MtnKaraoke wrote:
Yes Bazza, I call those "train-wreckers" - same for the people who sign up and ignore the list of singers on the screen and are not available when it is their turn.
I have a Simple Rule, If I call Your Name and you don't answer or come up to the stage, I will do a simple "Bob, Going Once, Twice, And Gone" and move on through the rotation. If they lose their turn, Tough. they can wait until the next round. It's not my job to go hunt them down.
MtnKaraoke wrote:
I don't limit anyone's song selection in any way.
I have to do this. I work in a Bar that is attached to Denny's restaurant. No Songs with foul language is allowed before 11pm, due to the fact that there could be kids in the restaurant. after 11 it's "Hey, why do you have your kids out at this time of night?" I also Have a rule that says someone cannot sing the same song that another patron has sang in the last hour. I can't stand the "She's singing
my song, well I'll show her Put me up for that song on my next turn" People. I wonder if they realize that since they didn't write the song,
It's not theirs.
MtnKaraoke wrote:
Last night, I had two "can you bump me?"
I have a simple way to handle this. I simply tell people that I only will bump them if they tip me $50 or more before hand. That gets rid of most of those. although I have had a couple of occasions where someone actually Tipped me the $50. So when I announced them I said: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is tom and he just tipped me $50 to sing now. so here he is." No one complained.