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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Sun Mar 08, 2009 11:56 pm 
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c. staley @ March 9th 2009, 2:01 am wrote:
Okay Bruce, If you insist... but this is the last one:
You don't have to type out the exact words for people to figure out how you feel about singers that aren't what you determine to be "casual singers". By saying "Give me "casual singers" all day long"; you are, in effect, saying I would rather not have the "serious singers" at my show because then you wouldn't have "casual singers all day long", which is what you would prefer. You don't even understand wht you type.

I would prefer an NFL stadium FILLED TO CAPACITY with "casual singers" over 3 of your "serious singers" any day... Because the casual singers would be "whoopin' it up" with the really bad singing and beer drinking.... the 3 "serious singers" would all be bitching about the sound and rotation while they sipped on the 2 pops and 1 water between them.

Always with the generalizations Chipper. The average NFL stadium holds over 60,000 people but in your perfect karaoke world, yolu don't even have room for 3 DIVAS in a crowd of 60,000 plus. LOL You make this so easy.

That's what I've been saying all along. You have a real contempt for people that YOU consider to be Boy Wonders, Golden Throats, and or DIVAS. I have never claimed to be any of these things but you have tried to label me as such... not to mention a few choice other names. That seems to be your fall back position all of the time, as well as your other half's position. At least you haven't called me doody head yet. That one always makes me cry. Do you really think that calling people names strengthens your argument?

Okay Doody Head, if you insist.... But Bruce you ARE a diva... just look in the mirror already! You have no problem telling the world that you're at home "trying to learn some new song" before you debut them on your waiting throngs right? Wasn't that you that posted that you were doing that???? Why would you want to ruin the surprise and not just spring it on your crowds and dazzle them to death? Get a pin and pop your snobby little head..... quickly.

So anyone who enjoys learning new songs is a DIVA???? How many songs should someone know before they stop learning any new ones??? Please tell me oh great Karaoke god!!! I never mentioned anything about me having a waiting throng. My audience is whoever happens to be at the bar where I go on that particular evening. Again, you display your disdain for people who want to sing well when they go out to sing. I know people that can't carry a tune in a bucket but they still buy their own karaoke CD's and practice at home. I guess they're DIVAS in your eyes as well???

So ballad hell is a reason to blow off the rotation???? So much for the
consideration of the people that keep you employed, right???

(1) You Bet.
(2) Depends on who you consider the "people that keep you employed" are.
If you're a "serious singer," you'll say it's "the singers like me of course."
If you're a KJ, you'll most probably say it's "it's the club" or the "patrons that come in to have fun and spend money."

Try keeping a karaoke show going without singers. Without singers, be they good bad or mediocre, you are out of a job very quickly.

Those 4 or 5 minutes are about me and the song that I chose to sing. If I can sit through a rotation of over an hour listening to other people sing songs that I may or may not like, then I have the right to sing whatever song I want to sing when it is finally my turn.

I, I, I, I, I... it's still all about YOU isn't it?
Do you realize that you used the word "I" SIX TIMES in one sentence?

When a person gives his OWN opinion, the word I will be used often....and the word I was only in that sentence 4 times. LOL

Let me correct you: You have the right (and legal duty) to pay your tab and leave. Those are your "rights." You have the "right" to take your business elsewhere and not be singled out (because you're so good) by the KJ and mistreated by having your mic turned down. I don't believe that ANY of the karoake venues you frequent has a "karaoke bill of rights."

If the show is being run by a KJ who knows how to do his job, everyone is entitled to their turn at the mic unless they are doing something that would cause the management to 86 them from the bar or the rotation. Any singer who hands in a song slip should be able to sing a song of THEIR choice when their turn comes up. It doesn't matter if it's me or anyone else.

You are there to please me and EVERY OTHER singer when it is their turn to sing. Whether you like it or not, THAT IS YOUR JOB. it is about us, not you. The singers at your show are not there to sing songs that you want to hear. They are there because they want to sing a song that THEY LIKE TO SING. For their 5 minutes of stardom, it is about them and it's not about YOU AT ALL. You take it upon yourself to deny or delay your singers their time in the spotlight because you personally don't like the song they chose and you call THEM DIVAS.

