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Murray C
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:34 am |
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birdofsong wrote: Speaking as one of the few people here that actually works in the U.S. court system, a motion hearing is not a trial. In the course of any given case, there can be 10 or more different motion hearings Thankyou for your clarification and informative insight birdofsong. I was obviously under the mistaken impression that a default judgement could result from a trial, especially where oral evidence and cross-examination by a judge is involved. I am of the understanding that a default judgement can also be granted by a judge on the basis of the filed claim without the need for a hearing. I am not sure if that is correct, but regardless of whether a hearing is held or not, the judgement is made by a representative of the court, correct? If that is so, then the trial/not-trial argument is moot, in my opinion. JoeChartreuse's question was in regard to a case being decided in a court of law... JoeChartreuse wrote: I was under the understanding that in - what. three years?- that not a single SC case has ever made it to court... ...I'm guessing by your post that I must have missed one. Would you be kind enough to provide information in regard to that case? ...and I responded with a case (Case 1:11-cv-22481-CMA) that had, in fact been decided by a judge in a court of law (United States District Court, Southern District Of Florida). United States Patent and Trademark Office wrote: (d) Failure to deny allegations in complaint. Every allegation in the complaint that is not denied by a respondent in the answer shall be deemed to be admitted and may be considered proven. The hearing officer at any hearing need receive no further evidence with respect to that allegation.
(e) Default judgment. Failure to timely file an answer will constitute an admission of the allegations in the complaint and may result in entry of default judgment. If the case had gone to trial and the defendant had admitted the allegations during that trial, I don't think the judgement would have been any different.
Last edited by Murray C on Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
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c. staley
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:06 am |
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Murray C wrote: If the case had gone to trial and the defendant had admitted the allegations during that trial, I don't think the judgement would have been any different. Why waste resources? Objection your honor, calls for speculation.
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Murray C
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:57 am |
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Simple logic really. Something a programmer should know about, I would expect!
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c. staley
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:40 am |
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Murray C wrote: Simple logic really. Something a programmer should know about, I would expect! Programming logic does contain "ifs" and "ands" however, your speculative scenario above does not directly correlate to "simple logic" in a courtroom setting. If all the scenario's in the world were as (one-sided and) "simple" as you've illustrated, we would have no need for a court system would we? Let's look at another "simple" scenario as well: #1. You purchased a karaoke track. Why? Did you purchase it for the trademark, the audio portion, the lyrics, the synchronization or perhaps a combination? #2. You might rely on the trademark as a "mark of quality" before you make your purchase but I'll bet you buy them for the audio, lyrics and synch. #3. The mfg. does NOT own the original composition. While they might have some copyright protection to the "sound recording" they created of the original composition, it is not a derivative work and quite the opposite; it is recorded to reproduce the original composition in every way possible. It is in fact, recorded to be "as close to the original" as possible to avoid a derivative work, right? #4. The mfg. does NOT own the lyrics. They didn't write them, they have no copyright on the lyrics correct? #5. The mfg. does NOT even own the synchronization to the music. The artist that popularized the song is the one that set it in place. Which of these elements is not necessary in the normal course of use of these tracks at all? "Simple logic" dictates that it is the trademark that is not needed.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 10:45 am |
Joined: Thu Aug 05, 2010 1:40 pm Posts: 1052 Images: 1 Been Liked: 204 times
c. staley wrote: Programming logic does contain "ifs" and "ands"... This is incorrect. For example: If-then(-else) The if-then construct (sometimes called if-then-else) is common across many programming languages. Although the syntax varies quite a bit from language to language, the basic structure (in pseudocode form) looks like this: (The example is actually perfectly valid Visual Basic or QuickBASIC syntax.) If (predicate) Then (consequent) Else (alternative) End If As for and: 10 most cited programming languages are (in alphabetical order): C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and SQL. They all use " and" within their language structure. What language do you use? Are you simply being argumentative because you can't resist the compulsion?
