Well, just about everybody knew it, and now the police have made it official. Lee's wife, her brother and two others were charged today with killing him. Here's the link:
I was fairly sure this wasn't connected to the bar, as Lee's marital problems were well known. She was on drugs and crazy to begin with. He did everything he could for her, as that's the kind of guy he was. He was a fixer. He saw something broken and he just couldn't help trying to make in right. He was that way the bar and with people. Truly a guy who would give you the shirt off his back, lend you money, whatever.
I had a private party at his bar a few weeks ago, and the guy was asking me to wait till after the party (the first of the month) to pay me. Lee said "don't worry about it. I know him and I'll get the money from myself" and fronted me the money for the party without a second thought.... and he did it with a big gentle smile and a handshake.
Really, a big loss to the community... and to me I lost more that a karaoke gig... I lost a friend. I've really been torn up by this all week.