This is where you're wrong... I'm NOT there to PLEASE ONLY YOU... I'm there to please EVERYONE and NOT individually. If I'm in ballad hell, I'll ask you to change your song to an upbeat one. Of course you don't have to change your song 'cause that's the one you've been practicing in your living room..... but then again, don't be surprised if I delay your song. I won't subject the other 99 persons in the house to 10 ballads in a row no matter how well you perform it.

I never said that you are there to please ONLY ME. You are there to please EVERY PERSON THERE and I am one of those people. A lot of KJ's talk of this Ballad Hell. I've never experienced it personally. I think it is something that SOME KJ's make up so they can squeeze in one of their friends out of turn. "I'm gonna bring up Julie to liven things up a bit, even though she just sang 4 songs ago"....but hey! It's my show and if you don't like it, pay your tab and leave". Persons?????? First of all, it's PEOPLE and second of all, 9 ballads in a row is fine with you but it's that 10th one that drives you crazy because that is the one being sung by a "serious singer" right?

Maybe you should print up a song book with only the songs that you like to hear???
God, I WISH I COULD! (most of your songs probably wouldn't be in there though) It would be heaven wouldn't it? No more "crazy", "love shack", "can't help fallin' in love", "boheimian rhapsody", "cheaper to keep her", "ten with a two", etc....

I'm sure that I could find enough songs to sing in any song book that you would put together if you didn't have the ability or desire to play a customer's discs.

Last night I sang "CHEAPER TO KEEP HER" & "TEN WITH A TWO". NOT EXACTLY YOUR love-lost, divorce-ridden, operatic death-dirge on the planet. Just another example of this "serious singer" singing some fun songs while out at karaoke.


"CHEAPER TO KEEP HER" & "TEN WITH A TWO" are two very new songs that are both funny and up tempo. I don't think they've been out long enough to gain the same status as "crazy", "love shack", "can't help fallin' in love", "boheimian rhapsody". Once again, you show your ignorance. Your efforts at comedy are even worse than your efforts at customer service.

I feel bad for the "serious singers" that are stuck living in your area and subjected to your obvious prejudices against them. You make derogatory assumptions about ALL SERIOUS SINGERS and then you get all defensive when someone calls you on it.
CHIP is the best name for you because you seem to have a GIANT one on your shoulder.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:55 am 
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And now we wheel out the disdain about "you aren't a real pro". I happen to know that real pros don't often say that type of thing. Hmm....

And I happen to know that real pros don't spend time in a karaoke bar singing for free. So yes, if you are equating "serious singer" to "Professional" then there is disdain there. Because most of the time I'm forced to deal with newbies that think they've thought of everything and their way is the only and best way.... sound familiar?

How did I know what? I never read his posts. I just know that most singers don't ask to be turned up unless they can't hear themselves.

More evidence that you are new to this "business." And why do you suppose they can't hear themselves?.... and your answer should have nothing to do with a personal "hot spot" monitor... A fun toy to have but not necessary, did you just buy one and the novelty hasn't worn off yet?

You seem to be fixated on this whole "monitor" issue... did you miss the part where I said I DON'T get requests from singers to "turn them up?" You keep ignoring it and want to keep harping on this monitor thing.... get over it already.

Do you do other no-nos like putting non-sub speakers on the floor with the horn pointed at people's knees? I am sure not -- only the rankest kind of amateur does stuff like that.

Oh great, here is your disdain for under-funded newbies that buy a drive off the net, a couple of Radio shack speakers and call themselves "a professional karaoke host." (They're not hear to defend themselves so I thought they needed protecting for some reason.)

Don't *necessarily* need? Are you saying that all your singers are drunks and that it doesn't matter they can't hear themself?

