Greetings to everyone.
I happened to come across this site recently and have enjoyed the reading. You guys seem to be a nice group. I've mostly been reading what appears to be the KJ's, which has been enlightning to me on your thoughts and views. I've got some questions for you on some of your posts. You've had some good topics.
I'm not to familiar with this type of communicating, posts, blogs or whatever it's called, so please bare with me. Not really a computer guy here. Just a basic emailer.
Anyway, I'm in the Chicagoland area and I've been enjoying karaoke bars for 15 years or so. Regularly the last 3-5 . It's basically all we goto now. No particular home bar, I enjoy visiting them all. I've made some great life long friends I feel. 99% of the crowds are cool no matter what the age difference and music choices which has us enjoying it more. I hate remakes, which makes no sense with me loving to do karaoke. Aren't we all just doing remakes??
I hope I did this right and it wasn't to long-winded.
Lookin' forward to shootin' the breeze with y'al,
Avg Joe