, especially you.
As far as "wowing the crowd", I have been known to do that on occasion, whether you like it or believe it or not.
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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:48 pm |
Joined: Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:09 pm Posts: 493 Location: Garland, Tx Been Liked: 3 times
Good Topic.
1) Who do you work for (who makes the final decisions on how your business is to be run)?
I work for myself and make all the business decisions.
2) Who is your customer?
The person(s) who pay me for my services, whatever they may be.
3) What is your product/service?
I am a contractor that provides entertainment services and public address setup/operation.
4) Who, ultimately, determines how your show will be run?
This dovetails in with #1 really. I make all the final decisions however I do take the input from customer and tailor my operation to fit their specific needs.
5) How do you define success and how do you know if you have achieved it?
Success to me is maintaining the drive to do the job and being profitable while doing it. Fun is important, at least breaking even while having fun is vital. Otherwise you're just indulging in a hobby.
6) Who, ultimately, determines if you are successful?
It's a joint determination based on how I like doing the job and what the bank balance states.
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Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2009 8:12 pm |
Joined: Tue Apr 06, 2004 10:18 pm Posts: 4080 Location: Serian Been Liked: 0 time
If you want to argue about chip's 'monkey' make another thread; don't do it in this thread. I will delete post on that subject from now on.
_________________ I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott
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c. staley
Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 12:34 am |
Extreme Poster |
Joined: Thu Jun 06, 2002 7:26 am Posts: 4839 Location: In your head rent-free Been Liked: 582 times
Jian said;
Quote: Bruce: If you want to argue about chip's 'monkey' make another thread; don't do it in this thread. I will delete post on that subject from now on.
Thank you.
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:36 am |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
ericlater @ Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:39 pm wrote: WHICH ANYONE CAN CHIME IN ON... KJ'S AND NON-KJ'S
I have read a lot of important posts and learned a great deal since becoming a member. The following subjects/questions have never been specifically addressed. So....
1) Who do you work for (who makes the final decisions on how your business is to be run)?
2) Who is your customer?
3) What is your product/service?
4) Who, ultimately, determines how your show will be run?
5) How do you define success and how do you know if you have achieved it?
6) Who, ultimately, determines if you are successful?
Eric, I think that in some cases ( unless I misunderstood ) you asked the same questions twice?
1 & 4) Me. I own my business, and am ultimately responsible for it's success or failure. Remember, most of us work for more than one venue, therefore, we cannot allow one venue to make decisions that may affect our following, show quality, etc.... They don't care about the other obligations of OUR business, just what's best for them- and that's how it should be. The only one looking out for MY business is ME.
2) Though paid by a venue, it is ultimately the singers' (and non-singing followers and friends) support that garners me that income. They are ultimately my customers- the people I aim to please. After all, happy customers = happy venue.
3) THAT is the best question out of all of them. My product is ENTERTAINMENT, and the creation of the type of atmosphere that causes people to want to stay longer, and keep returning.
5&6) I define a successful show as one that has run at least a year, is constantly profitable for the venue and myself, and will- if a move is required- supply top references from both venue and singers. Additional success would include references and leads for private events.
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
" Disc based and loving it..."
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:38 pm |
Joined: Sat Nov 15, 2008 6:34 pm Posts: 3616 Location: Toronto Canada Been Liked: 146 times
I just want to cover one, the customer. To me, everyone that is in the bar or the section of the bar where the karaoke is palying, is the customer. The singers, the non singers, the manager/owner. My job is for all of them to think I am putting on a good show. If I have them thinking that, and I brought in more revenue than my wages, I think I covered myself. Of course that's not to say if they make $2 more in profits that I covered but,,,
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:59 pm |
Joined: Thu Nov 07, 2002 2:40 am Posts: 7468 Location: Kansas City, MO Been Liked: 1 time
I agree. To me the customer is the ones that pay.
The CLIENT is the one that made the arrangements with me, but if it's a sucky show and they don't make money, they'll cut me loose.
I had more than ONE arguement with my old venue, as he would get uppity with me and say "I pay YOU", and I'd shake my head and say, "No, your customers pay you to pay me!"
If I pizz off those customers, then the show will falter, and soon I'll be out of a job!
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Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 7:59 pm |
Joined: Thu Dec 26, 2002 10:54 am Posts: 3485 Location: New Jersey , USA Been Liked: 0 time
1) Who do you work for (who makes the final decisions on how your business is to be run)?
ME I work for me and the business decisions are mine
2) Who is your customer?
As a KJ my customer is the OWNER or MANAGEMENT These are the only people that have to be satisifed with my performance.
3) What is your product/service?
I provide DJ and KJ entertainment services for customers/patrons of the venue
4) Who, ultimately, determines how your show will be run?
Difficult question, as far as mix of music or mix of karake dance or just karaoke - Ultimatley the management but hopefully with a lot of input from me- as far as rotation and hosting etc all ME
5) How do you define success and how do you know if you have achieved it?
I KJ part time and as long as I'm working as many days as I decide..I'm happy
6) Who, ultimately, determines if you are successful?[/quote]
In a BAR setting the CUSTOMERS/SINGERS determine if I am succesful, If they are happy and spending money ... YOU KNOW THE REST
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Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:08 am |
I started this thread with the following questions:
1) Who do you work for (who makes the final decisions on how your business is to be run)?
2) Who is your customer?
3) What is your product/service?
4) Who, ultimately, determines how your show will be run?
5) How do you define success and how do you know if you have achieved it?
6) Who, ultimately, determines if you are successful?
The various answers provided up till now reflect semantic interpretations and/or the mindset of each respondent. What if the questions were rephrased as follows?
1) Who do you ultimately want to satisfy?
2) Who do you ultimately want to satisfy?
3) What do you ultimately provide to the person your most want to satisfy?
4) Who do you ultimately want to satisfy?
5) Do the people you most want to satisfy appreciate your effort(s)?
6) Do the people you most want to satisfy "applaud" your efforts and want to experience you show again?
And with these possible interpretations in play, what might your answers be to questions 4 - 6? And what is your answer to question 3?
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Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:13 pm |
Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2009 9:48 am Posts: 102 Location: Hudson, NH Been Liked: 0 time
1) Who do you work for (who makes the final decisions on how your business is to be run)? I work for a friend who owns the equipment I use, but I market myself under my own name and 99% of the time, it's my judgement call as to how I run my show.
2) Who is your customer? A local chinese restaurant here in town.
3) What is your product/service? Karaoke. I keep a small collection of popular dance music with me incase the audience wants to dance, but I don't consider myself a DJ and I try to keep it karaoke if I can help it.
4) Who, ultimately, determines how your show will be run? Ultimately me, but I go off my venue and my audience and their response determines how I decide to run my show. If they're not enjoying themselves, I've failed, no matter how good I think I am.
5) How do you define success and how do you know if you have achieved it? see question 4
6) Who, ultimately, determines if you are successful? My customer (the venue). They hire me to give their patrons a good time and keep them there spending money. If they're not pleased with the results, they don't pay me, and I have not succeeded.
_________________ "K-Jay" www.kjayskaraoke.8m.com
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