(1)Right. I'll decide what they need when it comes to sound, volume and the mix.
(2) And are you denying that you mistreat your dog twice a week? Nice attempt to put words in my mouth....

Drunk? Your "serious singers" drink? You obviously disdain every type of singer.
Well, that's half the problem... the "serious singers" don't drink... because they want to keep that "sharp edge" and they don't want to clog their cords with food.... so they're usually just sippin' on pop and water.... And NO, I do NOT "disdain every type of singer".... apparently just the categories you fit in though.

Or they want to hear themselves and don't have your extremely advanced concept of sound engineering which expects them to hear themselves in the mains no matter the mix?
You're really having problems with this whole "hearing thing" aren't you? Are you the one having the problem hearing? Does it seem like you're the only one having this problem?.... Have you considered a good audiologist?

I said:

Sorry. My job is to keep the ENTIRE club happy, not just a single singer for about 4 minutes at the expense of everyone else.

What expense? Explain to me what they are going through?

If I understand you correctly, you'd crank up the volume to whatever level the singer wants it to be to "accomodate them" as "your customer."
And THAT would be at the ear-bleeding expense of everyone else in the club.

Some people have 15 years of experience, some have one year of experience 15 times over.

And now YOUR disdain raises it's ugly head for those who have the experience and made a full time profession of this new hobby of yours. (don't worry Lonnie, I'll protect you from his poisonous barbs.)

A lot of AI singers got themselves started in karaoke. And quite a few have gone on to the serious music business. I will leave it to everyone else to decide whether that connects or not.
Want percentage is "quite a few?" Sure, leave it to everyone else to decide.... I'm sure that MANY more have NOT gone on to the "Serious Music business." An admission on your part that karaoke is not quite a "serious music business."

Can you tell me which of these songs wants the bass turned up?

A. Folsom Prison Blues
B. You'll Never Find

A. Kiss An Angel Good Morning
B. Your Man

A. Set 'em Up Joe
B. Your Man

Someone who knows what they are doing will get it right every time.

Sure. None of 'em... songs can't sing, people do. (ba-da-boom!)

But you have to be a little more specific if you REALLY want it to sound good:

1. Indoor or outdoor venue?

2. High ceilings or low?

3. Carpeted or not?

4. Stage elevated or level with audience?

5. Brand of track being sung. (chartbuster, sound choice, etc...)

6. Subwoofer or just 15" mains?

7. Sennheiser or (your favorite) Nady microphones?

8. Wireless or wired?

9. Who will be singing it?

You can't pretend to be able to know how to set your mixer for certain songs and if you think you can answer your own question and be "right" then your placing yourself at a skill level that ranks right up there with the boys with the Radio Shack system pointed at your knees because it would be "only the rankest kind of amateur does stuff like that."

I'm not a name dropper. If you don't know that musicians like to play, then you aren't a pro. Period.
Then you don't know squat and it's all BS... When push comes to shove, you take your ball and go home....

You'll worry everyone else with your sound, it seems. And you'll continue telling people they take YOUR serious business too seriously.

I'm done. I believe you have shown your true colors, and will let everyone else decide from here.

The only person worried about sound here is YOU... that you won't be able to hear yourSELF.... And sure, let everyone else decide.... obviously you are too new and inexperienced.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:39 am 
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Bruce said (again):
I feel bad for the "serious singers" that are stuck living in your area and subjected to your obvious prejudices against them. You make derogatory assumptions about ALL SERIOUS SINGERS and then you get all defensive when someone calls you on it.

Don't feel bad for them... they'll live.
They've managed so far and I know it's an uphill battle for them... really...

You can mail money if you like to support the "Orphaned Serious Singer Society of Detroit" Just make out your check to the "Motown Museum" they'll know what to do with it.

Always with the generalizations Chipper. The average NFL stadium holds over 60,000 people but in your perfect karaoke world, yolu don't even have room for 3 DIVAS in a crowd of 60,000 plus.

