Bazza wrote:
: you hoard hundreds of screenshots from defunct message boards like some karaoke version of the unabomber!
When ARE you releasing your manifesto anyway?
I like to think of it as "preserving monumental statements relative to the industry and sharing pertinent facts." All for your benefit of course...
#1. I spend MY money to deliver the (pacer) FACTS to you....
#2. I gave away a bunch of posters that took hours to create. (which you even claimed were good enough to pay for)
#3. I gave away FREE songbook software
#4. I even argued with Thunder, InsaneKJ and WallOfSound just so you'd have something to pile on to....
How much "better" can I be?
Give, give, give.... that's me....
Besides, I CAN'T be the "evil one" because you have the attorney on
your side.....