TopherM @ Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:30 am wrote:
If i wanted my money back, coz the program and the service is useless, you will nevet get them back.
Yeah, this is freeware, so what are you talking about "money back."
If you paid for this software off some other site, then there's your problem. Do a GOOGLE search for Karaoke5, and you find that this program is FREE.
The guy doesn't have to offer any services. This isn't a business. This is a hobby!
This is like finding a TV in someone's front yard, taking it home, and being upset that the picture quality isn't very good.
From the website.....
In the professional version, Karaoke5 is an excellent text synchronizer for the creation of Kar, Midi, MP3 and K5 files, for the particular management (with Double Screen "TV", mixing of songs through the Mix Control, K5 Virtual Instruments, Arranger Express, BroadCast etc. etc.) during performances or shows.
and i clicked on the pay button, and it is 113 euros.