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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:17 am 
I would have to agree that people who get paid a going wage shouldn't be seeking tips.

However, I have pointed out in the past how clerks in take-out restaurants who are paid a going wage commonly put out tips jars these days. So, while such workers shouldn't be looking for tips, there are too many that DO have tip jars out and receive tips.

Nonetheless...I DO put out a tip jar. Why?

If someone feels that I have done something to make their experience enjoyable and THEY want to tip me... it's more comfortable for me that they have a place to drop their tip than to come up and stick money in my hand while I am busy. That gesture typically interrupts my flow and re-directs my attention because I feel obligated to stop and thank the person and hear about the good time they have.

After I started getting tips with some regularity, I resorted to the jar. With the jar, I just smile or wave if I should notice the gesture, most of the time I don't even see who is dropping a tip unless they make it a point to let me know!

Oh.... and I very much like either "401K" or "Stimulus Package" labels for the jar. I retired in January and if you knew what happened to my "401k" you'd understand why I am considering putting that on my Jar!

And... NO.... I am not "tacky"..... I am "SMART" ---- While not being interrupted by those who insist on tipping me, I can pull in an extra $50 simply by putting out a jar with nothing written on it! Of course, if no one ever tips you, it might be tacky to put out a jar. I don't know? What I am doing just facilitates what is happening anyway!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:25 am 
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I was a little MIFFED by that Tacky comment!

some people just need F'n Tact! LOL!

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:30 am 
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Most businesses where you give a tip, the person receiving it normally makes minimum wage. Further the owner of the business normally does not receive tips. To me if you own your own business, ie show, having a tip jar is very tacky (if you cannot negotiate a good wage for yourself, you're probably in the wrong business). If you're working for someone else at a reduced wage, go for it.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:43 am 
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and in cases of oversaturation, many KJs ARE running at rates that border minimum wage! I know I was when I was a house KJ.

And as I said before, when your customers are complaining because you don't have one out, even so far as to get a pitcher from the bar, put their couple of bucks in it and put it on your table... you open your mind to the rest of the wprld, and stop being so judgemental.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:16 am 
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knightshow @ Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:43 am wrote:
and in cases of oversaturation, many KJs ARE running at rates that border minimum wage! I know I was when I was a house KJ.

And as I said before, when your customers are complaining because you don't have one out, even so far as to get a pitcher from the bar, put their couple of bucks in it and put it on your table... you open your mind to the rest of the wprld, and stop being so judgemental.

Exactly. I never had a tip jar... but my customers complained!! Go figure. Who am I to argue if people want to give me money? :D

If you want affirmation you're doing your job well... then there it is.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:35 am 
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Do you KJ's with tip jars claim all this extra income on your taxes?


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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:41 am 
Post Re: tip jars................
Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:30 am
Most businesses where you give a tip, the person receiving it normally makes minimum wage. Further the owner of the business normally does not receive tips. To me if you own your own business, ie show, having a tip jar is very tacky (if you cannot negotiate a good wage for yourself, you're probably in the wrong business). If you're working for someone else at a reduced wage, go for it.

Now let me see.....I stated the following in my last post
I would have to agree that people who get paid a going wage shouldn't be seeking tips.

However, I have pointed out in the past how clerks in take-out restaurants who are paid a going wage commonly put out tips jars these days. So, while such workers shouldn't be looking for tips, there are too many that DO have tip jars out and receive tips.

Nonetheless...I DO put out a tip jar. Why?

After which I explained why I did end up with a tip jar and why it was SMART of me to do so. And let me add, if nothing else, I consider myself at least as smart as the sixteen year old with the tip jar at Dunkin' Donuts... (which is where my daughter had her first job).

But, if you can't comprehend why some of us ended up with jars and you don't concur with their existence as explained by both Knightshow and Karaoke Koyote immediately following me...

What response are you expecting? Are you expecting those of us who put out jars as a convenience to our customers to cease and desist from doing so because of your being scornful of us?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:43 am 

Did Charles Manson declare all of his taxable income?

Oh... and while on the subject.... the methodology used by restaurants to maintain payroll records captures the servers' tips! Meanwhile, no such mechanism exists at the typical Starbucks and the like!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:15 am 
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Did Charles Manson declare all of his taxable income?

I don't know ericlater,you would have to contact the IRS.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:15 am 
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DJMojo @ Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:35 am wrote:
Do you KJ's with tip jars claim all this extra income on your taxes?


Oh yeah, every dime is dutifully reported to the IRS! :roll:

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:54 am 
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I put a tip jar out only because some people just want to give and I just don’t want to be handling money on stage. I normally don’t get nor do I expect any tips. But I won’t refuse any appreciation of any kind.

