I tried to use headphones to mix music and vocals for a while, but my headphones gave me a different mix than the actual front-of-house sound. (or was that just a short between the headsets?

) Anyway, it ended up that a good house sound was muddy and slightly muffled in the headset. So I gave up on those. But I'm thinking that maybe a better headset might work. I've seen headsets used years ago when I was on the road and they seemed to end up with a good front of house sound. Does anyone use headphones to mix the singer/music?
I do believe as do the rest of you that the singer should be slightly up-front.
One of my pet peeves as a singer is the KJ who abandons his/her post. They don't bother tweaking. They don't even set an initial mix for the singer. All mixes are the same for everyone who sings. It's like they don't realize that each disc as well as each singer is different. When you change from a mix using a Sound Choice disc to a Party Time disc, you’re going to get startled. Party Time's are recorded twice as hot as most of the others.
I call them "Ron Popeel" (sp?). Why? Because they just "Set It and Forget It".
I've seen them actually receive a call on their cell and leave the room to take it. What's up with that?
Personnally I just can't be comfortable if I'm not on top of the mix 100% of the time.