_________________ Never the same show twice!
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c. staley
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:16 am |
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MtnKaraoke wrote: c. staley wrote: Programming logic does contain "ifs" and "ands"... This is incorrect. For example: If-then(-else) The if-then construct (sometimes called if-then-else) is common across many programming languages. Although the syntax varies quite a bit from language to language, the basic structure (in pseudocode form) looks like this: (The example is actually perfectly valid Visual Basic or QuickBASIC syntax.) If (predicate) Then (consequent) Else (alternative) End If As for and: 10 most cited programming languages are (in alphabetical order): C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, and SQL. They all use " and" within their language structure. What language do you use? Are you simply being argumentative because you can't resist the compulsion?
It is not incorrect. My statement above are the plural usages of "if" and "and." If you want to use that syntax, go right ahead.... the common denominator to all of these is that they BEGIN with "If" and contain a "then" and are terminated with an "endif" (not, "end [space] if"). However you also left out the usage of "Elseif" as well as "AND NOT": Code: IF (MtnKaraoke lives in Colorado) AND (MtnKaroke sings karaoke) THEN MtnKaraoke sings karaoke in Colorado, skip the rest of this test. ELSEIF (MtnKaraoke lives in Colorado) AND NOT (MtnKaraoke sings karaoke) THEN MtnKaraoke lives in Colorado and doesn't sing karaoke, skip the rest of this test from here. ENDIF Below is some actual code from an error handler (from years ago): Code: If Err = 6 Then MsgBox "This is an overflow error." + Chr$(10) + "Currently loading " + Message$, MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP, "Overflow Error" ExitProgram ElseIf Err = 7 Then MsgBox "This is a FATAL error condition.", MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP, "Memory Error" ExitProgram ElseIf Err = 3049 Or Err = 3015 Then MsgBox Error$ + " Executing Repair and exiting. You will need to restart this program. " + Str$(Err), MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP, "Possible Corruption" Close RepairDatabase (MainDB$) ExitProgram ElseIf Err = 3024 Then ChDir PrgDir$ Resume ElseIf Err = 3279 Then Resume SkipOpenError Else MsgBox Error$ + Chr$(10) + " Please report the ENTIRE contents of this box! " + Str$(Err) + " " + Message$, MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP, "UNRECOGNIZED ERROR!" ExitProgram End If
There are about six ways from Sunday to perform the same logic without using "ifs" or "ands".....
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 11:47 am |
Joined: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:21 pm Posts: 1609 Location: Earth Been Liked: 307 times
Murray C wrote: and I responded with a case (Case 1:11-cv-22481-CMA) that had, in fact been decided by a judge in a court of law (United States District Court, Southern District Of Florida). Not so. This case was not decided by a judge, it was decided by procedure. The judge applied the damages by law due to a procedural default. Case 1:11-cv-22481-CMA wrote: FINAL JUDGMENT THIS CAUSE came before the Court upon Plaintiff, Slep-Tone Entertainment Corp.’s (“Slep-Tone[‘s]”) Motion for Default Final Judgment (“Motion”) [ECF No. 78] of its claims against Defendant, Karaoke Miami LLC (“Karaoke Miami”), pursuant to Rule 55(b)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. For the reasons set forth in the Court’s September 14, 2011 Order granting the Motion, it is ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follows: ...... Federal Rules of Civil Procedure wrote: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure VII. JUDGMENT > Rule 55. Default; Default Judgment (a) Entering a Default. When a party against whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise defend, and that failure is shown by affidavit or otherwise, the clerk must enter the party's default.
(b) Entering a Default Judgment. (1) By the Clerk.
If the plaintiff's claim is for a sum certain or a sum that can be made certain by computation, the clerk — on the plaintiff's request, with an affidavit showing the amount due — must enter judgment for that amount and costs against a defendant who has been defaulted for not appearing and who is neither a minor nor an incompetent person.
(2) By the Court.
