ripman8 wrote:
Where would you have the host put them in wolf?
One way or the other the current singer is going to have to wait
for all the singers from the "old" and "new" rotations,,,,
unless the host told the new singers that they have to wait until
everyone that was in the "old" rotation got to sing two more times.
I don't follow what you are suggesting, please explain.
It really depends on when they come in (who is singing and what time it is).
If I had 10 singers and they came in when #4 was singing and it is early,
I would most likely put them at the end of the rotation which would be after #10.
If they happen to come in when #9 is singing I would make them wait 1 entire round
and then put them after #10.
Due to the fact on an average for a 3 minute song it usually takes about 3:15 to 3:45
for that singer to get to the stage, sing, and then get off so the next singer can get up.
I don't run a cattle rotation where I expect the next singer to be standing by the stage
when the last singer is almost finished, some take a little longer to get up there and leave,
due to age, didn't hear their name called, etc. with those averages a 10 singer rotation can
take up to 40 - 45 minutes, and longer for songs that run longer.
I don't want to have to explain to the #1 singer why he has to wait so long for his second
song just because 10 people walked in 3 minutes before he is supposed to sing next.
As to the 10 that just walked in they just have to realize that there are people that have
been waiting and they will just have to wait their turn.
Now if it's just a single singer I would drop them in just like Pyledriver said.
or if it was a couple of singers I would mix them in somewhere within the up coming rotation.
It all comes down to "It's your show" and your regulars know how you run "Your" rotation
and must like it or they wouldn't keep coming back. No one's rotation is perfect it doesn't exist.
I don't know what I would do if I had 25 singers sign up when I started the show, and then
more came in later....someone is not going to get to sing....."KARAOKE STARTS AT 9:30"
come early get a good seat and a good place in rotation or just sit there and listen.
I will insert a new singer immediately after the person singing if the marker is next. Whatever rotation we are in They will get up before the marker. No one see the guy before you sing twice before you sing at my show.