As much as I talked about my compact system sounding good ( Yamaha EmX512 and 2 Peavey PR15's or Behringer B1520 pros) I am contemplating POWERING UP a little with an AMP / MIXER set up. I'm hopeful to get my Sunday OUTSIDE gig back this spring and even though the EMX512 worked fine last year , a ittle more CLEAN power couldn't hurt plus I've already a Wedding booked for July which I'm sure could use the extra power.
From what I've investigated I'm leaning towards the QSC GX5 which pushed 500watts x 2 @ 8ohms. It's light and a decent price of $399 ( putting it the same as the Behringer clone).
The mixer is what I'm tossing back and forth. It HAS to be rackable, built in effects. I don't plan to add any additional EQ's or ENHANCERS etc in the rack.
I know the ZED12fx is getting great reviews but from what I tell is not rackable.
The last rackmounted mixer I used was a Behringer 1222fx and really liked it.
I personally did not have any problems with it for the 2 years I used it before going to POWERED MIXER. They now will be offering the NEW Model of this mixer with USB and built in compression on the mono mic channels which is really what is pushing me to this mixer.
I think a system like that will give me some added clean powere and still be LIGHT and COMPACT and fit nicely in the SKB combo rack I already have in my basement.
I'm not going to pull the trigger until I can confirm my Sunday outside gig !!