Feel free to use my music search engine for most requested. The top 200 is the same as Tohers' link but this breaks down by decade also.
This is the index page with a search of my libraries. I need to update as per the methods above.. Use the different search filters.
I will be doing a birthday party for a sixteen year old. This used to give me trepidations like crazy then i found a good method. While setting up I would put a couple of kids on the computer to search and and make a play list. Also take requests for dance music during the party. . If WIFI is available I download what I dont have.
Then I track these requests and consider getting them for karaoke. One request for karaoke from this new DJ list is a definite karaoke song to get. BTW I never listen to the radio and first time when I hear something is at karaoke. All of the new songs I sing after awhile I have to get the artists original to see what it originally sounded like.
This search engine is DJ Intelligence which runs about $100/year. It also has instant online quotes and other party planning tools. For those that do parties it is a good tool.