In all other cases, the party must apply to the court for a default judgment. A default judgment may be entered against a minor or incompetent person only if represented by a general guardian, conservator, or other like fiduciary who has appeared. If the party against whom a default judgment is sought has appeared personally or by a representative, that party or its representative must be served with written notice of the application at least 7 days before the hearing. The court may conduct hearings or make referrals — preserving any federal statutory right to a jury trial — when, to enter or effectuate judgment, it needs to:
(A) conduct an accounting;
(B) determine the amount of damages;
(C) establish the truth of any allegation by evidence; or
(D) investigate any other matter. Soundchoice applied for a default judgement and it was granted, because those are the rules of procedure. While this is a victory for Soundchoice, I feel justice was not done in this case because the pirate was not forced out of the business and Soundchoice will probably have a difficult time collecting the damages. The case that I and others are hoping to see is a case that will decide whether trademark display and media shifting for a KJ that is 1:1 is "fair use". I personally doubt we will ever see that because it would require going to court with a KJ that did not pirate his music. It's unlikely that Soundchoice would allow that to happen. So in the future, all we are likely to see are settlements and default judgements. Both are victorys for Soundchoice, but the settlement that includes the purchase of a Gem set is the bigger victory for Soundchoice because the ridiculously large judgements are impossible to collect unless the defedant is very stupid and very rich. On a case by case basis, none of these court victorys appear to be victorys for legit KJs because in the end the pirate is allowed to remain in business with most of his pirated library. A true victory for legit KJs would be the shutting down of the distributors that are still putting new pirate KJs in business. It would be nice to see some more regular publicity on those efforts as well as some publicity on the numbers of pirate KJs that signed the "leaving the business" settlement.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 5:57 pm |
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earthling12357 wrote: On a case by case basis, none of these court victorys appear to be victorys for legit KJs because in the end the pirate is allowed to remain in business with most of his pirated library.
A true victory for legit KJs would be the shutting down of the distributors that are still putting new pirate KJs in business. It would be nice to see some more regular publicity on those efforts as well as some publicity on the numbers of pirate KJs that signed the "leaving the business" settlement. In honor of National Talk Like A Pirate Day - Arrgh! Sound Choice is doing exactly what is in their best interest, and I don't fault them for that. But some KJs on this board need to come to the realization that the actions SC is taking is not in the legit KJs best interest. They are putting your competitors on a level playing field with you. If a pirate deletes their SC tracks and goes right back to their venue with still 80,000 tracks but minus SC tracks, they still have more music than you and have now made themselves litigation-proof and the threat to shutting down their business is gone. Now what?
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:15 pm |
Joined: Mon Dec 10, 2001 3:57 pm Posts: 22978 Songs: 35 Images: 3 Location: Tacoma, WA Been Liked: 2126 times
rickgood wrote: Sound Choice is doing exactly what is in their best interest, and I don't fault them for that. But some KJs on this board need to come to the realization that the actions SC is taking is not in the legit KJs best interest. They are putting your competitors on a level playing field with you. If a pirate deletes their SC tracks and goes right back to their venue with still 80,000 tracks but minus SC tracks, they still have more music than you and have now made themselves litigation-proof and the threat to shutting down their business is gone. Now what? In this area I do not consider a KJ without SC tracks on an even playing field - it still is the preferred choice to the majority. As a matter of fact there are some kj's deleting their SC library and we have had new people in looking for new shows to sing the songs they prefer.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 7:50 pm |
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:31 am Posts: 5419 Location: Watebrury, CT Been Liked: 413 times
Lonman wrote: rickgood wrote: Sound Choice is doing exactly what is in their best interest, and I don't fault them for that. But some KJs on this board need to come to the realization that the actions SC is taking is not in the legit KJs best interest. They are putting your competitors on a level playing field with you. If a pirate deletes their SC tracks and goes right back to their venue with still 80,000 tracks but minus SC tracks, they still have more music than you and have now made themselves litigation-proof and the threat to shutting down their business is gone. Now what? In this area I do not consider a KJ without SC tracks on an even playing field - it still is the preferred choice to the majority. As a matter of fact there are some kj's deleting their SC library and we have had new people in looking for new shows to sing the songs they prefer. It all comes down to selling yourself. I tell my prospective clients that I carry nothing but the highest quality legal Tracks in the business. Landed me one gig so far. Am now searching for another gig to add to the one I already have.
