First of all, you have to have an ear to know what's not so right, and what is right. Are we talking wrong pitch? Wrong mannerisms? No control? Speech impediment? Lack of range? etc...etc...the list goes on and on for someone who's not a pro singer.
Everything I do is a "bad take", then I settle on one of several takes to let the internet hear. Letting the real world hear you is where things get down to serious embarrassment.....or?
I kinda know what you mean though. I've heard internet singers put songs out that were totally not good enough and wondered.....does he or she even know what they sound like? Have they proof listened at all? Is what they're hearing really something good to them? Do they already have loads of support that it doesn't really matter what they sound like?
Singing in public and singing on the interent are two different animals. And one is sure to bite your a$$ and make you wonder.....what happened?
That's why I no longer sing in public!