letitrip @ Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:15 am wrote:
ripman8 @ Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:27 pm wrote:
That worked. Now I know what the aux knob is for on each channel.
What's a horn?
A horn is typically the term used to describe the small diaphragm driver responsible for producing higher frequency sounds. To put it in layman's terms, in a two way speaker cabinet, the horn is usually the top speaker mounted inside a plastic wave guide which usually produces all the sound from around 2Khz on up.
He was giving me a hard time. Ripman8 has a tendency, to, ahem, be quantitatively large in the number of questions he asks. Normally I just ignore anyone who constantly asks the next question when you answer one, but one time he I told him he was asking the obvious and he got a bit upset.
I still think people ought to look some stuff up for themselves. Other people are of the "no question is a stupid question" bent. I disagree with that. No *first* question is stupid, but once you have been initiated into a community there *are* stupid questions -- the ones where it becomes obvious you aren't doing any thinking for yourself.