_________________ The Line Array Experiment is over. Nothing to see here. Move along.
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c. staley
Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:10 pm |
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DannyG2006 wrote: It all comes down to selling yourself. I tell my prospective clients that I carry nothing but the highest quality legal Tracks in the business. Landed me one gig so far. Am now searching for another gig to add to the one I already have. That isn't selling yourself. That's selling the tools you have alone. There's nothing that even a spectacular library can do for a crappy host. A host can have every single disc from every library ever made and it won't provide any job security if they just suck to start with.
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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:50 pm |
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DannyG2006 wrote: It all comes down to selling yourself. I tell my prospective clients that I carry nothing but the highest quality legal Tracks in the business. Landed me one gig so far. Am now searching for another gig to add to the one I already have. You've spent thousands of dollars to buy tracks from SC and CB and spent time and money for their audits to be "certified" and you have one freaking' gig? How's that ROI working for you? DannyG2006 aren't you concerned SC and CB aren't busting all the pirates in your area to free up some venues for you to work? Obviously "highest quality legal tracks in the business" might not be the best sales pitch going. Then what? If your competitors all get audited and "certified" where does that leave you in the marketplace? Cheapest KJ? KJ with the most legal tracks? KJ with the oldest legal tracks? You have no unique selling proposition at that point so then what will make you different from your competitors?
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Murray C
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:14 am |
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earthling12357 wrote: Not so. This case was not decided by a judge, it was decided by procedure. The judge applied the damages by law due to a procedural default. Your interpretation is flawed. Federal Rules of Civil Procedure wrote: (a) Entering a Default. When a party against whom a judgment for affirmative relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise defend, and that failure is shown by affidavit or otherwise, the clerk must enter the party's default. CECILIA M. ALTONAGA UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE wrote: A Clerk’s Default was entered against several Defendants, including Karaoke Miami, on February 7, 2011. Yes, as Judge Altonaga states, the clerk did enter the default as required ("must" is a mandatory instruction) by the "Rules of Civil Procedure". Entering a default not a default judgement! CECILIA M. ALTONAGA UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE wrote: Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 55(b)(2), the Court is authorized to enter a final judgment of default against a party who has failed to plead in response to a complaint. “‘[A] defendant’s default does not in itself warrant the court entering a default judgment.’” DIRECTV, Inc. v. Huynh, 318 F. Supp. 2d 1122, 1127 (M.D. Ala. 2004) (quoting Nishimatsu Constr. Co., Ltd. v. Houston Nat’l Bank, 515 F.2d 1200, 1206 (5th Cir. 1975)). Granting a motion for default judgment is within the trial court’s discretion. See Nishimatsu, 515 F.2d at 1206. Because the defendant is not held to admit facts that are not well-pleaded or to admit conclusions of law, the court must first determine whether there is a sufficient basis in the pleading for the judgment to be entered. Who has the discretion to grant the motion? Who determines (decides) whether there is sufficient basis in the claim(s) for judgement to be entered? It is not the Clerk. It is the Court.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court wrote: In the United States, and other common law jurisdictions, the term "court" (in the case of U.S. federal courts) by law is used to describe the judge himself or herself. So it is the Judge herself who decided there was sufficient basis in the claims, to award a default judgement in this case.
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Murray C
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 9:06 am |
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earthling12357 wrote: The case that I and others are hoping to see is a case that will decide whether trademark display and media shifting for a KJ that is 1:1 is "fair use". I personally doubt we will ever see that because it would require going to court with a KJ that did not pirate his music. It's unlikely that Soundchoice would allow that to happen. So in the future, all we are likely to see are settlements and default judgements As far as I am aware, there is no "fair use" doctrine within trademark law. However, in fairness to KJ's wishing to media-shift, Soundchoice has made it clear that they will tolerate, without authorizing, the 1:1 media-shifting according to their policy (that is clearly stated in the Miami Karaoke case documented on this forum). So yes, it is highly unlikely they will proceed to trial against a KJ they know is 1:1 compliant. But if they don't know if a particular KJ is 1:1 compliant, they may well proceed to trial, although they may also move to dismiss once they find out the KJ is truly 1:1 compliant.
