Gawd, I thought y'all dumped me long ago....? Prolly just my Perrynoia.
Once again though, I discovered that alcohol and "real" singing just doesn't mix for me.
I arrived at the place after already having a few beers at home, so I was ready for my 1st song.....which was probably so-so, but atleast I hit the high notes.
Waiting for the 2nd song, I threw down a few more beers.....that's when I should've either removed myself, or picked something with very little effort involved....I was slurring in the last verse of the song.
Y'all are prolly thinkin'.....big deal? It's all about having fun!
Yes.....I suppose it is for the moment.....if living for the moment is all that matters?
And why does any of this matter to me?
Well, if you were me....and came to a place on the internet such as this....plastered my pic all over the place....put alot of effort into making songs for submission here....been through all of hell's worth of drama on the site.....let other un-interested people listen to me (like at work).....and still kept coming back for more, you might be a little embarrassed to ever show your face in public.....especially when you're not so impressive to begin with. Yes, I has to love one's self before expecting to be loved, but let's get real people.
I'm figuring that's why some in the showcase here never reveal a pic of themselves, and possibly use assumed names.....especially when they are tone deaf singers, but bring in their outside friends to make extraordinary comments just to boost their own egos? Or maybe they work at McDonald's or run internet scams?(I'm sick of McDonald's) Whatever the reason to hide, it's disgusting really. Give me a break people....the proof is in the pudding. The joke stops at the end of your song....or midway.....whichever high note you didn't reach and ruined the whole listening experience. No amount of echo or effect or (splicing?) takes away from the fact that you blow.
And why does this bother me so much? Because I refuse to buy into the popularity contest that just oozes from Singer's Showcase. I guess some are satisfied with lackluster performance....personally, I can't deal with it from myself. That's why I can't find my "happy place" for this anymore. I can't live this "lie" any longer. It goes against what I always thought I stood for. It's like trying to be a politician.....something I loathe. This whole karaoke thing for me has been a huge investment in time, money, and personal failure in many aspects of my life. I can't count how many dollars I've spent in bars, how much pain or anger I've caused my family, and the number of responsibilities I've ignored during the last few years of this fantasy ride. I think I'm just winding down to reality now, which is probably why I'm "less impressed" with all the hype.
And that whole thing I always spoke of here about my favorite kj being my inspiration? What a crock. I must've had my blinders on for sure. I should be beaten
like a red-headed step-child.
I do know what I'm good at. Getting drunk and mouthing off.
Being drunk doesn't take away from my ear for only impedes my performance as a karaoker. A person doesn't even have to sing, or could be the worst singer ever, but could still be the best listener and see through all the fluff. We are only as good as what others tell us about ourselves. And if we believe everything that anyone tells us, we'll never have any self-respect. And from what I see here, it's the way of the world....the karaoke world. I think we need to listen to ourselves more.....and possibly our "inner" selves to realize that we may not be the best thing since sliced bread. People like to speak of having a good heart, but supercilious behavior is just the opposite and makes one's credibility suffer. I don't like being in that position.
And what does this all have to do with my night out last week? I think it's all relative to the subject.....singing. Karaoke is a business....we even pay for it here....and some don't.
The one's who pay must be gluttons for punishment. The one's who don't can just laugh it off......since nobody really knows their true identity.
I guess I'm a glutton for punishment and wish I never would've found this karaoke thing. I have nothing in common with anyone. And paying for friendship is ridiculous and sad. But I do appreciate that 3 of the best singers I've heard have chimed in here.
How did I get this way? All of the above. I became a heavier drinker because of it also. If I would've continued to go out to bars after May in 2008, (when it all came to a halt for me) I'd either have been arrested by now, seriously mamed in a bar fight, on drugs, divorced, or dead. Neither of which has happened yet, but has a higher likelihood than if I never had exposed myself to it.
And if I never had exposed myself to this place, I might've found something more constructive and rewarding to do with all the time I seem to have wasted here.
But here I am.....still rambling on for y'alls amusement.
I need to set a date and be done with it. It's too cliche for me.
Anybody wanna be my friend? I have a cell phone and a pm button. Take care.