Joannie @ Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:47 am wrote:
I'm no singer but I do enjoy going to karaoke with my friends to listen. It seems to me that the same people always seem to be singing the same songs every week so why does a karaoke DJ need a lot of songs?
First of all, the quantity of songs matters because there are so many music types. The quantity also helps keep the show fresh.
You're right with the fact of the same ol' singers with the same ol' songs. One place I hit, there's a girl that sings once a night, every week, "The Rose". She does alright with it. But it kinda stinks because you start tuning them out if you're a regular there. Singers not shaking it up a bit takes away from the KJ's show in my eyes. It's now just back ground music, you aren't watching the stage. What also adds to this, is KJ's keep a list for the regulars songs (which is great by the way ) but if there is only 10 songs on the his or her list, it turns into, "Here comes Bob again, is it gonna be Your Man or Neon Moon"? The places where I have list, I have a minimum of 75 songs. I try and keep them guessing if they know me. I add onto the list. I don't want to be routine. So I constantly check the books, for the new, and you come across something you never thought of trying before.
Come on now Joannie, you go up there and sing, you know the ins and outs, you like to sing because you say you sing in the car and shower, so get and up there and have fun and sing for you. Joins us. The heck with what we think about your voice, and or what you think we think.