Seriously? No one is forcing you to do anything. If you don't like the deal at fifteen cents per track, please don't purchase them. We're selling them at this price to clear inventory space, which costs money. It's really very simple.
Any additional questions or comments?
I have read your entire response to this thread. Like I said, I have always been one of CB's biggest supporters with at least 80% of my library being CB. I think that CB makes a quality product.
Will I stop buying your discs because of this? No. I understand what your saying about clearing out your warehouse and the value you are putting on these sets but I just wish you would change your marketing a little. Yes, you do list the songs on these discs on the website, and quite honestly, when I first saw the listing on the website and saw the dups listed, I thought it was a typo. So, in the interest of honest advertising, if you are going to list a set of 2XX songs that contain duplicates, can you at least say that in the ad. Like, "This set may contain duplicate songs". Then you're being right up front with the customer and there won't be any surprises if someone didn't read every page on the list.
Also, you asked for additional questions or comments so I have one for you.
Why did CB cut the songs on the Hits of The Month discs from 15 to 12 and why are they charging the same price for 12 as they were charging for the 15?