Last edited by Murray C on Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:06 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
timberlea wrote: I will stand corrected on this being a hearing.
"Default Judgement:
default judgment n. if a defendant in a lawsuit fails to respond to a complaint in the time set by law (usually 30 days), then the plaintiff (suer) can request that the default (failure) be entered into the court record by the clerk, which gives the plaintiff the right to get a default judgment. If the complaint was for a specific amount of money owed on a note, other money due, or a specific contract price (or if the amount due is easy to calculate) then the clerk of the court can enter a default judgment. If proof of damages or other relief is necessary, a hearing will be held in which the judge determines terms of the default judgment. In either case the defendant cannot speak for himself/herself. A defendant who fails to file an answer or other legal response when it is due can request that the default be set aside, but must show a legitimate excuse and a good defense to the lawsuit."
So unless there is a legitimate excuse AND a good defence, in this case, then Karaoke Miami is out of luck. So what you're saying is that since SC defaulted- hence, LOST the case to Ernie, they have admitted that they didn't have one to begin with? Just askin'....
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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:14 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
rickgood wrote: In honor of National Talk Like A Pirate Day - Arrgh!
Just want you to know that I own the book written by the inventors of this day- and that my pirate name is "Slippery Dirk The Well-Endowed". Just sayin'....
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
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Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:26 pm |
Joined: Wed Feb 07, 2007 1:12 pm Posts: 5046 Been Liked: 334 times
If I might add to the "simple logic" debate: Simple logic dictates that attaching one's logo to another's property without permission pretty much negates one's trademark infringement case. The trademark is legally invisible. Play SC8125, ( or any of the HUNDREDS of UNLICENSED SC tracks) and note the logo/TM added WITHOUT PERMISSION BY THE MUSIC OWNERS. Sorry, won't fly in court with an informed judge or defense lawyer. Want to sue about another track? Just show a long and strong history of SC abuse.
Sorry, but as stated before, it is neither legally or financially safe for SC to go to court- which is why they NEVER WILL.
_________________ "No Contests, No Divas, Just A Good Time!"
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Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 6:02 am |
Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:31 am Posts: 5419 Location: Watebrury, CT Been Liked: 413 times
JoeChartreuse wrote: timberlea wrote: I will stand corrected on this being a hearing.
"Default Judgement:
default judgment n. if a defendant in a lawsuit fails to respond to a complaint in the time set by law (usually 30 days), then the plaintiff (suer) can request that the default (failure) be entered into the court record by the clerk, which gives the plaintiff the right to get a default judgment. If the complaint was for a specific amount of money owed on a note, other money due, or a specific contract price (or if the amount due is easy to calculate) then the clerk of the court can enter a default judgment. If proof of damages or other relief is necessary, a hearing will be held in which the judge determines terms of the default judgment. In either case the defendant cannot speak for himself/herself. A defendant who fails to file an answer or other legal response when it is due can request that the default be set aside, but must show a legitimate excuse and a good defense to the lawsuit."
So unless there is a legitimate excuse AND a good defence, in this case, then Karaoke Miami is out of luck. So what you're saying is that since SC defaulted- hence, LOST the case to Ernie, they have admitted that they didn't have one to begin with? Just askin'.... I don't see how you can equate a loss to a settlement which preceded and takes precedence over any further court action. Ernie settled with SC before the judgement so the judgement of default is null and void.
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Lone Wolf
Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:33 am |
Joined: Mon May 28, 2007 10:11 am Posts: 1832 Location: TX Been Liked: 59 times
Wondering where Harringtonlaw is? He's sure been quiet lately, did we scare him off or is he to busy with the Fla default thing.
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