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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:33 pm 
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tbreen @ Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:19 pm wrote:
WOW! I can't believe where this has gone. Again, a true testomony to how UNprofessional our profession has become!

First, let me address those that accuse me of somehow being affiliated with Compuhost. I guess it depends on your definition of AFFILLIATED? I started out as a very satisfied user of one of their other products, FastTracks, and started using Compuhost around the time of its first release in 2005. Since then I have offered quite a few feature suggestions, some they instituted, some they didn't, but at least they listened! I have also participated in a few alpha-beta test sessions, as I'm pretty sure Sevarin has. But most of all, I feel a part of the development of Compuhost, and to a small degree, feel a little responsible. I've also become sort of a Compuhost marketer and go-to guy for fellow Compuhost users in my area, some of which are Compuhost users because of me. So, if this defines an affiliation in your eyes...GUILTY AS CHARGED!

To Toger: Although you're probably going to deny it, isn't it true that when you first released Autokdj, you self proclaimed yourself as knowing more than the other software developers by publicly stating something to the effect of "they are stupid, the money is not in selling their software, its with selling content. The secret is giving away the software, and charging for the content." Bring back memories Toger? Well, history seems to have proven otherwise hasn't it?

And now Tricerasoft: I gave your organization alot more credit than you obviously deserve! You've now lowered yourself to using forums such as this to promote your products by trying to discredit others? WOW! Personally, I tried your Remote Tool, it truly looks like a child with a crayon designed the screens! Is that the best you can do? And let me remind you that it was MICROSOFT that introduced the word PROFILE (as in USER PROFILE) to the common computer user (UNIX and other systems before that). NOT YOU! So Invicion's choice to use the term only makes sense. If the use of a simple WORD constitutes copying to you, than you owe MICROSOFT some royalties, yes?

The fact is, Invicion, through hard work and listening to their users continue to deliver top notch products, improving on some competitor ideas, innovating with their own. But isn't that the way its supposed to be? If not, you wouldn't have the choices in cars, appliances, restaurants (the list goes on and on) you have today! I will not lower myself by further participation in this debate. I was raised to respect the opinion of those you respect as a person, and not waste time on those you don't.


Once upon a time, many, many years ago, in a country far away, there were many people who had no transportation. They had to walk everywhere they went, and it was not very effiecient.
Their leader decided to do something about the problem and came up with an idea: make cars cheap and affordable so that all the people or almost all the people could afford to buy one and get around their country to to the things that needed doing much more efficiently
A "people's car", if you will.
Into production they went, and it was good idea that worked well, so much so that the car was eventually exported to other countries, most notably to the US and Canada.
The company that was created as a result o f the leader's idea was Volkswagen, a company still in business today.
The leader? That was Hitler.
My point?
You don't have to like the originator of an idea or even respect him.
But that doesn't mean it's not a great idea.
Nor was toquer's any less a great idea, just because he used a few choice words that you don't approve of.
As for professionalism, tbreen, you are currently shooting yourself in the foot.
At least it appears so to me.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:57 pm 
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tbreen @ Mon Nov 08, 2010 3:19 pm wrote:
WOW! I can't believe where this has gone. Again, a true testomony to how UNprofessional our profession has become!

To Toger: Although you're probably going to deny it, isn't it true that when you first released Autokdj, you self proclaimed yourself as knowing more than the other software developers by publicly stating something to the effect of "they are stupid, the money is not in selling their software, its with selling content. The secret is giving away the software, and charging for the content." Bring back memories Toger? Well, history seems to have proven otherwise hasn't it?


I'm just gonna comment here... Yeah, I still think the money is in selling content. Knowing myself, I probably used harsher wording than your even stating.

Thing is I've never gotten my theories on karaoke sales to code (using a kiosk to let customers buy songs on the spot for themselves, or for the venue) Someday I hope to. (We didn't do it in ampautokdj because it's single threadedness meant your cdg lyrics would freeze on download) We have the built in store as proof we are interested in pursuing this direction one day soon(very soon though!).

Anyways, you will always have p00pypants no matter what I do or say, so at this point I negate your argument by accepting defeat. No matter what you say it will not deter me from accepting that you're right, I curse like a sailor. As a bonus, I will apologize to you and the scene for my sometimes harsh words.

Enough of me... Let's move onto history.

Tricerasoft can attest to how well or bad his song sales are to software. If he doesn't want to, ok no problem. I'm betting his song sales do him more favors than the software does though.

You should lay off him too. He's done nothing but good for the scene. He's gotten untold numbers of manufacturers to sell on his site, which should make him a hero in everyone's book. Tricera advertises on this site so what's the harm there? His support of this site lets you post here. On top of that, he created the Mp3+g format, and not once has he ever went out of his way to harass other companies using his file format.

What's wrong with making comparisons of software's based on their merits (which is all he did) Again, I haven't seen you do that yet, in this thread or any other thread. Personally, I think if you got all the software folks in one thread discussing the merits of one another software, that would be a pretty interesting read.

But in your world Tbreen, guys like me, guys like tricera shouldn't even have a voice on forums. You can't stand it because your emotions run so high, it clouds you from seeing that you are wrong. You don't come and confess. we're looking for you., Why don't you run and tell that?

Here, now for something more entertaining than the morality police, the bed intruder song.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 4:07 pm 
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I just wanted to throw one last praise at Tricera.

Tricera, despite making his own hosting software has always kept his store interface-able for other hosters. I use it, and so does kjams. I don't know if anyone else does, but whatever it's cool.

I hope for the scenes benefit, chartbusters does the same thing (or just lets tricera resell it)

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 10:45 pm 
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tbreen, are you seriously that oblivious - they copied our wording and interface exact and added a pretty picture. No other kiosks in the industry looks alike, except now. I was stating a fact, not looking for feedback - this was purely rhetorical.

And get your facts straight, the term "Profile" used for the purpose of a user history in a karaoke remote kiosk has only been used by us (well was atleast as of January). Unless you "are" CompuHost, don't speak for them!

And don't talk to us about trademark and copyright, we hold the trademarks that made the digital karaoke business possible and the invention that makes it possible for you to play digital karaoke on your computer everyday - if you don't know what that is do some reading.

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