BigJer @ Tue Sep 01, 2009 2:25 am wrote:
Makes sense to me Joe, but I'm curious about how you went about demonstrating that caring. Any particular actions you took, or are we just talking about conversing with them in a friendly matter when you happen to run into them somewhere?
I already do talk to people just because it's natural for me to act that way, but I was thinking about anything else special that you do for the people who have come to your show.
Natural friendliness is a BIG key.
I offer to buy any tracks they want (which will easily outfox an illegal system for a while, whilst the owner waits for it to come availiable on a download site, assuming they can even be bothered).
I also make an extra special effort for birthdays, and always have cards and in some cases presents. For the last regular it was a bottle of champane (but then it was his 50th and he has been an absolute star this year in helping me out), the one before received and others have been given little personalised chocolates or (shhh) a cd of them singing.
Where possible I try and make their special events or join them on a night out. I also check that they are okay if they haven't been around for a while.
For new customers I do cheat a little, I write down their name and song on a card so I can remember them, but then if they come to my show three times and i'll know who are anyway.
I also take photo's of everyone (with permission) and stick them on facebook x
Wow! What a fantastic idea. Hope it's not patented cuz I'm stealing it!