No generalization here and you misunderstood my statement: I'd prefer th...e 60,000 casual singers OVER 3 divas any day.... Not 60,003 total. But misquoting and out of context is your game ain't it?

So anyone who enjoys learning new songs is a DIVA???? How many songs should someone know before they stop learning any new ones??? Please tell me oh great Karaoke god!!! I never mentioned anything about me having a waiting throng. My audience is whoever happens to be at the bar where I go on that particular evening. Again, you display your disdain for people who want to sing well when they go out to sing.

No, not anyone... just you. (there, does that make you feel better?)
Actually, only those that have to announce to the world that fact. Try a little humility and just learn the darn songs and sing them and let's skip the drama about what you're doing in your spare time. Some of us don't want to know that much. But a diva is not going to just tell us what the other person said, they have to describe HOW they said it.....

I know people that can't carry a tune in a bucket but they still buy their own karaoke CD's and practice at home. I guess they're DIVAS in your eyes as well???
Only if they go on Facebook and want all their friends to know that they're practicing so they are "really good" when sing it in front of strangers...

Try keeping a karaoke show going without singers. Without singers, be they good bad or mediocre, you are out of a job very quickly
Only the "serious singers" would leave.... good riddance and the casual ones would be too busy with their friends to even notice.

If the show is being run by a KJ who knows how to do his job, everyone is entitled to their turn at the mic unless they are doing something that would cause the management to 86 them from the bar or the rotation. Any singer who hands in a song slip should be able to sing a song of THEIR choice when their turn comes up. It doesn't matter if it's me or anyone else.

Here is where you are mistaken again and think that for some reason you have some sort of "rights" because you're sitting in a karaoke club. If I NEVER called you up to sing, you still have NO recourse. Except to take your business elsewhere. That's it... that's all you have... You're too "serious" to even "go with the flow" because you want the "flow to go with you." You are going to defend your "right" to sing that 10th dirge-like love song whether the rest of us are asleep or not... I assert that I have a responsibility to NOT let YOU put the rest of the club to sleep and that's what I get PAID for. I've had this for years, but it was practically made for you: http://dkusa.com/video/budlight.wmv

I never said that you are there to please ONLY ME. You are there to please EVERY PERSON THERE and I am one of those people. A lot of KJ's talk of this Ballad Hell. I've never experienced it personally. I think it is something that SOME KJ's make up so they can squeeze in one of their friends out of turn. "I'm gonna bring up Julie to liven things up a bit, even though she just sang 4 songs ago"....but hey! It's my show and if you don't like it, pay your tab and leave". Persons?????? First of all, it's PEOPLE and second of all, 9 ballads in a row is fine with you but it's that 10th one that drives you crazy because that is the one being sung by a "serious singer" right?

Yes, I'm there to please everyone and NOT individually. You've never experienced "Ballad Hell" then you've only been to shows where the KJ IS doing his job. Go to a "newbie" KJ and watch "Ballad hell" crash the night. and no, I wouldn't let 9 ballads play in a row either. (then again, it might just be "ballad heaven" for you.)

I'm sure that I could find enough songs to sing in any song book that you would put together if you didn't have the ability or desire to play a customer's discs.
You bring your own discs? Wow, you are a "serious singer" with a very "serious" insecurity problem.... "Real singers" can sing off any disc... they don't have to have the only version that they've been practicing at home.

Have a nice day... it's my day off...

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:04 am 
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mckyj57 @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:23 am wrote:
Some have outstanding equipment. And that makes a lot of the old-line hosts a bit uncomfortable, as well as understandably making them feel a bit threatened. Singers know more than they used to, and will complain if they can't hear. They are discriminating about sound. A "karaoke mixing amplifier" and a pair of DJ speakers doesn't make for a top-of-the-line show any more. It isn't even up to snuff.

I understand your point, but that's kind of a generalization about the more seasoned hosts. I don't fit into any of the categories you speak of. I encourage people to broaden their horizons with new material and yes, I do have "state-of-the-art" equipment and sound. Our "casual singers" want to sound as good as the serious ones. They really do. And that's what we give them, and that's why they keep coming back. They're not willing to accept crap. Like I've said before, there are a zillion other places they could go. But they don't.