Can’t we make a point without fustigating? Ha.. I just learned a new word and I just wanted to use it. :P

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:16 am 
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DJMojo @ Sat Mar 07, 2009 8:35 am wrote:
Do you KJ's with tip jars claim all this extra income on your taxes?


Yeah ask that about some kj's regular wage. Many get paid under the table with no 1099 record.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:40 am 
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I think a point needs to be made here - tipping is not designed to 'supplement' what you're making from the show. It is a gesture on the part of your customers. It is THEIR choice to do it and it is an emotional decision for most - they feel that you have somehow gone out of your way to make their time spent at your show SPECIAL. They appreciate that you mix the sound for them, that you have good equipment, that you have their songs - whatever the reason. It is THEIR choice and their intent is not to suppelment your income. It is to convey a sense of gratitude. Not sure why some would deny people the right to do that.

For those who are anti tip jar, and who feel it is an attempt on the part of the KJ to just make more money from their show - reevaluate your opinion based on the desire of the customer to show gratitude - nothing more than that. A tip is the way they do that.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:56 am 
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Karen K @ Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:40 pm wrote:
I think a point needs to be made here - tipping is not designed to 'supplement' what you're making from the show. It is a gesture on the part of your customers. It is THEIR choice to do it and it is an emotional decision for most - they feel that you have somehow gone out of your way to make their time spent at your show SPECIAL. They appreciate that you mix the sound for them, that you have good equipment, that you have their songs - whatever the reason. It is THEIR choice and their intent is not to suppelment your income. It is to convey a sense of gratitude. Not sure why some would deny people the right to do that.

For those who are anti tip jar, and who feel it is an attempt on the part of the KJ to just make more money from their show - reevaluate your opinion based on the desire of the customer to show gratitude - nothing more than that. A tip is the way they do that.

Well said! :hi5:

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:56 am 
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Forget the tip jar. Lets just go with the simple question:

Do you accept tips?

If you do and think a jar is tacky then fine. However you're only fighting semantics at that point.

-Gryf, doesn't use a tip jar but accepts tips, Gryf

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:56 am 
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I completely agree with Eric and Koyote's points of view on this.

Unless you've never put out a tip jar or received an unsolicited TIP before, well then you'll never understand the value of compounded-tipping at the end of the week. It can equate to an extra hundred or so a week...

don't knock it unless you've tried it. If you have tried it and failed, or work a non-tipping venue and have non-bottled water drinkers who don't even tip the waitstaff, then this may be why you're "knocking it".

Whenever i go out as a customer anywhere, i appreciate GREAT service and feel good tipping and encouraging that service to continue in the future.

It's called APPRECIATION and i can distinguish the difference between lazy kjs and the one's who put out good professional effort. The extra catering WITHOUT "special favors" should be rewarded.

While you naysayers are biatching....The rest of us are making bigger deposits at the bank...without begging. No one MAKES someone tip!

sounds SMARTER to me! :yes:

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:03 pm 

Well said and succinct. I love succinct and simple.

So... is there anyone here who will refuse a tip when offered?

And, if so, Why? Isn't that insulting to your customer and won't it take time away from what you should be doing as you thank the customer anyway in the process of returning their gesture?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:05 pm 
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My mama always taught me that proper manners was when someone gives you something, you smile, take the gift and say thank you. Period.

In my neck of the woods, refusing a genuinely offered gift (OR TIP) is an insult.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:58 pm 
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Lonman @ 6th March 2009, 16:00 wrote:
no do not make ONE comment about it especially over the mic - if people WANT to tip you, then they will, any other way will make you sound like something else you don't want to be.

Personally, I find leaving a tip jar out is no different than asking for money over the mic. As Lonman said, if people WANT to tip you, then they will. Yes, they will walk up to you, say "Hey, you're doing a great job" and hand you $5. Leaving a tip jar out makes people feel obligated to tip you in fear of being seen as "rude." I know I'd feel this way going to a show with a tip jar. I don't believe in making my customers feel this way. Most KJs already make upwards of $75 an hour. Tip jar is tactless and unnecessary.


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PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:12 pm 
It's so nice when people have good reading comprehension skills and use them by reading the posts the precede them:

Re: tip jars................
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:00 pm

Tip jar is a personal choice. Some refuse to use one, others find no problem at all with it - like me. I have one out, there is nothing wrong with it.

It's also nice when people cut others some slack who have different viewpoints!

Tip jar is tactless and unnecessary.

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