oneofakind864 @ Thu 11 Jun, 8:53 pm wrote:
Thrilled to hear you actually asking for input about your products!
I just as thrilled to be able to ask and get so many good replies!
purpletib @ Fri 22 May, 9:17 pm wrote:
My biggest suggestion is to go with the mainstream stuff THAT HASN'T BEEN DONE. There are tons of big hit songs that have not been made for karaoke. I wouldn't see much point in producing stuff that two or three other companies has already put out.
From the point of view of a KJ, and I am a KJ too, you're absolutely right. However, from the point of view of a business, if I were to put out a disc full of '
Paradise by the dashboard light', '
I will survive', '
Angels' '
My Way'e.t.c. I could say with absolute certainty that it would outsell anything else I could ever do, regardless of how many others already exist. Having said that, its not what I plan to do, but as I have stated before, I am almost obliged to make fairly popular mainstream discs to start out with in order to remain viable for both myself and those good folks who grant my licence and process the royalties. They also want figures & forecasts, it also needs to be worth their while for the work they have to do.
Requests and unreleased tracks are definitely in the plans, but it simply won't be possible for at least a year. There are bound to be some tracks in the first few releases that won't have been done yet because I am going to try some discs based on a particular album rather than a 'best of'.
As far as endings, intros & solos go, we'll just have to see what fits best.
For intros, I personaly think a chord to set the key is a must and an audio count (maybe just a soft hi-hat or something) aswell as a visual count would work best, It'll depend on the song. As ever, not everyone is going to agree on the right way to do it.
I have a version of Sweet Child of Mine with no solo at the end. Almost without fail, that version disappointed whoever sung it because he just gets his air guitar warmed up and it immediately starts fading out. By contrast, Hotel california more often than not leaves the guy standing around wondering what to do with himself.
I think in these instances it might be better to put the whole thing in there, but have a definite indication on the screen that the singing has finished. Then it can be left to the KJ to decide what to do according to what he sees in front of him.
oneofakind864 @ Thu 11 Jun, 8:53 pm wrote:
But this is my Biggest Hugest most improtant request...I have literally spent THOUSANDS of dollars on tracks trying to find one that wasn't cheesy synthetic sounds...Oh PWETTY PWEASE Mr Karaok man....PLEASE use live instruments when the original did.
I will certainly only ever use real live guitars, and also bass if it works better.
I have to stress again, that it is just me doing everything so to use all real live instruments is impossible because I only play 4. However, these days, it is well nigh impossible to tell the difference between real instruments and something that has been programmed, because the sounds (depending on the quality of the synth product) are sampled from real live instruments played by real musicians, using real mics, real amplifiers & so on. They are not at all synthetic. The technology really is that good now, particularly with drums over the last couple of years. The programming & mixing still has to be good to get the best out of it and that is pretty much the area which will determine whether the track can be classed as professional quality or cheap amature.
I will do my absolute level best on the recordings. If that turns out to be good enough and if it takes off well enough, then it might be possible hire some help and start having some fun making the tracks we all want aswell as the ones that we all need.
Huge thanks to everyone for their input and also to karaoke scene for letting me post this thread, the feedback has been really useful.