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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:59 am 
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Well, I don't have to point out anything else about your attitude towards "serious singers". It's right out there for all to see as is your incredible jealousy of my "genius" and Wonder Boy singing. HECK! You even seem to be jealous of my free time. I admit to practicing or rehearsing to learn new songs and even that seems to be a point of contention for you too. LOL I didn't realize that trying to be good at something that you enjoy was such a terrible thing! LOL Owning your own discs is now also a sign of being an insecure DIVA. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Chipper is one of those KJ's that expects you to sing the worst version of "WONDERFUL TONIGHT" FROM HIS STANDING OVATION DISC instead of singing the Sound Choice version that you are used to singing from. Great KJ ! NOT!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Poor Poor Chipper. He doesn't let the "divas" sing at his shows because he wants them to pay their tabs and leave without ever getting to sing because he is so intimidated by their talent, of which he probably has very little. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

The only insecure person here is you, Chipper. I don't discriminate against any singer or song when I'm out at karaoke. I enjoy what everyone brings to the party. You, on the other hand, want to control the people who come to your show....or maybe you just want to control ME???? That's an opportunity that you will never get.

"Good riddance to the DIVAS" What a great business model to live by when you're in the karaoke biz!!!

I get the feeling that if WE could hear an example of your singing in the Singers Showcase, Chipper, we'd be able to figure out why you dislike the really good singers of the world so much....or just me so much??? It must be that you've checked out my singing on the Singers Showcase and you came to the conclusion that I'm one of those DIVAS that you detest so much. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:30 am 
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Grown up adult arguing like 12 year old kids; this is what this thread become.

I can neither confirm nor deny ever having or knowing anything about nothing.... mrscott

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:15 am 
I can't figure out what has been going on other than BirdSong having been introduced to BFFL. And now both CStaley and she are trying to deal with him. He's the essence of the adage "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing". As you should realize by now, he constantly jumps from fact 1, to supposition 3 based upon assumption 2.

He's made assumptions (and this hardly scratches the surface) about:
Where I live/lived
What type of equipment I use
Who attends by shows
My thoughts about karaoke singers, that I, like CStaley, disdain them!

And I think, if nothing else, there is a possibility at this time that he is confusing having "fun" with someone simply "enjoying" themselves

["Fun" per Webster's: what provides amusement or enjoyment; specifically: playful often boisterous action or speech <full of fun>]

["Enjoy" per Webster's: 1 : to have for one's use, benefit, or lot : experience <enjoyed great success> 2 : to take pleasure or satisfaction in.]

 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 9:23 am 
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I was going to stay out of this entire thread even though I read the whole thing, until I saw what I quoted below. I find this extremely concerning that you would feel this way. From a patrons point of view. Correct me if I am wrong but how I read this is that you as the host feel that if there are several ballads in a row and you feel the crowd just isn't feeling it that it is your right to change up the rotation?

I would think common courtesy for your patrons, to sing in the order they have been during the previous rotation, unless you normally announce or have that written somewhere at the beginning of each gig stating: "You will sing in a normal rotation that you are accustomed to unless I feel otherwise." Just for clarification I say your patrons and not the bars because they are the ones paying you ultimately.

I can just say I do host, but I always frequent many bars throughout the week as a singer. Maybe your place is different but every place I have never seen a host change a rotation simply for the fact that they didn't like that they were in ballad hell.

If that were the reason I would take my crew of 5 - 10 people I normally bring and exercise my right to tab out. I would also make it known why I was leaving, just as I would make it known if my steak came out burnt when I asked for it rare.

My two cents.

and it's not for you to decide what style of music people should be singing in a sports bar

Guess again boy genius. If I'm stuck in "ballad hell" because a bunch of "quality singers" (such as yourself) want to belt out every sad, love-lost, divorce-ridden, operatic death-dirge on the planet, you can BET I'm gonna do something about it.

