Greetings, all!
Figured I would do my best to play by the rules and post here first. I am trying to build a brand new show system from the ground up, and welcome all the advice I can gather. I am on about a ten-day timer, so I need to get crackin'. I have done enough basic research to realize that I need a laptop with dual video outs, but that sort of thing is apparently difficult to obtain "over-the-counter".
My needs are;
Rig for Medium-sized venues, maybe 1000 watts?
Prefer to rack-mount mixer and disc players, but am open to suggestions on reliable powered mixers (heads).
I have a digital song library at my disposal via a KJ friend of mine, so that's not an issue.
I could use a LOT of advice of laptop builds, including TigerDirect / NewEgg wish lists, if you have them.
Looking to get started for $2k or less, if possible. Good sounding and reliable starter system.
If you have a breakdown of your system you would be willing to share, I would certainly be willing to see it!
****Admins - if there is a good, active thread on this already, my apologies. Please to direct me there!***
Ok...Thank you!