Dr Fred @ Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:21 pm wrote:
I have done a moderate number of songs.
However my time to do a song well involves listening to the song several times to get the lyrics right. That may take on average 30-60 minutes for song depending on complexity and length.
With an average 4 minute song just listening to it about 6 times. A couple times to familiarize with the song and verify the correctness of the lyrics text file, even if you know it already (songs with 5+ repeats of a phrase in a row are especially difficult to verify), once to vocal remove, once to add the lyrics and a couple times to verify/edit the lyrics placement.
That comes to at best 2 songs per hour.
Even at minimum wage that is about $4 a song. So unless you have a lot of idle time, buying commercial karaoke songs is better unless the song is not made commercially.
So if there was an opportunity to do this that paid $8-$10 a song would there be a group of people out there that would be willing an able to do it? Keeping in mind that what I am looking for in the way out output is an enhanced LRC file with the timing and the lyric in a text file like Media Commands outputs - not a graphics file.
Or if someone can figure out how to full the necessary timing data out of a cdg stream and marry it with text based lyrics in a text file that would be an option as well. But I need something that is scalable either by using technology or, harnessing the power of a few people who know how to do this efficiently.
If anyone is interested shoot me an email: readyteddy2000 at yahoo.com