You are under the MISCONCEPTION and sadly mistaken if you think that I'm there simply to please YOU... what YOU want, when YOU want it, how loud YOU want to hear it, which song YOU want in the order YOU want them....

"Baby, Just Because I Rock, Doesn't Mean I'm Made Of Stone."

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:02 am 
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I was also gonna stay out of this one but I happen to feel like Lazer that I am there for the people and not for what I want. No amount of "Ballad Hell" is going to change my rotation. I might at the end of the rotation take a little time(Three songs) to interject some lively dance music into the fray but it does not and will not adjust the people that a singer is following. It's not about me, it's about my singers. They can sing what they want to and if I don't like the song, oh well. That's my problem and my problem alone. I can't stand Hip Hop but if that is what they want to sing, who am I to tell them they can't, unless the the club owner or client asks for none to be played.

The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:10 am 
I am lost Danny.... I thought that Lazer WAS expressing just the opposite sentiments as you just stated?

 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:16 am 
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ericlater @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 1:10 pm wrote:
I am lost Danny.... I thought that Lazer WAS expressing just the opposite sentiments as you just stated?

I think you might be reading the quote I posted from a thread, and not my message... I am pretty much in agreement with Danny. I believe in crowd first.

"Baby, Just Because I Rock, Doesn't Mean I'm Made Of Stone."

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:21 am 
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Laser Said:
Correct me if I am wrong but how I read this is that you as the host feel that if there are several ballads in a row and you feel the crowd just isn't feeling it that it is your right to change up the rotation?

Absolutely. I really have nothing against ballads personally, but if a long string of them is killing the night, remember that I'm being paid to keep people there no matter where initial source of the money comes from. (i.e. customers pay the club and the club pays me.)

I would think common courtesy for your patrons, to sing in the order they have been during the previous rotation, unless you normally announce or have that written somewhere at the beginning of each gig stating: "You will sing in a normal rotation that you are accustomed to unless I feel otherwise." Just for clarification I say your patrons and not the bars because they are the ones paying you ultimately.

And for the most part, the order does not change. I don't simply pick what I want to hear next all night or monkey with the rotation every 10 seconds. There's also nothing written somewhere that says; "You will ALWAYS sing your songs in the exact order that you submitted them AND in the same rotation" is there? I would expect the patrons to be just as flexible as they would want me to be with them. Isn't that fair?

Maybe your place is different but every place I have never seen a host change a rotation simply for the fact that they didn't like that they were in ballad hell.
I don't think it's a matter of the place, it's the host and how they run it.

Here's an example (just in an hot off the newswire) that is in principle, the exact same thing:
DannyG2006 said:
No amount of "Ballad Hell" is going to change my rotation. I might at the end of the rotation take a little time(Three songs) to interject some lively dance music into the fray but it does not and will not adjust the people that a singer is following.

What is the difference from changing the rotation by 3 singers -and patrons are still singing - or in the above example, stopping everyone from singing while you play a few upbeat dance songs?

Is it "perception" on the part of the patrons? Or do they all get mad because now you stopped them ALL and played dance music?

Keep in mind Laser that I'm certainly not trying to provoke any arguments here, but I firmly believe the KJ has a responsibility to keep the show interactive, participartory and fun for everyone. If this means to make MINOR adjustments to the rotation, then fine.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:32 am 
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First off I apologize for the color.. :) I'm not good at this quoting quotes that quote quotes thing. :) but cyan is me. :)

I would think common courtesy for your patrons, to sing in the order they have been during the previous rotation, unless you normally announce or have that written somewhere at the beginning of each gig stating: "You will sing in a normal rotation that you are accustomed to unless I feel otherwise." Just for clarification I say your patrons and not the bars because they are the ones paying you ultimately.

And for the most part, the order does not change. I don't simply pick what I want to hear next all night or monkey with the rotation every 10 seconds. There's also nothing written somewhere that says; "You will ALWAYS sing your songs in the exact order that you submitted them AND in the same rotation" is there?

Let me clarify. I'm not saying there is anything written, but there is a certain unwritten understanding about rotation, at least at everyplace I have been. I stating the above more to make a point that if you are changing from the nom, or most common rotation that 98% of the bars use it may be prudent to let your patrons know of the rules to avoid any miscommunications.

Maybe your place is different but every place I have never seen a host change a rotation simply for the fact that they didn't like that they were in ballad hell.
I don't think it's a matter of the place, it's the host and how they run it.

Here's an example (just in an hot off the newswire) that is in principle, the exact same thing:
DannyG2006 said:
No amount of "Ballad Hell" is going to change my rotation. I might at the end of the rotation take a little time(Three songs) to interject some lively dance music into the fray but it does not and will not adjust the people that a singer is following.

What is the difference from changing the rotation by 3 singers -and patrons are still singing - or in the above example, stopping everyone from singing while you play a few upbeat dance songs?

The difference here as I see it is that patron will forgive "music being played" they don't like line jumpers.

Is it "perception" on the part of the patrons? Or do they all get mad because now you stopped them ALL and played dance music?

Keep in mind Laser that I'm certainly not trying to provoke any arguments here, but I firmly believe the KJ has a responsibility to keep the show interactive, participartory and fun for everyone. If this means to make MINOR adjustments to the rotation, then fine.[/quote]

I understand that you are not trying to provoke an argument. This is just my two cents, and if I can influence someone’s opinion more towards my own, of course I would like to.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 11:53 am 
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If one needs to tweak the show several times a night to maintain a certain level of energy, then why not eliminate the low energy songs from the book and advertise your show as the high energy show that you want it to be?

The KJ and bartender can sit down and figure out what songs they want as part of their bar atmosphere and edit the songbook around that theme.

But if you have ballads in your book, there is always someone that is going to think it is ok to sing a ballad because....well...it is listed in the book.

With your new high energy songbook, you might lose a few ballad singers or you might gain a few high energy singers, who knows? But the singers will definitely know what songs are ok to sing.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:14 pm 
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birdofsong @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:04 am wrote:
mckyj57 @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 12:23 am wrote:
Some have outstanding equipment. And that makes a lot of the old-line hosts a bit uncomfortable, as well as understandably making them feel a bit threatened. Singers know more than they used to, and will complain if they can't hear. They are discriminating about sound. A "karaoke mixing amplifier" and a pair of DJ speakers doesn't make for a top-of-the-line show any more. It isn't even up to snuff.

I understand your point, but that's kind of a generalization about the more seasoned hosts.

Now we have something of the reverse problem. I intended it only to cover those who commiserated in the "it ain't like it used to be" threads. A lot of hosts move with the times, and it wouldn't occur to them to complain about the way things have changed.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:06 pm 
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Jian @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:30 am wrote:
Grown up adult arguing like 12 year old kids; this is what this thread become.

yeh?.....and what are you going to do about, pooh pooh head?...... :lol:

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 4:09 pm 

I'm glad that got straightened out. I wasn't trying to start an argument, just trying to get clarification.

 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:17 pm 
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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:21 pm 
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johnny reverb @ 10th March 2009, 7:06 am wrote:
Jian @ Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:30 am wrote:
Grown up adult arguing like 12 year old kids; this is what this thread become.

yeh?.....and what are you going to do about, pooh pooh head?...... :lol:

Send the bad one to detention class.

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 Post subject: Re: Serious Singers
PostPosted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:30 pm 
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I'll say that the only way I'd break up the "Ballad he!!" is with my filler music, the ten to twenty seconds at which I play mix music between the singers... as one departs and I have the next one coming up.

I won't ask the singers that pay their hard earned money to change their songs, nor will I adjust rotation, or do anything to negate what they want to sing.

Other than remind them of other types of music of which to choose from...

I sometimes wonder what some KJs are thinking... just who exactly is paying their salaries, and who exactly they're working for>????

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